Casual &co omg!!!


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Fair point, however, whenever anybody posts a criticism about QVC fashion being dated and old fashioned there seems no discussion, just replies saying how they like the items. I think they're awful but maybe I am the one who looks a state.? QVC fashion is c**p. Discuss.

People replying about how they like certain items is discussion! However the end of your post is just to insult those who like it and incite responses to such a rude attacking comment, there are ways to say things and in my opinion yours is to offend!
I remember commenting a while ago about a qvc's target market and I got lambasted then! I think i was talking about the fact that they sell everything (and I mean everything!) in a leopard or animal print option and it SELLS out?!
And however much one might not see oneself as such, judging from the fashion they offer and what obviously sells (not just in fashion), I believe they are aimed at women of a certain age and perhaps not the most in fashion lady?!

I am in my early thirties and there doesn't seem to be anything much I would wish to buy or would suit me. But that's not to say there aren't some nice items or even brands I like (though at prices I don't!)... Trinny and Susannah, some Ingenue, some Yong Kim etc.

But I am afraid that I have to agree with people that, in my humble opinion, the vast majority of qvc fashion is pretty poor (I was about to say 'crap' but edited myself!). Am thinking: Kim and co, Lenny, Quacker (omg!), Casual and Co, lady whose name I forget but is one or the worst uk offenders (matchy tops and bias cut, dodgy length skirts) ?Michelle something - oh and Diane Gilman, Anthony (such a nice guy but such horrid garments!). Say what you like about high street but more tasteful choices at better prices. And you don't have to pay to try them on! Sorry ranting now!

Ps. Why do they offer most fashion in polyester with elastane?! :(
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I'd say there's a morality police on here, and not always the same posters all the time, either. It might be fashion, it might be animal welfare, it might be whatever. Disagree with what I or any other forum member says, but don't confuse expressing an opinion about fashion with ageism or sexism or liking a particular brand with insinuations of animal cruelty or whatever.

But people are what they are, I suppose and I've been on this world long enough to know that I can't change them.
Well it's another load of creased up old tat this morning and at £85+ its so bad it's laughable. This of course is only my opinion.
I started a reply yesterday then changed my mind but I've decided to say what I think. The problem is when remarks like 'ageist' are used when perhaps the original poster is not ageist at all. The thing is if someone says an item is crap and someone else has bought it and thinks it lovely, I suppose they are bound to feel criticised by the person who thinks it is crap. But people must not take on board what others have said. If you like something and it suits you then just get on with it, I wouldn't waste my time being offended because of someone else's opinion. Be strong in your choices and blow everyone else ! Better still, don't get shirty on a forum because someone doesn't share your taste in clothes ! Life's too short. I'm new to this forum and don't want to read folk getting snippy.
I do not mean to offend any person who likes/buys/enjoys/wears the QVC garments. I wish to discuss the opinion that QVC clothes are not my cup of tea, or as I prefer to call them c**p. As I pointed out previously I purchase a fair bit of c**p and it gives me a lot of pleasure. However, the clothing on offer on QVC is pushing even my c**p purchasing to the limit. Take what is on offer for today's TSV. You'd have to be off your trolley to buy that rag. No offence to anybody, enjoy your purchase and wear it proudly.
I made the 'ageist' observation and stand by it...

If anyone doesn't like the clothes then say so. If you think they're too expensive, great, that's your opinion. If you think leopard print is OTT, that's up to you.

What gets me is the judgement in posts... Just because you don't like it, don't berate others for thinking the opposite.

The starting post in this thread said something like... even my elderly neighbour wouldn't buy it. So? Why does it matter if she's older? Why is someone of a certain age more expected to buy something that you are adamant is a load of &/!!**?

Substitute another word like 'disabled' or 'ethnic' for 'elderly'... Then the sentence isn't so acceptable is it? Older people have taste too... We all do...

We're all individuals. It's not 'crap' just because you say so. That's just your opinion - someone else's completely opposing view is also just as valid.

