Beth, give it a rest, Luv!


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Feb 3, 2012
Eww - who chose that line-up? Patrick from QuackerFactory, Charlie Brooks, Beth and Beulah. Beulah, you are a STAR for putting up with Beth's antics. Her pretending to eat a QuackerCookie and doing Angelina-leg-poises while doing her gurning and tee-heeing and headtossing. Oh, I hiss when I see her and switch channels. A few minutes today reminded me why I just don't like her modelling ways-and yes, I have been a model myself; you are there to make the clothes look good, not showcase yourself. Okay, fit over. I'll go into my corner, turn around three times and have a nap, as I'm all snarled out.
Totally agree with you Snarly, I cannot abide Beth and her stupid antics. Why someone from QVC doesn't tell her to stop I just don't understand. The ugly gurning faces she pulls and the constant stretching of the fabric drives me mad. I don't know which modelling school she came from but it should be closed at once lol. I thought the models were supposed to enhance the products, not make you switch off.
I agree Beth is silly beyond words,but I doubt Beulah would notice she always looks a bit vacant to be honest!
I don't know about Beth... for some reason, I always think her 'antics' just betray some sort of shyness/embarrassment - so she doesn't so much annoy me, as just make me cringe a bit. Mind you, in that case, she's been a model long enough to have gotten over any shyness/embarrassment, surely... I don't know... just can't get that annoyed about her, but understand how people can! :thinking:
I like her. She's nuts but I like that. She has personality.

As for Beulah.... Out to lunch! The lights are on but there's no-one at home. Great looker, gorgeous actually, but wow don't let her speak. And her posing is awful too. She's got better over the years but she still plonks her right foot down after a turn as if she's going to lose her balance.
Beth is making the most of her "TV moment"....laughing, gurning, laughing, gurning :drunk:
Careful what you wish for: QVC might decide to bring back La Roberts' daughter :smirk:
Hey - don't think she's shy or embarassed at all. IF, one were to check Beth Caterer at Elliott Brown, one would find her 'bare-arsed', ahem. On another site she is described as a model and presenter. She is a pretty woman. Modelling styles change through the years and from country to country, ie: turns (speed, half-or-full-turn), placement of hands on hips (fingers shown or folded under). A good model adapts to the current trend but is always professional and polished, with all focus on how well the clothes look. Wearing little-girl hair ribbons/clips makes me think, precocious (ooh, get me!) only child who wants unending attention. New mummy, Ali, on the other hand - memorable for the right reasons. Snarly has no more snarls left, must sleep and make more!
I don't know about Beth... for some reason, I always think her 'antics' just betray some sort of shyness/embarrassment - so she doesn't so much annoy me, as just make me cringe a bit. Mind you, in that case, she's been a model long enough to have gotten over any shyness/embarrassment, surely... I don't know... just can't get that annoyed about her, but understand how people can! :thinking:

I've said the same myself mariecat - I do much the same when someone points a camera at me, ok I'm not a model, but some people just don't like cameras in their face!
Hey - don't think she's shy or embarassed at all. IF, one were to check Beth Caterer at Elliott Brown, one would find her 'bare-arsed', ahem. On another site she is described as a model and presenter. She is a pretty woman. Modelling styles change through the years and from country to country, ie: turns (speed, half-or-full-turn), placement of hands on hips (fingers shown or folded under). A good model adapts to the current trend but is always professional and polished, with all focus on how well the clothes look. Wearing little-girl hair ribbons/clips makes me think, precocious (ooh, get me!) only child who wants unending attention. New mummy, Ali, on the other hand - memorable for the right reasons. Snarly has no more snarls left, must sleep and make more!

exactly - her management advertise her as a nude model so shyness is not it. presumably she thinks she looks great when she's gurning and simpering.
I find her rather endearing actually. What I have noticed is that she has stopped that foot twiddling thing that she used to do on a turn.
I find her rather endearing actually. What I have noticed is that she has stopped that foot twiddling thing that she used to do on a turn.

Oh no I loved watching and waiting for her foot to be lifted then stuck out.

Hey - don't think she's shy or embarassed at all. IF, one were to check Beth Caterer at Elliott Brown, one would find her 'bare-arsed', ahem. On another site she is described as a model and presenter. She is a pretty woman. Modelling styles change through the years and from country to country, ie: turns (speed, half-or-full-turn), placement of hands on hips (fingers shown or folded under). A good model adapts to the current trend but is always professional and polished, with all focus on how well the clothes look. Wearing little-girl hair ribbons/clips makes me think, precocious (ooh, get me!) only child who wants unending attention. New mummy, Ali, on the other hand - memorable for the right reasons. Snarly has no more snarls left, must sleep and make more!

Eww - who chose that line-up? Patrick from QuackerFactory, Charlie Brooks, Beth and Beulah. Beulah, you are a STAR for putting up with Beth's antics. Her pretending to eat a QuackerCookie and doing Angelina-leg-poises while doing her gurning and tee-heeing and headtossing. Oh, I hiss when I see her and switch channels. A few minutes today reminded me why I just don't like her modelling ways-and yes, I have been a model myself; you are there to make the clothes look good, not showcase yourself. Okay, fit over. I'll go into my corner, turn around three times and have a nap, as I'm all snarled out.

Have a read of this Snarly
Thank you for that link, she writes very eloquently of her father's battles. My comments on this thread refer to her job, modelling clothes on QVC. I wrote nothing that I would not say to her were I to meet her. Her personal details ie: spouse, etc do not affect my opinion with regards to her work performance.

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