Belgian Biscuits


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Another thumbs up for Lidl here! I have been shopping there for a couple of years now. Love their chocolate, ice creams and deli products in particular.
Aldi is as good, but it's not so handy for me.
It depends on what you like, if you are housebound etc etc etc.

My mum is housebound so loves to buy things like these for the family, that way she doesn't have to depend on family for every little detail of shopping.

YES they are expensive, YES I would trail round the shops for her BUT she has the money and wants her independence, so why not?

They are worth every penny to your Mum and will probably bring her as much pleasure because she has been able to choose something herself as the family will get from eating them.
weakened. saw these biccies in waitrose. £3.29 for 250g assorted box. including the waffle ones,chocolate thins and florentines. what can i say how scrummy are these.

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