Butker & Wilson Cut Glass flower


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I can not believe anyone buys this? For that price? Where would you wear that?
It is sooo big
I just.......:mysmilie_81:

and it sold out for £66.50
I must have really bad taste for thinking its horrible
You're not alone Star! It's real christmas tree decor! I commented on the fact it had nearly sold out to OH. He reckoned they probably only had about 5! Amazing what folk will buy!
I haven't seen anything I would like to buy and I do own a couple of B&W pieces. There is a T caller on right now who has admitted to buying the bracelet and she said she missed out on the necklace. How fecking big must that have been? Imagine the two pieces together.
Julia looks like she is wearing a dressing gown.
I haven't seen anything I would like to buy and I do own a couple of B&W pieces. There is a T caller on right now who has admitted to buying the bracelet and she said she missed out on the necklace. How fecking big must that have been? Imagine the two pieces together.
Julia looks like she is wearing a dressing gown.

Did anyone see that Crystal Scorpion brooch? It was massive and really really scary - item number 337466. I jumped when I saw it on Ali Rhodes the model, it just looked awful...
I haven't seen anything I would like to buy and I do own a couple of B&W pieces. There is a T caller on right now who has admitted to buying the bracelet and she said she missed out on the necklace. How fecking big must that have been? Imagine the two pieces together.
Julia looks like she is wearing a dressing gown.

It may just be me, but JR doesn't seem the type who would normally be attracted to animal brooches and jewellery. Is it the fact of being a friend of Simon Wilson whhich is more alluring to her? Surely not our Julia!
I only ever bought one b&w item,a tsv long ago,I dont know what possessed me it was awful,a yellow flower necklace and earring set
my 9 year old plays dressing up games with them
never again!!
I think some pieces are nice,just not very 'me' and I do think its overpriced
His prices have absolutely shot up over the past couple of years as well!

I will admit to owning a few pieces, I have the stilleto shoe earrings (mainly because I *am* Carrie Bradshaw when it comes to shoes), sadly they are so badly tarnished now they sit in their box and never see the light of day and I have the crystal duck keyring, which also sits in it's box, still under the shrink wrap as I have seen how awful my Mum's now looks after just a few months of use - all the silver has gone a horrid copper shade! I bought that bliddy awful spinning watch before Christmas as well, but that went straight back - horrible! I doubt I would buy any more B&W if I am completely honest.

Oh, which brings me to - did anyone see the enormous panda pendant last night? Bliddy huge thing & it reminded me of an Argos clown necklace. *shudder*
I have a few B&W pieces that I wear a lot and love, but all the good stuff is from a few years back now. My daily wear pair of earrings are B&W - nice drops made with MOP. All his more recent stuff is just too big and gaudy and well over priced. The last thing of his which I love is the dancing couple, which my son bought as a Christmas gift when it first aired.

My first experience with B&W was back when QVC attended the Ideal Homes Show. Their stand had a box of freebie jewellery and I picked out some earrings I liked that turned out to be his!

The only thing I buy regularly is something from his Cancer Care line when they have their charity event. Although no one recognised it when I wore one to the Beauty Bash, despite lots of people commenting that they liked it. Perhaps he's not as well known as he likes to think? :D
You're not alone Star! It's real christmas tree decor! I commented on the fact it had nearly sold out to OH. He reckoned they probably only had about 5! Amazing what folk will buy!

Oddly enough, that's exactly what my OH said too! :mysmilie_697:
I really can't imagine an occasion where one would want to wear this particular item - the 'Pretty in Pink' era has been & gone, surely? :mysmilie_17:
Did anyone see that Crystal Scorpion brooch? It was massive and really really scary - item number 337466. I jumped when I saw it on Ali Rhodes the model, it just looked awful...

When I saw it, it reminded me of something Servalan from "Blakes 7" wore! I find B&W a bit schizophrenic in their designs - they make some lovely pieces (there was a beautiful Y shaped necklace on the show) but then they come up with some stuff that I think is just bizarre like the giant panda necklace.
I find B&W a bit schizophrenic in their designs - they make some lovely pieces (there was a beautiful Y shaped necklace on the show) but then they come up with some stuff that I think is just bizarre like the giant panda necklace.

There is a downside to them owning & running their own business, as SW said, they are not beholden to anyone & can do whatever they want, design wise etc. - this also means there is no-one to occasionally rein them in & say.....'No!'! :mysmilie_11: :mysmilie_17:
ouch i bought that spinny watch and loved it ............ maybe i have no taste but have nt bought anything else but i do like the look of some of the large chunky necklaces but for aspecial occasion only so cant justifiy the price.

Was thinking of getting a novelty maybe a key ring or something now i know it tarnishes i wont bother.

Thought it would nt as watch seems well made.

I do love watching him tho, but think julia r just sucks up to him so much it makes me sick.
ouch i bought that spinny watch and loved it ............ maybe i have no taste but have nt bought anything else but i do like the look of some of the large chunky necklaces but for aspecial occasion only so cant justifiy the price.

Was thinking of getting a novelty maybe a key ring or something now i know it tarnishes i wont bother.

Thought it would nt as watch seems well made.

I do love watching him tho, but think julia r just sucks up to him so much it makes me sick.

I'm with you rainbowj63! I have purple spinny watch and do like a lot of B&W. I own about 20 pieces but none of them the massive stuff (too pricey and unwearable for me) but he does do a lot of beautiful jewellery. The shop has lots of the smaller, prettier stuff. The panda necklace was hideous and so are some of the massive pieces. However, whenever I wear B&W I almost always get comments..... nice ones! :mysmilie_697:

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