Just to be clear... This post is not picking an argument, ganging up or 'lambasting'... It's just expressing an opinion.
I do not mean to offend any person who likes/buys/enjoys/wears the QVC garments. I wish to discuss the opinion that QVC clothes are not my cup of tea, or as I prefer to call them c**p. As I pointed out previously I purchase a fair bit of c**p and it gives me a lot of pleasure. However, the clothing on offer on QVC is pushing even my c**p purchasing to the limit. Take what is on offer for today's TSV. You'd have to be off your trolley to buy that rag. No offence to anybody, enjoy your purchase and wear it proudly.

You don't want to offend anyone who buys anything from Q but then, in the same post, go on to say that you'd have to be 'off your trolley' to buy the TSV which you've described as a 'rag'.

Your idea of offensive and mine are completely different.

You could just have said 'I don't get what people like about the TSV - I think it looks like a rag but I guess we're all different'.

That gives your opinion, but doesn't call fellow members mad for having a differing view to you.
You don't want to offend anyone who buys anything from Q but then, in the same post, go on to say that you'd have to be 'off your trolley' to buy the TSV which you've described as a 'rag'.

Your idea of offensive and mine are completely different.

You could just have said 'I don't get what people like about the TSV - I think it looks like a rag but I guess we're all different'.

That gives your opinion, but doesn't call fellow members mad for having a differing view to you.

Why are you telling other people what to say on this forum.
Why are you telling other people what to say on this forum.

Eh - I'm not... It's a suggestion of the differences in saying the same thing but without calling people mad cos they don't agree with you.

Shame you're not too worried about offending people - that's where we're different... it IS possible to say you think something is rubbish without being rude about others that might like the thing you think is worthless.
I do not mean to offend any person who likes/buys/enjoys/wears the QVC garments. I wish to discuss the opinion that QVC clothes are not my cup of tea, or as I prefer to call them c**p. As I pointed out previously I purchase a fair bit of c**p and it gives me a lot of pleasure. However, the clothing on offer on QVC is pushing even my c**p purchasing to the limit. Take what is on offer for today's TSV. You'd have to be off your trolley to buy that rag. No offence to anybody, enjoy your purchase and wear it proudly.

That's the point Huggles, you have a right to your view but clearly some people are going to be offended when you state they would have 'to be off their trolley to buy that rag'. That's where the offence is taken. If someone likes the garment and is prepared to buy it, it is not for anyone to say that they have to be off their trolley to do that. Surely you can see that it is insulting? I felt your statement needed a comment but in any case, as I've said, people should ignore such 'opinions'.
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Spandex is used in a variety of different clothing types. Since it is lightweight and does not restrict movement, it is most often used in athletic wear. This includes such garments as swimsuits, bicycle pants, and exercise wear. The form-fitting properties of spandex makes it a good for use in under-garments. Hence, it is used in waist bands, support hose, bras, and briefs.
I must be made with thicker skin than most, as I don't take offence at people disliking my purchases and perhaps indicating I have a mental health issue if I like them and they don't. I know it's just an expression and not a true belief. I like people who are individuals and don't give a toss what other people think of their clothes, hair, shoes etc. It's all so silly to take offence at such a shallow topic as fashion. I'd like to say in more polite terms, perhaps, that the QVC fashion is not my thing. It's a load of old c**p but please don't be offended by my opinion.
I dont dislike the TSV as I think it suits some people who can carry off a full-on bo-ho look, but on me I know it wouldnt, so wont be buying.
I am not off my trolley - thankyou very much!!
I do find it amusing how its fair game to say what you like about "younger" people however if anything is said about "older" people , all hell breaks loose. Its the same with comments about people being too skinny , yet if people said anything about a larger person you would be shot down for it.

Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, its up to the individual reading if you take offense or not.
Eh - I'm not... It's a suggestion of the differences in saying the same thing but without calling people mad cos they don't agree with you.

Shame you're not too worried about offending people - that's where we're different... it IS possible to say you think something is rubbish without being rude about others that might like the thing you think is worthless.

Thank Heavens we are different.
This thread started off as a comment about Casual &Co clothing and has been turned into a slanging match about (IMO) an inoffensive remark. For goodness sake people lighten up life's too short for such petty arguments.

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