No eyebrows reminds me of Aliens. A very obscure look.She would look unrecognizable with short hair, I think. A lot of women in New York are shaving off their eyebrows. It's a new "thing" and supposed to take years of your kisser. I wonder....??
No eyebrows reminds me of Aliens. A very obscure look.She would look unrecognizable with short hair, I think. A lot of women in New York are shaving off their eyebrows. It's a new "thing" and supposed to take years of your kisser. I wonder....??
Met Alexsis so will take my chances with Gemma!Jemma smiles a lot, it's true, but the smile never reaches her eyes. She's a hard nut.
Please tell me I look cute in these antlers
All these men are creeps. Anyone on QVC - men or women - must get their share of lude comments from weirdos. They probably just laugh them off.There used to be a site (probably still is!) dedicated to Julia’s (ample) ****s, and one to Jill Franks feet. She has the most horrible bony feet you could imagine, which were often on show when she used to demonstrate fitness products. Apparently that appealed greatly to men with a foot fetish. Ugh!!
They're cheesy, but the Christmas head gear Cragie wears looks worse.Please tell me I look cute in these antlers
There are a lot more weirdos out there than we realise. I’d hate to be in any way well known, you never know who is watching. Over 40 years ago I won a prize in a competition run by our local newspaper. The winners were featured in an article reporting on the prize giving, which was at a nearby stately home. Within a day of the article I began receiving nasty phone calls, some silent, which went on for a couple of weeks. I expect it was relatively easy to look my number up in the telephone directory, as our names were published along with photo s of the event. Heaven knows what people ( I should imagine mostly woman) who are in any type of prominent position have to put up with. Why some seem to encourage it, by showing ‘racey’ pics etc. I don’t know, they’re playing a very dangerous game, it’s far from a bit of innocent attention seeking fun. Social media must be a stalkers paradise!
They were real!!OMG what a sheltered life I've ledWere those twitter texts real????? Who would welcome those? I'd change my identity.
Her fanboys don’t like her being criticised it’s hilarious,lol what was she thinkingNot even sure I can bring myself to post some of the comments.
Lots from men?????I think you're in the minority because there are literally hundreds of comments like this on her Insta. Yes, I need to get a life, but I like a good laugh reading all of the sycophantic comments.
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Aw, Bless Your Heart.I mean, surely not ALL these men who leave such positive comments can be wrong, right? Here are some more ... just for laughs. I've always thought, perhaps wrongly, that QVC is primarily watched by women ... but seeing as about 90 percent of the comments have a male username I must be wrong. Who knew there were so many guys with such a keen eye for Catherine's dresses and outfits!
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Stunning lady isn't she. All these men can't be wrong. Just a question for the ladies here ... would it bother you being called a 'milf' by some random man online? A mother I'd like to ****? Seems quite a rude thing to say to me, but hey ... I'm old fashioned and probably repressed.
They seem to like the airbrushed to withinaninchofitslife photo too.
I've read that there are men who like to buy worn knickers.There used to be a site (probably still is!) dedicated to Julia’s (ample) ****s, and one to Jill Franks feet. She has the most horrible bony feet you could imagine, which were often on show when she used to demonstrate fitness products. Apparently that appealed greatly to men with a foot fetish. Ugh!!
OMFG. Why?Not even sure I can bring myself to post some of the comments.