Bibi Bijoux TSV 13/10/14


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One would think the Bibi woman had enough practise to get the pronunciation of SWARovski correct, rather than SHARovski :mysmilie_15:
I ordered the BB necklace tsv, and was extremely disappointed with it so, whilst I do like the emotional aspect of this bracelet, both for myself, and as a 'just because you're you' gift for mum, I think I will refrain from buying to avoid feeling I'd got another lemon. I didn't feel the quality was there when I saw my tsv 'in the flesh', and can see no reason why this would be any different. They have brought it in, at a price point, which will make many prospective purchasers seriously consider it. We need to remember, the only element of the bracelet which is worth anything, is the swarovski crystal. I like the designs, and would pay the money if the quality was apparent but, imo, it isn't. They want to be ashamed of themselves, giving a paltry £1 per bracelet to BCC.
I can't bear her. All the innuendo and cheap gags, nudge nudge wink wink, balls... Bleurgh. Take all sorts I know, just not for me at all. Doesn't help that it's metal tat, not even sterling silver, for hundred quid. You can get real silver in a similar style with a company called Bella Jane - much less expensive and better handmade quality. @bellajjewellery on Twitter if you want to check them out. (No it's not my company or an advert, just a suggestion from a fan)

I agree, her or her jewellery don't do anything for me, I can't wear silver, but I would not be tempted by Bibi Bijoux.
I was curious to know a while back, what all the hype was about 'was I missing something wonderful' or 'looks ok but what's the fuss about' stuff all entered my head - thinking perhaps I needed a shake up, perhaps I'm a little old fashioned as i've never been a fan of cosmetic jewellery as I call it, or cheap stuff, thought I'd give it a try. To begin with depending on which wrist I use for bracelets one is 6and a half inches and the other is 7inches, which I would not say are big in diameter at all, but I sent for 2 bracelets, immediately returned as I can't abide tight things on my wrists, I'm definitely not a 'cuff' wearing person. At the same time I purchased a necklace TSV - sorry to say none of this stuff lived up to its hype for me personally.

As for the presenter, I actually find her quite amusing, and whilst I agree that she's not perhaps the brightest coin in the purse - I think there's something likeable about her, if only that she genuinely appears to love what she's talking about.

BB not for me though.
Don't like the jewellery, think it's overpriced, the presenter annoys me, Jill Franks kept interrupting her - thankfully I recorded it so didn't have to waste an hour of my life.
Right I'm sorry but I'm going to have to have a rant about this bliddy woman. I've only caught two snippets of La Q today, and both times I've had the misfortune to switch it on whilst Mrs Sharoffsky is BANGING on about how if we order this particular necklace (302 722) we're getting a "necklace that retails in designer boutiques for well over £100 - for only £18.42". NO love, the necklace is £73.68 - there's FOUR of those £18.42s to shell out. STOP MAKING IT SOUND LIKE ITS NEXT TO NOTHING!!!

Thank you. That is all.
I hate bracelets with " danglies " on them. They clunk against things, pluck your clothes, get caught on things, especially door handles, get in the way when you`re doing anything, dangle in your dinner, tap against keyboards and are generally a pain in the bum .... in fact come to think of it they even get in the way when wiping your bum !
There is a lady who makes jewellery in St.George's market. Her range is a dead ringer for this range and about a third of the price. I hate hearts on jewellery.

LOL I'm the same - hearts look wrong to me. It'd be funny if the "romance card" for the heart TSV said "Hearts are thought to represent one's lady parts"!
Right I'm sorry but I'm going to have to have a rant about this bliddy woman. I've only caught two snippets of La Q today, and both times I've had the misfortune to switch it on whilst Mrs Sharoffsky is BANGING on about how if we order this particular necklace (302 722) we're getting a "necklace that retails in designer boutiques for well over £100 - for only £18.42". NO love, the necklace is £73.68 - there's FOUR of those £18.42s to shell out. STOP MAKING IT SOUND LIKE ITS NEXT TO NOTHING!!!

Thank you. That is all.

A lot of them do that with easy pay to make it sound like its a real bargain.Agree it's very irritating and she is a prime offender.
I have a few pieces of Bibi and have to agree its really not worth the full prices unless at the TSV or in clearance. Much prefer sterling silver if i can afford it.

I'm quite drawn to the green version with the clover but thankfully has been taken out of my hands as its now sold out!
The trouble with tele buying is its far too easy to pick up a phone !

There are one or two pieces of BB (and other brands) that I've liked in the past, BUT I've stopped myself buying because I think to myself, "would I REALLY pay almost £100 for a necklace if I was out shopping ?". Of course not, in fact the thought of purchasing any item for that amount off the cuff wouldn't come into play. Also for me, the 30 dmbg isn't a consideration as I would normally send even catalogue stuff back immediately and for free; No, the deal breaker for me is the postage to send items back. Compared to 10 years ago, my purchasing has really gone onto the back burner.
I agree Brissles that if I was out on the DHS no way would I just spoend that kind of money. On the DHS also once you leave the place of temptation you forget. I often defer prevent buying by saying," if I think about it later then I could go back and get it". With QVC the temptation is there all day with the TSV. Luckily most of the TSVs are only a saving of £5 so the pressure to buy that day is considerably reduced as we know if they don't sell out they often appear on intro price within a week. If the item sells out well tough.
I wonder how much they cost to buy these shuv-offski crystals? Probably pennies for a big bagful. (see the Alibaba thread)

OMG so very funny that phrase going to stick I think!!:mysmilie_15::mysmilie_15::mysmilie_59:

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