Changes to Q


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Jan 15, 2012
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I know some of the 'posters' will have watched Q for many years (not necessarily bought, but for 'comedy value') and would just like to know what changes (for better or worse, for richer or poorer) (sure that is a sentence mentioned elsewhere), you have seen that you either they would bring back or would drop.
I watched QVC and bought for the first twenty years, now it's just like you say, I channel hop for the comedic value. I stopped buying and closed my account when four of the last five things I order were visible used, dirty returns, the refunds would take forever and my items were stuck "in process" for about four days, and don't get me started on the p&p. I wouldn't buy now anyway, they're like the Harrods of shopping telly were it costs a weeks shopping for five sausage rolls. No, they're not for me now, too pretentious, hard sell, fast paced and trying to be something they're not, but obviously that's just my opinion.
I hate the constant use of iPads during shows, but I also hated it when customers phoned in to gush about whatever they were flogging at the time as well, so they've just changed one annoying aspect for another if you ask me. The only positive thing about the phone-ins was the chance that someone would put the presenter in their place or say that they hated a product which was always fun if you managed to catch one.

The big change for me is the hard sell though. Only Julia & Jilly have avoided it IMO. Obviously Debbie Flint is the worst, but originally I was delighted when it was announced she was coming back as I really liked her the first time round. (I was the same with Sara G as well and she's unbearable now).
I tend to use the website to look at things and only buy what I consider to be reasonable value e.g I buy Decleor but when I add p&p it works out cheaper unless there is a special offer to wait until there is £50 off stuff to get free p&p from HOF or another online site. Q comes into its own when you are buying something you are not sure about , like the very first gTech Airam TSV when I knew I could send it back.
Never sat through a whole show for years.
I wish they had not brought back DF and SG. Can't stand either of them.
Ii's a shame about the loss of Debbie Greenwood - she was my favourite presenter. Would bring her back.
Hate the new smaller graphics - can't read them.
I don't like the introduction of the iPad during shows and the constant use of them by some of the presenters. I also think that now there are too many repetitive TSVs ......... namely Dyson, No! No!, the electronic facial cleaners and all the laptops, even if they are the latest models.

The thing I do like is the fact that I have an 'off' button on the TV and so I can avoid the shows and presenters that I don't like.
I`d change all the presenters, every one of them. They`ve had their day and have become arrogant, uninteresting, shouty and boring.
I liked it when they did the review of the hour at the end of the hour. They don't do that anymore.
I've been watching since 2008 and shopping since 2009, so well after QVC's inception. Even in that time I've noticed changes which are not for the better. Where previously you could enjoy an hour, now it's so rushed as much of the time when the presenter used to allow the guest to take centre stage is now crammed with jump to the phones, ridiculous tweets and twitpics being put on screen, and self-obsessed stories. There has been relentless decline in variety of products, and most departments are dominated by a few far too frequently recurring brands. The dwindling jewellery shows featuring real gemstones and gold... we are getting a load of plated brands, and far too much diamonique... and even with diamonique the variety is reducing. There were a number of different brands of diamonique with different styles and in different metals. We've seen across the range the disappearance of enjoyable, informative guests to be replaced by people who have barely read up on the brand they are "ambassadoring".

I do still buy and there are shows I watch and enjoy, but not many. Taken as a whole the QVC offering is becoming repetitive and boring. And as others have also said, the prices have been creeping steadily upwards.

One of the most striking things with QVC though is how their website has actually got worse with each "improvement" they have made. It's clearly an unloved Cinderella in their world - more fool them.

I remember the days when I would be pleased a show was being presented by Debbie Flint or Julia Roberts. I remember (and lament) the days when I had no clue who Sara Griffiths was, having not watched when she was on previously. I remember when Simon Biagi didn't bellow his way through all his shows.

Still, all this "progress" is saving me a fortune, so in that respect it's improved my spendthrift ways :mysmilie_59:
Crap presenters but good products could be tolerated

Crap products but good presenters at least would be light hearted viewing

Crap presenters, crap guests and crap products = switch off big time.
For me it is the iPads being used whilst ignoring guests, the new shouty hard sell approach and reading out tweets where we have to hear some ridiculous user name and get all the hashtags mentioned. If someone says I like that candle I don't then need to hear hashtag Yankee, hashtag QVC or whatever, the point of the tweet was the actual message. That is not just Q though, the BBC and others do it too.... meaningless IMHO. Rant over!
Twats should be confided ENTIRELY to facts.

Ask guest a sensible question (and by that I mean do not ask something which has been said a thousand times by presenter and guest and is bleeding obvious to a blind man)

Guest answers sensibly (and by that I do not mean fancy sales twaddle) hard facts is what we want.

End of, no zillion Kipling monkeys, no telling JR her hair is lovely, no asking about a top she is wearing on a beauty show, no family stories.

And NO, absolutely NO ordering on air
I miss the red button... i used to like a sneaky look what was coming up in the hour or what I'd missed...
Bring back Debbie Greenwood, kick Del boy flint and Mieal to the curb and bring back craft (particularly Anna Griffin and K & Company)
I haven't bought for years, and watch just for fun, mainly for the perverse reason of seeing what carp they will come out with to try to get you to purchase. Before this, I bought a few items - nothing hugely expensive - and was happy with the items, but the parting of the ways with them was due to a presenter giving incorrect information - and Q stubbornly insisting they were right: after that, I refused to give them any more of my money. My account was closed after I bought a piece of jewellery from them, that Charlie "Food Gobbler" Brook had spent an age telling you was the real McCoy, wonderful piece of jewellery and fully authenticated/certificated, etc. etc. "as jewellery should be" (end of quote). When I received it, (1) the invoice description was wrong, full of incorrect spellings and insufficient description, and (2) no authentication/certification. When I phoned them, someone who sounded like they were sharing a brain cell with 10 others told me that "oh no, we don't provide any authentication or certification, you got that wrong". When I asked why, since the presenter had said they did, the Call Centre Operator once again told me I was mistaken - so I told her I'd taped it, and would be making a complaint to ASA, as I didn't like being called a fibber. She then changed her mind, put me through to "someone senior" - probably the cleaner - who offered me a full refund and grudgingly admitted that the presenter must have "made an error". To be fair, I got the full refund quickly after sending the item back, but I wrote a stinking letter to Q telling them that I would not purchase from them again and suggesting that it might be a good idea to employ some staff who knew what they were doing. I later got a £20 money-off voucher sent to me, but too late.

My other issue with them is the twatting, twittering and tweeting crap that goes on continually. I don't really want to look at the top of someone's head as they look down over their IPad or whatever (although it does tell me who needs their roots re-touched!!). And finally, bring back Debbie Greenwood, and get rid of the awful Marv.
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Twats should be confided ENTIRELY to facts.

Ask guest a sensible question (and by that I mean do not ask something which has been said a thousand times by presenter and guest and is bleeding obvious to a blind man)

Guest answers sensibly (and by that I do not mean fancy sales twaddle) hard facts is what we want.

End of, no zillion Kipling monkeys, no telling JR her hair is lovely, no asking about a top she is wearing on a beauty show, no family stories.

And NO, absolutely NO ordering on air

Dead right cos there are plenty of twats on QVC
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