Boycott QVC today


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I just couldn't read what the odious man has been up to, I never watch his shows, he makes me feel physically sick.:mysmilie_503:
Wouldn't buy a thing from this "human being" anyway (not that I've bought from Q in at least 2.5 years, and after reading the DF "communication" to Graham, I'd see them in the Hot Place before I'd be remotely tempted).
I've boycotted them for over a year now.
Me too! Perhaps I don't have very elaborate tastes, but I've price checked things I've seen on there, and without exception the ones I've finally bought have been much, much cheaper elsewhere, and that's without factoring in the p&p, as OK, I may need to drive somewhere and pay parking, so in my book I ignore the p & p to round it off. But the amount saved still means I'm way ahead.

Me three!

Welcome to you, star234! Happy posting!:mysmilie_482::mysmilie_482:
I have been reading here for a while now, but have never joined. However: I had to join to say thank you for informing me about this horrible situation. I did not know, and will certainly never buy of this chap. I was totally disgusted by that. Thank you to everyone for informing me.
What's wrong with Dennis Basso? Esther this is like suggesting you boycott a supermarket just because they sell meat sausages and you only eat vegetarian. Q not selling real fur. I'm sure most people are not so stupid as to be totally ignorant of Dennis Basso's other activities. Why should someone totally boycott a business just because their ethics are not totally aligned with yours? If you want to take such action that is up to you, but why should you try at forcing everyone's hand? For all the people who won't buy Basso there are just as many who love the feeling of a nice fur. They find it warm and luxurious. Foxes are just a nuisance anyway! Foxhunting was a traditional English activity and now it's been ruined :( Why shouldn't they be used for their fur? People don't have to buy it if they don't want to. I only buy organic meat. That is my choice, but I don't try to force everyone to do the same. If people want to buy cheap, poorly-produced products that's their lookout!
Sorry but you really are showing ignorance Julius, I thought you were suppose to be trainee reporter.

Fox fur is farmed not the animals that run round the fields or cities.
They are kept in small cages and often chew themselves and suffer illness because of the stress of how they are kept. To kill and not damage the fur they are gassed, or electrocute in the cage. All so some rich bitch who lives in a central heated home can walk round dressed in it.
What's wrong with Dennis Basso? Esther this is like suggesting you boycott a supermarket just because they sell meat sausages and you only eat vegetarian. Q not selling real fur. I'm sure most people are not so stupid as to be totally ignorant of Dennis Basso's other activities. Why should someone totally boycott a business just because their ethics are not totally aligned with yours? If you want to take such action that is up to you, but why should you try at forcing everyone's hand? For all the people who won't buy Basso there are just as many who love the feeling of a nice fur. They find it warm and luxurious. Foxes are just a nuisance anyway! Foxhunting was a traditional English activity and now it's been ruined :( Why shouldn't they be used for their fur? People don't have to buy it if they don't want to. I only buy organic meat. That is my choice, but I don't try to force everyone to do the same. If people want to buy cheap, poorly-produced products that's their lookout!

if foxes are such a nusiance why wear thier skin to remind yourself how awful they are.
I could see her point of view but some animal rights protestors were a bit scary,they had pretty blinkered views.

Oh they were. My hubby swore our phone was tapped because I used to sign all sorts of petitions. To be honest we had all sorts of problems with our telephone. He was sure it was tapped. I just thought he was paranoid.
Julius, hunting foxes is called a "blood sport" for a reason, it shouldn't be called a sport really because that implies it's a game were both sides start the game off on an equal footing, were as hunting foxes is anything but a sport! They go round blocking the foxes dens up so they have no where to hide, hardly fair hey? also it's 2015 so do we really really need to "hunt" anything? Foxes keep the rat population down, so although you've expressed your dislike of foxes and your love of squirrels, which in itself I find massively hypocritical, think about the barbaric side to hunting.
I would never wear fur in a million years. I can't stand the thought of animals being harmed for their skins. However, I can understand people wearing clothing made of animal skins if they are living in arctic temperatures - in those situations, it's about survival, not fashion or displaying your wealth.

I eat meat. I know of people who were vegetarian for years on principle, but then began to eat meat for health reasons. Yes, it does happen. Sometimes, a non meat diet just does not give you the protein you need. I also think leather, as a by product of animals killed for meat, is OK.

I wouldn't buy a DB coat, just as I don't buy from companies who donate to oppressive regimes. But if you have a coat, and didn't know about what DB did when you bought it, I would cut out the label and enjoy it - no point wasting it. Or donate it to charity so someone else can benefit. Can't help but think about homeless people in this freezing weather.

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