Bored...... yawn......


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That trailer of the man doing yoga type poses on a roof terrace has been going for years and years and years. No one can accuse them of wasting money on new up to date films and music.
I can't recall having seen so many boring presentations repeated over and over so soon into the year. I've just returned home after a spell in hospital, where I haven't watched any TV in almost a week. I noticed that QVC's "day" consisted of essentially the same three hours repeated during the course of their broadcast day. And, not only is it boring, but have prices increased again? Maybe it's just because my attention has been elsewhere for a while, but their products seem even more outrageously expensive than before. Still have no idea who it is buying their "fashion" as I never see any out on the high street, being worn.
They had their 4 hour fashion special last night .The same items ,just mixed up a bit.
As soon as I saw Jackkie wearing that fur collar thing I knew it would be more of the same .Corrie was calling me.
Shame QVC don't seem to sell much gold these days. It's all that cheap "semi-precious" tat and clanking beads and guests with twee voices.
Has anyone seen the rose tone (i.e. Plated) Eek Earings for .....wait for it ......£134plus post! It was mentioned on FB so I had a look - and to make matters worse they are bleeding awful looking.

Is it possible there is a decimal point missing?
Has anyone seen the rose tone (i.e. Plated) Eek Earings for .....wait for it ......£134plus post! It was mentioned on FB so I had a look - and to make matters worse they are bleeding awful looking.

Is it possible there is a decimal point missing?

No I didn't see them, yet I'm not surprised. I did however see a nice pair of gold and diamond studs in the local jewellers down the DHS a couple of days ago for £129, that's one thing I'd never buy from QVC anyway though, even when I used to shop with them, I know they're suppose to "sterilise" returned earrings but if their warehouse is anything to go by and the huge amount of returned used items I received over the years (and that's just the ones you can tell had been used) they can't be arsed in the warehouse they just throw the returns straight back out on the shelf for (re)sale again.
me again..... yawn.. it's February now and I'm still bored QVC!!
What is going on? I have my favourite brands, and look forward to the TSV's, but over the years have often been tempted by TSV's varying from a printer or satnav to household goods, or even a coat.... but for months now... nothing.
None of the TSV's have been tempting for so long - I have occasionally fancied something, but a quick price comparison, and taking away the value of 'extra's' that I wouldn't buy anyway has stopped me from indulging.
Dry January.... all I bought was the Yankee Candle TSV because I like the look of the 2nd auto-delivery... then I will be opting out..... wake me up QVC..... I'm not alone!!!
Have hardly watched it lately! Switched over a few times but it's been boring and seems flat! Can't put my finger on it but just an observation! :mysmilie_5:
Due to work I wasn't at home to watch during January but I know I didn't miss anything as I check the TV guide "just in case"

However as a treat, since I didn't go for anything in the LG sale, I did order one item from the Taxco show which arrived yesterday and I'm pretty sure it is a keeper especially since Mr L has offered to buy it (which means I can buy something else, win win!)

That will be me for another 6 months.
me again...... I'm giving up watching, there's nothing of any interest - and even the TSV's of brands I like aren't grabbing my attention either with quality or value...... it's just boring, and the presenters are getting on my nerves as well...lacklustre QVC....
The TSV's appear to be on a 'loop' these days. - Household Helpers, Technology, and the same brands in fashion and beauty crop up time and time again. So yes, boring.
It really is more of the same old, same old!

Wish they would do a proper revamp and bring the viewing more up to date for the Customers! I hardly watch it now and know many who say the exact same! :mysmilie_5:
What really bugs me is when they show a product (usually on the beauty channel 668) which is usually an old recording and the old price is still shown and the presenter is selling the product at a much higher price ...

Don't get me started on the sodding TSV loop up until 9.00 a.m. Aaaargh
Something needs to change and maybe I will increase my buying again! Too mundane and my HS Shops are always having Sales! :mysmilie_5:
Not just the boredom of what's on air, but the cost of their "service" given the time it takes to actually receive your product are a big issue. To my mind, £4.95 P&P is next day service, not a week's wait. And, as we know, they are the only retailer I can think of who charge P&P per item instead of per order. Other than simple greed, why? Have they ever explained it? And don't get me started on Richard Jackson. It used to be seasonal, then he started cropping up (ha!) all year round, now we're at the point where there is a TSV every couple of weeks and shows last for hours at a time. It makes me wonder why QVC's planners think anyone would be interested in that, even the dyed in the wool gardeners. I mentioned about his TSVs in a thread recently, now there's another one on Wednesday! too much, too soon.

I am confined to home a lot, due to poor health, as are many in the UK. It's a shame QVC can't value their customers more as I know I'd spend more with them if it was worth my while, which it no longer is. I hate watching now as all I can do is look in. I simply won't pay their prices, even on the rare occasion I see something I actually like!
I haven't watched on TV for at least a year. I just check on the website for new techy/DIY/gadgety items, and even that it a real PAIN as none of the links work for "RECENT ITEMS" so I have to type the whole thing in EVERY time. It won't even accept part of it eg RECENT, it is such a useless search engine.
I have never been able to understand why, the cost of p & p to receive an item is always so much more expensive than when its returned ! It cost me £3.95 to receive a pair of Logo jeans, but returning them would have cost £3.20 first class or £2.70 second class. The scales in the Post Room at Q need recalibrating methinks.
Ah but Brissels if you factor in your time to pack it up and take it to the PO it would have been more like £15.70 as the P&P covers soooooo much more than just the stamps, so says the FB cut and paste answer anyway. (Kissy kissy)

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