Body found in hunt for Tia


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There's no doubt she made a huge mistake leaving her grand daughter with this man, but presumably Tia's mum also knew him and thought he was ok to look after her daughter. There are lots of people with dodgy pasts who make great parents/grandparents. Who knew this man was a psycho? He probably seemed quite normal. I really doubt Tia would have been left in his care if anybody was suspicious of him.

I read that he used to be her boyfriend before he went on to the grandmother
There's no doubt she made a huge mistake leaving her grand daughter with this man, but presumably Tia's mum also knew him and thought he was ok to look after her daughter. There are lots of people with dodgy pasts who make great parents/grandparents. Who knew this man was a psycho? He probably seemed quite normal. I really doubt Tia would have been left in his care if anybody was suspicious of him.[/QUOTE]

Sorry but I disagree. As soon as I saw him on telly I thought he looked like a psycho. The gran left a child alone overnight with this person. I wouldn't leave an animal alone with him let alone my grandchild.
There's no doubt she made a huge mistake leaving her grand daughter with this man, but presumably Tia's mum also knew him and thought he was ok to look after her daughter. There are lots of people with dodgy pasts who make great parents/grandparents. Who knew this man was a psycho? He probably seemed quite normal. I really doubt Tia would have been left in his care if anybody was suspicious of him.[/QUOTE]

Sorry but I disagree. As soon as I saw him on telly I thought he looked like a psycho. The gran left a child alone overnight with this person. I wouldn't leave an animal alone with him let alone my grandchild.

I must admit I wouldn't let him look after my gerbil, but the point is they obviously trusted him. Some people are easily manipulated and others are adept at manipulating.
I must admit I wouldn't let him look after my gerbil, but the point is they obviously trusted him. Some people are easily manipulated and others are adept at manipulating.

Or just desperate for a man.

Or just plain, downright thick as....

What's his background then? I've missed that somewhere.

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Whilst the boyfriend does look bad, for all we know it could be the grandma or a freak accident and their only crime is to hide the body. As others have said innocent people have reported bodies and ended up in jail. I am not saying he didn't do it but I am going to keep an open mind until the court case (not criticising anyone else posting all IMHO)


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Or not. The mum and grandma were both supposedly having relations with this man at one point so they must have had an inkling as to his stability and state of mind.

If they thought he was a potential child murderer it's pretty strange they would leave him alone with Tia. It's a huge jump between a menage a trois to child murderer. I can't imagine any parent/grandparent in their right mind leaving a child with someone they had doubts about. But maybe that's just me.
There's a long list including drugs and violence. The latest was a 14 month prison sentence handed down in 2010 for possession of an offensive weapon (a machete), so he can't have been out for much more than a year. A long sentence for possession as well, so one has to assume that the judge considered him a danger.

I have no interest in whether these women trusted him or not, or whether they were easily manipulated, I ask again why would you let such a man into your home with your child/grandchild in the first place. Even if he were to somehow be shown quite clearly as innocent of this murder, he still isn't a fit person to be introduced into a family home without a long-term relationship prior to being allowed to co-habit. As I said, if you trust him then see him - just don't let him into the house when the child is there. Many women are too quick to set up "live-in" relationships these days without any thought for the effect on their children, albeit not necessarily death, abuse, paedophilia, incitement to crime, use of a child as a "donkey" (I could go on), but the psychological damage. It's not always evident but so many children go on to build relationships of a similar type to that of their parent(s) and their lives are ruined one way or another. Too many women hide their own misdemeanours and personality defects behind the men with whom they are in relationships. Your child/grandchild comes above all else. Even if you didn't feel that kind of loving care for your child (it happens), you'd know what was morally right. You only have to look at the women behind a number of mass murderers, luring children for their partner to use, abuse and kill (Myra Hindley), or young girls lured into a home they crave (Rose West) including her own daughter. We have to stop believing that women can't possibly do such things of their own volition and, although less common, some are capable of evil acts. I'm not saying the the mum or granny were necessarily involved, but they shouldn't automatically be treated as victims but investigated in exactly the same way as the man.

PP - you're head is a much nicer place to be in than mine. :nod: xxxxxxxx
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LOL you wouldn't want to be in my head Argey! I just always try try try to see the best in people even when I don't understand them and often fail miserably! I do however totally agree with your post. I never went out when my kids were young as I trusted nobody to look after them properly and had I been unfortunate enough to have had a marriage breakdown I would never in a million years have introduced another man into my house. It seems to be musical partners for so many families now though. Changed days!
I was reading through some reports and it dawned on me how many different surnames were involved in the immediate family. But then I realised that the mum has the same name as Tia, so it's not as bad as I initially thought :rolleyes:

Call me old fashioned but all these 'partners' and step this, that and the other can't be that good in such an unstable family unit in a 'notorious' part of the country. Jeremy Kyle mentality again...

I see he's in Court later. Wonder what will come out of it?

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
I have to laugh for a mo'. Capirossi when I read "I see he's in Court later", my brain was still with Jeremy Kyle. Wondering what he'd done, I decided it must be crimes against society. xxxxxxxxxxx
Don't knock Jeremy Kyle too much, watching the sad half-wits receiving their allimportantDNAresults has given my teenagers an excellent incentive to be fully aquainted with all forms of contraception and valid lessons in never trusting beer-googles in choosing casual sexual partners. More effective than any lecture from me on the subject.

Jude xx
Don't be giving JK all the credit Akimbo. More like a decent upbringing and some common sense involved in order for your children to see that JK's victims are not to be followed. I firmly believe that the Springers and Kyles of this world are happy to make their fortunes on the backs of these poor benighted souls, whilst many others line up to "be on telly". As long as broken families and misbehaviour is given so much attention, there will be kids taking it all in for the wrong reasons. I think Kyle et al breed these people in a secret lab somewhere and then let them loose on us after they've done with them. xxxxxxxxxxx
I wonder if the mother and grandmother are not that close (what mother would want to set home with am ex of their own daughter!) as they are not ever shown together on tv. TBH and this is only my thought the Grandmother had a look of the "Rose west" about her.
Nothing to do with guilt or innocence, but I do find this swapping of boyfriends from mother to daughter and daughter to mother so very odd. Even if you loved the very bones of a man you just wouldn't go there would you? I can't begin to imagine making love with a man who'd been with your mother and vice versa - yuckie, yuck, yuck, shivers and gooseflesh. xxxxxxxxx

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