Birchwood Outlet Store


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What I mean is at Birchwood if certain people are around you, you aren't able to look at a clothing item and it is removed from under your nose at rapid speed even from behind you.
Where as at Shrewsbury, the sellers are more than likely informed that they must stand back to see if customers are going to pick up an item first, before they take it off the rail.
Hope that makes sense.

I know what you mean. It seems to be more civilized down there and the sellers don't snatch the clothes from under your nose at rapiid speed like they do at Birchwood.
I'm looking forward to going to Shrewsbury at Easter. Many Thanks for your reply :happy:
Do you think their behaviour would be better if a couple of Her Majesty's Revenue people stood around videoing them, just to make sure they declared their ebay earnings? Just a thought ...
As I've been to Birchwood more than likely less than a handful of times this year, with a quick nip in, usually at the end of the day before going on to Asda.
I'm wondering why there's still the big problems as we have been saying above.

Only the reason I'm questioning what's now going on, as I've said in other threads previously, I thought changes were afoot to cure it.
As I visited one afternoon towards the end of last year and the assistant responsible for the clothing told me that day, they had started a new system.
Clothing rails were to be stocked when the store was closed, to avoid the problems with restocking of the rails whilst customers were in the shop.
So there'd be no need regulars camping out in the store all day awaiting the restocking of the rails.

I do know they have messed about trying numerous ways of restocking, such as taking an empty rail and restocking it in the back, then returning later in the afternoon with clothing on the rail.
Then changing it to coming out with hangers of clothing draped over their arms, in an attempt to restock in between customers.

This must all seem really unbelievable to shoppers in other clothing shops/departments, who never witness such antics.:confused:

With the continued comments from forum members who have visited recently, I'm wondering what's going on?
Has yet again the system changed from restocking when the shop is closed?

sounds like in the fighting in sainsburys when the meat gets reduced. sometimes the girl gets so overwhelmed that the manager takes the meat away..
The bottom line is QVC is trying to shift stock and the ebayers are probably their best customers. There is little incentive for the outlet to change to improve the shopping experience for an occasional visitor.

Jude xx
Like I said earlier when I was there the other day I didn't see any of the problems other people are talking about. THere were hardly any people in the clothes section, admittedly I didn't really stop and look at the clothes (not my thing QVC-wear) other than passing through to the jewellery / beauty bit when I noticed some AhhBras, which I stopped to inspect to see if they were different to the ones I ordered off eBay for £13 (they weren't...!) but I didn't see anyone giving me the evils or growling at me or in anyway acting shonkily. I was in the store a good while and had a good thorough browse completely unfettered by vile personages of any description. In fact over the years of all the times I've been I can honestly say I've never noticed any of the behaviour people are talking about. My elderly parents go quite often too (for a drive out!) and they've never seen it either. I've moaned about it a few times over the past year or so as the place had got pretty tatty and more hit and miss bargain-wise, but as I also mentioned before, last week when I went they had titied it up a bit and it seemed better.
Maybe I'm just oblivious to all the shenanigans, but I've genuinely never noticed it. I don't think people should be put off going. :thinking:
As I've been to Birchwood more than likely less than a handful of times this year, with a quick nip in, usually at the end of the day before going on to Asda.
I'm wondering why there's still the big problems as we have been saying above.

Only the reason I'm questioning what's now going on, as I've said in other threads previously, I thought changes were afoot to cure it.
As I visited one afternoon towards the end of last year and the assistant responsible for the clothing told me that day, they had started a new system.
Clothing rails were to be stocked when the store was closed, to avoid the problems with restocking of the rails whilst customers were in the shop.
So there'd be no need regulars camping out in the store all day awaiting the restocking of the rails.

I do know they have messed about trying numerous ways of restocking, such as taking an empty rail and restocking it in the back, then returning later in the afternoon with clothing on the rail.
Then changing it to coming out with hangers of clothing draped over their arms, in an attempt to restock in between customers.

This must all seem really unbelievable to shoppers in other clothing shops/departments, who never witness such antics.:confused:

With the continued comments from forum members who have visited recently, I'm wondering what's going on?
Has yet again the system changed from restocking when the shop is closed?

The stocking system changed again since you must of last been. Its gone back to the old way but bringing out a few clothes out at a time over the assistants arms, as when they used the method you mention they had loads of customers in the morning and the shop was almost empty for the rest of the day with the staff with not much to do.

As for not seeing any antics in the shop, about 3 weeks ago when I was in the store, 2 women were pulling on a K&C maxi dress, neither of them willing to let it go and arguing at the top of their voices, so one of the management came out and took the dress in the back. She ended up comming out to the same 2 women on two other occasions in the day due to other arguments.
Usually these antics seem to happen during the morning to late afternoon then it seems to get better as the culprits seem to leave just after 3pm. I know for a fact that these are big sellers and one of them has over 400 items on ebay currently, goes in nearly every day and never seems to be :cash:atisfied.
I dont like to critisize the store as I do like going there, but I think management should limit clothing per day as they are loosing alot of regular customers due to people like this.

