Birchwood Outlet Store


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I was told that regular local customers, that only bought a few items of clothing for themselves, started sharing the clothes between them due to the big sellers grabbing and snatching everything in sight.
I think they did this as this was the only way they got any clothes for themselves due to the greed of the sellers. ( I PERSONALY SAY GOOD FOR THEM FOR MAKING A STAND):tongue:

I've seen them do it every time I've been in, so they must think I'm going to snatch all the clothes they want then.
Chances would be good thing as it's they are in my opinion are grabbing and snatching :grin:
I've seen them do it every time I've been in, so they must think I'm going to snatch all the clothes they want then.
Chances would be good thing as it's they are in my opinion are grabbing and snatching :grin:

Glad i don't go every day, they must need therapy :mysmilie_510:
Glad i don't go every day, they must need therapy :mysmilie_510:

There's no way I'd be able to stand in there all day, every day, no daylight and what do they talk to each other about for all that time?
Not too mention what do their families think, or when do they do anything else?
"Email to MrX, CEO, QVC towers. I am just letting you know how fabulous the ABC camera TSV package is. On a recent outing, I took the attached footage. Notice how the picture quality is flawless, showing the HuffinPuffin creatures around their familiar watering hole as they shared their prey between them. Great zoom-in shots as I was not able to get closer without putting my life at risk! The ultra-sensitive microphone picks up their every snort and lip-smacking snuffle. The built-in steadying mechanism ensured top-quality pictures as I was jostled back to the perimeter by the ever-watchful mates. Note how together they carry their bounty back to their own, waiting tribe. Well worth a visit if you want to see such savagery first-hand; your staff will have the hours open and directions to the shopping outlet."
There's no way I'd be able to stand in there all day, every day, no daylight and what do they talk to each other about for all that time?
Not too mention what do their families think, or when do they do anything else?
One person has a family day outing there, so i've been told every saturday, wonder what the rest of the family does?
I wonder who they are?:thinking:
Cross out the last word an put Birchwood instead

One person has a family day outing there, so i've been told every saturday, wonder what the rest of the family does?
I wonder who they are?:thinking:

Someone mentioned that to me, funnily enough. She is there during the school holidays too with the child having to stand about all day playing on an electrical game. What a way to treat your child! Poor thing must go mad stuck in there day after day. Not a good example to set your child.
Someone mentioned that to me, funnily enough. She is there during the school holidays too with the child having to stand about all day playing on an electrical game. What a way to treat your child! Poor thing must go mad stuck in there day after day. Not a good example to set your child.

Perhaps she's teaching her child how to become a business seller:cheeky:
QVC should be ashamed of themselves for allowing such behaviour in a store bearing its name. It can't be very pleasant for the staff working there, never mind decent customers. Sounds like some right scum are doing what they like.
What I can't understand is why they allow texts to be sent to certain people. That's very unprofessional of the management to allow it. From what I've been reading on here, Shrewsbury seems to be much better geared to the customer rather than the known sellers and Birchwood just appears to want to encourage bad behavior by allowing the sellers to take over the store and stock!
QVC should be ashamed of themselves for allowing such behaviour in a store bearing its name. It can't be very pleasant for the staff working there, never mind decent customers. Sounds like some right scum are doing what they like.

Aided and abetted by the staff, obviously!! :puke:
QVC should be ashamed of themselves for allowing such behaviour in a store bearing its name. It can't be very pleasant for the staff working there, never mind decent customers. Sounds like some right scum are doing what they like.

Lots of customers have complained to Head Office, but nothing ever seems to get done about it. ( TIME THEY SORTED THIS OUTLET STORE OUT )
Aided and abetted by the staff, obviously!! :puke:

I've not been so don't know one way or the other but it could be they are also being intimidated like the customers have been? If the staff are getting some sort of kickback QVC need to take action, although reading Jewelami's post it sounds like they are not interested.
I've not been so don't know one way or the other but it could be they are also being intimidated like the customers have been? If the staff are getting some sort of kickback QVC need to take action, although reading Jewelami's post it sounds like they are not interested.

They can't be interested otherwise the culprits would be asked to leave the store and not return as would happen if they behaved like this in any other store. Unbelievable really that this behaviour is tolerated. Any manager would be ashamed to know behaviour of this type is allowed in their store, so why does it keep going on? Something odd going on there, don't you think? I don't think they are intimidated, I think they have created the situation. And.......QVC should be taking action!
I think you may be right, I guess if the staff were feeling hassled by these chavs they'd report upwards or simply quit. Something needs to be done alright!
So the Debate Continues !

I've visited Birchwood shop twice since the trolley ban and all has been calm . Even prior to that I've never witnessed any battles between customers . However there were always quite a few pretty full trolleys parked up .

I wonder how many of these anecdotes about fighting and grabbing are recent events and how many date back to quite a long time ago.

I find it considerably more awkward to shop there without a trolley . Many of you complain about the 'rubbish fashion' on QVC in general and the outlet shop in particular yet want more items available to everyone there. Obviously not everyone has the same taste or is after the same items . What would be regarded as a bargain by one individual wouldn't be considered at all desirable by someone else. I've acquired some good things in the time I've been shopping there.

In my opinion I think a member of staff should do a shift standing monitoring what's going on in the store as part of their duties. They could sort out any undesirable behaviour should it occur. Perhaps a security guard needs to be employed if that isn't possible . It would also cut down on shoplifting !
I doubt QVC care how their `reject` stuff is bought or by who as long as it moves and they recoup some money or they would have acted on the complaints before now.
I once read ... in the days of Little House on the Prairie, a trip into town was a necessity, buying only essentials that you couldn't produce; taking time away from your chores, which you could ill afford. Nowadays, shopping is a leisure activity, a way to pass a few hours time, spending money you don't have. ... Snarly tired now, passing on such wisdom, must snoozzzz

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