But this time I mean it!


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Did anyone catch Julian with the guest showing the wind-up torches in the 11pm hour on Wednesday? Julian came out with the well-worn classic "It's getting busier on those phones", followed by a rather strange addition.

Julian then added "I know I say this a lot, but this time I mean it".

Erm, so does that mean that we can take every other time Julian's claimed the phones are getting busy with a pinch of salt (cos he was telling naughty porkies?). And if he is prone to lying about queues on the phones, how do we know he's telling the truth just because he says he is: after all, the man's confessed to "stretching the truth".

All in all, it seemed a VERY strange thing for a presenter to say.
I saw this! It was a very strange thing to say given that no-one in the World of Shopping Telly ever tells a lie ever ever ever about anything no sireee Bob.

So next time they tell us 'the phones have gone into meltdown' are we to assume that they literally actually all have melted and are unusable - that the good people of the call centre are swimming in a sea of melted plastic metal? :grin:
I saw this! It was a very strange thing to say given that no-one in the World of Shopping Telly ever tells a lie ever ever ever about anything no sireee Bob.

So next time they tell us 'the phones have gone into meltdown' are we to assume that they literally actually all have melted and are unusable - that the good people of the call centre are swimming in a sea of melted plastic metal? :grin:
I watched him last night and got one of those torches; only because we were working in a cupboard the other week with one and a failing battery and it's one of those times you keep saying I must get a decent torch; we will see if it's any good.

The thing that got me was the way he spoke to the man demonstrating the action camera; he was like a thing possessed not letting the poor bloke get a word in and then talking over him. I've never seen him like that before but normally I don't watch the DIY type programmes but the security light took my notice and I wanted to see that
It was just the same with the alarm system in that 1100pm hour. The poor woman guest couldn't get a word in for his verbal diarrhoea. Too full of himself now.
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I know he's got a big fan club, but I think he's dire - fortunately he rarely presents hours that interest me so i usually manage to avoid him :tongue:
No - that's his normal expression :rock: Sorry, couldn't resist.

Or it's just the way he walks... :cheeky:

Thanks for posting CG - I was starting to doubt myself, because it STILL seems a weird thing to say. :tongue:
caught a bit of this show last night - and the line in question. There was something totally surreal about the bit I saw of that show, was very Twilight Zone meets Crossroads. Kept expecting the set to wobble and fall over or a spaceship to come and beam Julian up (and hopefully take him far far away)

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