"you make me happy when skys are grey" is that what you mean?
Always been grey for me.
If it was blue, you wouldn't need cheering up?
No because in British English when you are feeling 'blue' you are sad!
Sorry not trying to contradict and I appreciate that it is probably me who has got it wrong and just trying to convince myself that all this time I haven't been [wrong], but it is forever engrHello,
With regards to the referencing I have only previous undertaken level 2 courses via the distance learning medium (apart from my Open University which was of course different altogether) and didn’t think that at this level that we needed to reference in the ‘academic way’. I will have to appreciate this ‘step-change’, and going forward will remember to reference. In my defence though because the assignment question stated the ‘assignment criteria’ the question was referring to I thought that unless I was using something instead of that, that only then were I to make reference to my resources (hence the questions that I passed were because I referenced to the external sources that I accessed (though strictly speaking I should have probably put the ‘date accessed’).
I am going to have to get my head back into ‘academic’ mode, as I registered on a ‘whim’ because I was ‘bored’ (don’t take this as I am not going to put the effort in as I am doing, honestly).
I will shut up now as the foot I have just shot is bleeding and needs attending to (this is of course metaphorically speaking based on the above paragraph)!
I hope that I have done enough and if I haven’t, then and I know this may make me sound like I am not making an effort (and I can assure that I am and want to pass this course), but is it possible that you could e-mail me, or direct me to a website that indicates exactly what you need with regards to referencing so that I will know going forward.
Regards and sorry for the bout of ‘verbal diarrhoea’
ained into my sawdust (in the same place where other people have brains), that it is 'blue'!
Sorry, but you know when you have a 'irritant'! (though people that know me say that I am a constant irritant, I fair, really don't know what they mean! I mean really the cheek of it!):mysmilie_5: (the smilie is me to a 'tee'!