Blast from the past...


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She's basically recommending a healthy lifestyle with a balance of protein, exercise, doing what you like some of the time as long as everything is in moderation. Something that sounds good but not everyone can afford. And it surely helps to have the worry of wondering where the next penny is coming from taken away.
We had a bit of a discussion about that article which was, of course, promoting LE’s book, back in April. See forum thread below (starting on page 2)
The article itself is a bit too long to copy and paste here but it starts ..

Ten years ago Liz Earle had lost her way. Having blazed a trail before wellness was even a word in the 1990s – a familiar face on daytime television extolling the benefits of “witchy things” like kombucha – her halo had slipped.

The energy needed to build her brand Liz Earle Beauty, raising five children (her last born when she was nearly 48), running a farm and earning an MBE meant that her time was everyone else’s but her own.

It was after Liz Earle Beauty Co was sold to Avon in 2010, and while still carrying her baby weight, that Earle realised she was facing the prospect of being “Fat and 50”.

“I realised just how far I’d fallen. That I could be doing so much better,” she recalls.

Today, aged 60, she is back doing what she does best; experimenting with her own body to guide the rest of us on what to rub, swallow and expose our bodies to in the pursuit of a healthy life.

And the results speak for themselves; Earle is glowing.

“I am my own research lab. And I think I’ve found over the last five years what really works, especially for midlife women,” she says, at home in north Dorset.


I’ll see if I can pick out some of the more ”interesting” bits from the rest for your delectation as well.

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