Boycott QVC today


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Polly Esther

Registered Shopper
Oct 7, 2008
Well I certainly will anyway.

I am disgusted that they are devoting a TSV to that odious butcher Basso.

I wonder how many people buy, not knowing what he does?

It's been said so often I know, but it just makes me so angy.

Well said Birdie! How anyone who knows about his "speciality" can consider buying anything from this murdering b$st$rd is beyond my comprehension.

For those of you who don't know, he specialises in broadtail lamb products which are obtained by ripping unborn lambs from their mothers' bellies (the mother simply being stunned and therefore still alive) after cutting the mother from neck to tail, so as not to damage the fur on the lamb. The lamb is then skinned alive and its little body chucked on a pile of other dead lambs. This is all done in the name of so called vanity! The wool is tightly curled and very silky whilst the lamb is in the womb and that fetches the best price because once the lamb is born the wool starts to uncurl and loses its' sheen. The broadtail lamb is mostly used for collars and cuffs on his coats.

Basso is not the only furrier selling broadtail, but QVC are quite happy to scream about their ethics when it suits them, yet they persist in selling the products of a man known best for his fur.

Basso also like chinchilla too, it takes 1000 of these little furries to make one of his coats!
Basso is not the only furrier selling broadtail, but QVC are quite happy to scream about their ethics when it suits them, yet they persist in selling the products of a man known best for his fur.

Hear hear, QVC’s double standards are deplorable, they clearly don’t have a problem putting profit above conscience. :33:
Well said not only that its not even a nice looking coat.
I will not be watching there for not buying today.

no thanks, I will watch today, but thanks for asking.

Its the 2nd Dennis basso TSV in as many weeks, so i think his stuff must be selling quite well.

I think amber&ruby is right tho, this TSV is dreadful.

I support you 100%. I am appalled at QVC's double standards and amazed at how the presenters can talk about loving animals and then host the shows of this evil butcher!!
Hi MGS, Grim reading indeed.:2:
Do you know what countries this lamb-skinning occurs in? Can't be in so-called 'civilised' ones. Can it?
Dennis Basso's practice is totally abhorrent - of that there is no doubt. QVC are no better by allowing themselves to be the vehicle for this trade. Each time Basso has a tsv, i contact them with my concerns, all to no avail. Basically, Basso is a money making machine for QVC and, until people have the courage of their convictions or discover a conscience, QVC have no reason - apart from a moral and ethical one - to cease trading in broadtail. Why kill the goose that lays the golden egg? (no pun intended).
I have this vivid image of the horrible man sitting at the head of a huge dining table, surrounded by his celebrity friends, tucking into a lamb dinner and remarking how succulent and tender it is!
Well said Birdie! How anyone who knows about his "speciality" can consider buying anything from this murdering b$st$rd is beyond my comprehension.

For those of you who don't know, he specialises in broadtail lamb products which are obtained by ripping unborn lambs from their mothers' bellies (the mother simply being stunned and therefore still alive) after cutting the mother from neck to tail, so as not to damage the fur on the lamb. The lamb is then skinned alive and its little body chucked on a pile of other dead lambs. This is all done in the name of so called vanity! The wool is tightly curled and very silky whilst the lamb is in the womb and that fetches the best price because once the lamb is born the wool starts to uncurl and loses its' sheen. The broadtail lamb is mostly used for collars and cuffs on his coats.

Basso is not the only furrier selling broadtail, but QVC are quite happy to scream about their ethics when it suits them, yet they persist in selling the products of a man known best for his fur.

Basso also like chinchilla too, it takes 1000 of these little furries to make one of his coats!

Until I found and joined this forum recently I had no idea that he dealt in this babarbaric trade ...I now feel so gulity as last Christmas my husband bought me two of his coats, until now I thought I was being good for want of a better word showing that you could have faux fur that looked like the real thing!!!!
Until I found and joined this forum recently I had no idea that he dealt in this babarbaric trade ...I now feel so gulity as last Christmas my husband bought me two of his coats, until now I thought I was being good for want of a better word showing that you could have faux fur that looked like the real thing!!!!

I would like to thank madaboutdogs - i to never realised Bassos products contained real animals i thought it was all
faux, thank god ive never bought anything!
so glad i found this forum site few months ago
everyone keep us newbees informed!!!!:40:
I know Basso only sell faux fur on QVC but I would never buy any of his goods due to his other trade. Pleased I found out about this a while ago as I was once tempted by one of his coats. I wouldn't wear anything made by his organisation.

I wonder how the presenters and models feel about promoting his goods - I would feel very uncomfortable and have to make a moral stand.
I'm certainly not buying any of his coats, because of the 'other' side to his business. I've always loathed fur coats (they look far better on the animal) and to be honest I'm not a fan of faux fur either.
Boycott QVC Today

Dennis Basso's practice is totally abhorrent - of that there is no doubt. QVC are no better by allowing themselves to be the vehicle for this trade. Each time Basso has a tsv, i contact them with my concerns, all to no avail. Basically, Basso is a money making machine for QVC and, until people have the courage of their convictions or discover a conscience, QVC have no reason - apart from a moral and ethical one - to cease trading in broadtail. Why kill the goose that lays the golden egg? (no pun intended).
I have this vivid image of the horrible man sitting at the head of a huge dining table, surrounded by his celebrity friends, tucking into a lamb dinner and remarking how succulent and tender it is!

Like some of the others, I had no idea he dealt in 'the real thing' and these barbaric practices. I thought all his stuff was faux. Thanks for the heads up. However, as he only sells his faux range on QVC, I don't suppose there's much they can do. They can still hide behind their 'ethics' because they're not selling real fur. I doubt the presenters or models have a choice if they want to keep their jobs. It's the people who buy and sell the real fur to/from him that need to be hit. Anyway, thanks to this forum I won't be watching his shows or buying from him again.
Thanks to everyone who knows about this. A friend has just texted me and told me that he looked drunk on air just before. Hopefully it is the stress of how bad his sales are going today.
I don't even like faux fur - I had a coat which was lined in it and it drove me mad, moving all my clothes up around my neck. Like is was undressing me from the inside. That's what put me off buying a basso coat before I knew of his other business activities.
Hi MGS, Grim reading indeed.:2:
Do you know what countries this lamb-skinning occurs in? Can't be in so-called 'civilised' ones. Can it?

The breed of lamb involved is the Karakul Sheep and I think the main country involved in this vile practice is Uzbekistan, but these sheep are raised for the same purpose all over the world, including Europe and America. Broadtail lamb is also known as Persian Lamb or Astrakan Lamb which may be more familiar names and yes, those highly prized and sought after persian carpets do contain the same wool but it is obtained by shearing not murder. As with our domestic sheep, the meat is eaten, I have no qualms with eating meat, I am not a vegetarian, but what I do object to is the wholly inhumane way in which the lambs and their mums are treated for the sake of trimming on a garment or, if you are really obscene, a whole coat!

There cannot be a person on this earth who isn't aware of seal clubbing and the methods used to obtain broadtail is equally as abhorrent.:12:

At least these Karakul lambs saw the light of day.

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