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Why is Gemporia allowing people to buy one of a kind pieces in advance before they even go to air? They know they are going to sell. Absolutely pathetic.
I quite like this way of presenting. It’s good to know how much the jewellery is, and then you know if it’s in your price range or not. And preferable to a 40 minute lecture, followed by ‘Oh these have all sold out,’ with no idea what anything costs. Also nice to hear Debbie saying about the grades within grades. Explains why they can set Santa Maria Aquamarine in silver. all the while telling us that this is thousands of dollars at Tucson.
I quite like this way of presenting. It’s good to know how much the jewellery is, and then you know if it’s in your price range or not. And preferable to a 40 minute lecture, followed by ‘Oh these have all sold out,’ with no idea what anything costs. Also nice to hear Debbie saying about the grades within grades. Explains why they can set Santa Maria Aquamarine in silver. all the while telling us that this is thousands of dollars at Tucson.
I've no problem with the presentation, I agree it makes the programme worth watching to see some lovely pieces without all the rabbiting on for half an hour. I just don't see the point of putting one-of-a-kinds on pre-sale and then they are almost all sold before anyone even sees them on air.
I've no problem with the presentation, I agree it makes the programme worth watching to see some lovely pieces without all the rabbiting on for half an hour. I just don't see the point of putting one-of-a-kinds on pre-sale and then they are almost all sold before anyone even sees them on air.
Are they really sold to genuine buyers or is Gems doing dishonest sell tactics again i. e. making viewers think items are more rare and valuable than they are and they are missing out them? Also all the settings and stones appear the same as when Debbie was on Rocks & Co.
Are they really sold to genuine buyers or is Gems doing dishonest sell tactics again i. e. making viewers think items are more rare and valuable than they are and they are missing out them? Also all the settings and stones appear the same as when Debbie was on Rocks & Co.
I can’t really see how that would have any value to them, if there is only one of each piece? You can’t do the usual hype and have whip people into a frenzy to buy lots of everything. And if there were no genuine buyers then there’s no money coming in for all those hours of airtime? Debbie Cavil has said she supplies to Cruise Ships etc so I’m sure her pieces are genuine and if they do seem familiar, perhaps it’s because that is her style. I happened to be looking in a jewellers yesterday and they had some beautiful aquamarine pieces, tiny in comparison and all above £5k, so I think people have had some bargains.
I think the Cavill & Co range is far superior to anything else on Gemporia at the moment.

The gemstones are good quality, appear to be well cut, and are of good carat weight (probably why there's one-offs of each item, because they're one-of-a-kind stones rather than commercial grade stones that can be bought in bulk).

They're 18 carat gold, with decent gold amounts too.

When you look at these for around the £2k mark, and then look at Jade Troth's Jadeite being flogged in plated silver at 10% of the price, it's clear to see where the value for money is.
I’m new here too though I’ve been reading comments with interest. . I thought some of the Cavill pieces were lovely but did no one else think that some particularly the mandarin and some sapphires seemed included. Is it just me.
CBD oil try Charlotte's Web, gummies are great and you can buy a sample for £10.00
Thought Cavill & Co weren't back till October???

On again today - for four hours.

Yet less than 2 weeks ago, they told us that all of the Cavill & Co jewellery was being shipped over to America - and it would be your last chance to buy until October.

Why do they tell so many lies? Do they think people don't notice? It doesn't exactly instill trust!
On again today - for four hours.

Yet less than 2 weeks ago, they told us that all of the Cavill & Co jewellery was being shipped over to America - and it would be your last chance to buy until October.

Why do they tell so many lies? Do they think people don't notice? It doesn't exactly instill trust!
I just find it insulting that they think we are not aware of what they say and what is shown! It makes me wonder what their opinion is of their customers!
I have noticed that whenever Debbie Cavill is flogging Paraiba Tourmaline from Africa in various colours apart from classic Windowlene Blue, she always goes into long, drawn out explanations of why they’re still good even though they’re not Brazilian. Surely if you’re that proud of your gems you wouldnt have to do this type of preamble?You would expect each gem to stand on its own merits and not be comparing it to the Brazilian type?Surely the Tourmaline from Africa is simply that and what exactly makes it Paraiba?
I have noticed that whenever Debbie Cavill is flogging Paraiba Tourmaline from Africa in various colours apart from classic Windowlene Blue, she always goes into long, drawn out explanations of why they’re still good even though they’re not Brazilian. Surely if you’re that proud of your gems you wouldnt have to do this type of preamble?You would expect each gem to stand on its own merits and not be comparing it to the Brazilian type?Surely the Tourmaline from Africa is simply that and what exactly makes it Paraiba?
I guess that, like all the other different artificially coloured gemstones that get called "Paraiba" despite not being a) tourmalines or b) Brazilian, they should more accurately be called "Paraiba coloured" stones.

But Gemporia hates drawing any attention to some gems being artificially coloured at the best of times, so that's never going to happen.

At the end of the day, Debbie Cavill can give her opinion on her African stones as much as she likes. It's the market that will determine whether her opinion is correct. Or not.
Are her different coloured Paraiba tourmalines, true Paraiba tourmalines, they don’t seem to be heated ?
Are her different coloured Paraiba tourmalines, true Paraiba tourmalines, they don’t seem to be heated ?
Once upon a time I would of said yes as she's on Gemporia now? Not so sure but would hope so.
There are still quite a few Cavill & Co pieces apparently for sale on the website, despite being supposedly sold while on air. I don't get all the hype and price tag for the grandidierite. It may be very rare but it just looks murky to me, even her top-grade one.
Grandidierite is all about the rarity hype. It WAS rare at one time (5th in the rarest gemstones list I believe) - but a new deposit was found around 2017, which has made it far more commonly available. It is no longer anywhere near as rare as it was - but Gemporia still play on the 'top 5 rarest gemstones' line of old that is no longer relevant today.

There are now many more stones that are FAR rarer than Grandiderite - to the point where they're almost impossible to get hold of. Benitoite, Painite, Taaffeite, Jeremejevite, Pezzottaite, 'proper' Bixbite (not the heavily included 'Rhyolite with Bixbite inclusions' that Gemporia were flogging as Bixbite a few years ago, etc to name just a few.

If they had brought Grandidierite to air ten years ago, then yes, it would have been a really big deal simply because of it's rarity - but these days? Meh, it's just another murky greenish-blue heavily included stone that is available in mass quantities.

As for Paraiba - just to be clear, heat treatment doesn't mean that its not a 'real' Paraiba. Heat treatment is probably the most acceptable treatment out there. Unlike other treatments, it doesn't add anything artificial to the stone. Heating simply helps to make a stone clearer by dissolving some inclusions and boosting its colour slightly in the process. A stone is heated naturally underground anyway - so heating simply extends a treatment that would have happened naturally anyway underground.

What makes a Paraiba a 'true' Paraiba is two things:

a) Copper content
b) A specific colour.

To be called a Paraiba Tourmaline, the stone MUST contain copper - and it MUST fall within a specific shade of bluish-green or greenish-blue.

If it is Paraiba coloured but does not contain copper, then it is simply Tourmaline. Likewise, if it contains copper but is too light in colour or too dark in colour, then it is also not a Paraiba Tourmaline.

So long as it meets those criteria, then it's a 'True' Paraiba whether its heated or not.

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