Can anyone make any suggestions on how the management can change how the shop can be run sucessfully without changing the management completely. :thinking:

Its common knowledge that txt messages are sent to an elite few shoppers when items were being put out, so they knew when to rush back instore from the local cafe.
The stocking system changed again since you must of last been. Its gone back to the old way but bringing out a few clothes out at a time over the assistants arms, as when they used the method you mention they had loads of customers in the morning and the shop was almost empty for the rest of the day with the staff with not much to do.

As for not seeing any antics in the shop, about 3 weeks ago when I was in the store, 2 women were pulling on a K&C maxi dress, neither of them willing to let it go and arguing at the top of their voices, so one of the management came out and took the dress in the back. She ended up comming out to the same 2 women on two other occasions in the day due to other arguments.
Usually these antics seem to happen during the morning to late afternoon then it seems to get better as the culprits seem to leave just after 3pm. I know for a fact that these are big sellers and one of them has over 400 items on ebay currently, goes in nearly every day and never seems to be :cash:atisfied.
I dont like to critisize the store as I do like going there, but I think management should limit clothing per day as they are loosing alot of regular customers due to people like this.

Can anyone make any suggestions on how the management can change how the shop can be run sucessfully without changing the management completely. :thinking:

Its common knowledge that txt messages are sent to an elite few shoppers when items were being put out, so they knew when to rush back instore from the local cafe.

I think it could be quite simple either the Shrewsbury manager comes up to sort the situation out or the Birchwood manager who I have seen at Shrewsbury on one occasion gets some instruction on how they make it work.
Believe me I've witnessed at Shrewsbury certain people buy vast amounts of clothing, very far in excess than is sold at Birchwood, but then they seem far more equipped to deal with lots of stock.
The stocking system changed again since you must of last been. Its gone back to the old way but bringing out a few clothes out at a time over the assistants arms, as when they used the method you mention they had loads of customers in the morning and the shop was almost empty for the rest of the day with the staff with not much to do.

As for not seeing any antics in the shop, about 3 weeks ago when I was in the store, 2 women were pulling on a K&C maxi dress, neither of them willing to let it go and arguing at the top of their voices, so one of the management came out and took the dress in the back. She ended up comming out to the same 2 women on two other occasions in the day due to other arguments.
Usually these antics seem to happen during the morning to late afternoon then it seems to get better as the culprits seem to leave just after 3pm. I know for a fact that these are big sellers and one of them has over 400 items on ebay currently, goes in nearly every day and never seems to be :cash:atisfied.
I dont like to critisize the store as I do like going there, but I think management should limit clothing per day as they are loosing alot of regular customers due to people like this.

Can anyone make any suggestions on how the management can change how the shop can be run sucessfully without changing the management completely. :thinking:

Its common knowledge that txt messages are sent to an elite few shoppers when items were being put out, so they knew when to rush back instore from the local cafe.

Who is texting them?
The stocking system changed again since you must of last been. Its gone back to the old way but bringing out a few clothes out at a time over the assistants arms, as when they used the method you mention they had loads of customers in the morning and the shop was almost empty for the rest of the day with the staff with not much to do.

As for not seeing any antics in the shop, about 3 weeks ago when I was in the store, 2 women were pulling on a K&C maxi dress, neither of them willing to let it go and arguing at the top of their voices, so one of the management came out and took the dress in the back. She ended up comming out to the same 2 women on two other occasions in the day due to other arguments.
Usually these antics seem to happen during the morning to late afternoon then it seems to get better as the culprits seem to leave just after 3pm. I know for a fact that these are big sellers and one of them has over 400 items on ebay currently, goes in nearly every day and never seems to be :cash:atisfied.
I dont like to critisize the store as I do like going there, but I think management should limit clothing per day as they are loosing alot of regular customers due to people like this.

Can anyone make any suggestions on how the management can change how the shop can be run sucessfully without changing the management completely. :thinking:

Its common knowledge that txt messages are sent to an elite few shoppers when items were being put out, so they knew when to rush back instore from the local cafe.

Thanks so much for that, I'd no idea that changes had been a foot again.
I've only been in late in the day perhaps more than likely 3pm or later, so have missed what's been going on.
Was saying to hubby just recently we hadn't been in the morning to hopefully see the store a little more stocked, with the new system.
So he'd said if I wanted we could try to make the store opening when we next go, so glad I've I've now found out about the change.
I don't know how someone has managed 400 items, never seen that much to buy at Birchwood.
I was told ages ago a good deal of sellers had got fed up and moved to get stuff from Shrewsbury.
Oh dear, some of the customers sound like the "mob" that descend on your car when you're trying to unpack at a car boot sale! :giggle:

I just seem to go on the wrong days, when all the DRAMA is going on. It's not like i'm in there every day!!! LIKE SOME :confused:
I just seem to go on the wrong days, when all the DRAMA is going on. It's not like i'm in there every day!!! LIKE SOME :confused:

Are they all still grabbing any of the new stuff, offering it round to each other before putting what they don't want back on the rail?
Are they all still grabbing any of the new stuff, offering it round to each other before putting what they don't want back on the rail?

I was told that regular local customers, that only bought a few items of clothing for themselves, started sharing the clothes between them due to the big sellers grabbing and snatching everything in sight.
I think they did this as this was the only way they got any clothes for themselves due to the greed of the sellers. ( I PERSONALY SAY GOOD FOR THEM FOR MAKING A STAND):tongue:

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