With regards to agreeing to know about "the fibs" (thank you!) in my post, is there anything ever said to presenters to correct them? One presenter will constantly - and I mean constantly gives the wrong price!! In giving a price of example of a £90 item, it will be described as £30 but is misleading not to follow this up with "the first of 3 payments". This is a common error - not a mistake - it's misleading.
Another regular grouch is - whatever the item - "It's changed my life" - whether it be a paint sprayer or set of pans, and they all must have a home the size of a warehouse, as they all have everything!
No response to this post needed, but just my take on the presentations.
More than happy to respond. As long as I'm not negatively impacting Ideal, I am happy to oblige. Although the thread was meant to be more for technical/behind the scenes, rather than whether I know of purposely misleading presentations. haha. In my 100% honest opinion, I do not think ANY of the bending of truth you hear is malicious or intended to mislead, even if it does. I never heard anyone say off-air "ha, well yeah I said this, it's a complete lie, but hopefully it'll get the mugs sitting at home to buy it". I think it's purely a mix of error, presenters getting carried away etc.
Regarding them all having everything. I can not vouch for this as fact as I've not visited their houses. But it is quite possible that they have a lot of it. Put it this way, all staff get a 20% discount. Guests obviously get a free product to test out at home and get familiar with it before demo'ing on air. It is also quite common for companies to give a couple of freebies away to keep the people representing them sweet.
In addition to this, I won't disclose potential salaries, but they are evidently going to be on a comfortable salary. Therefore, getting 20% off a £80 nutribullet, is quite appealing, easy to afford, and is a nice thing to have. I do also have a few of the presenters on social media, and do appear to be using Nutri-bullets etc. Therefore, again, I can see where the skeptical comments would come in, but when you view the facts, its probably quite reasonable to believe it as true.
I do also agree that the Flexi-pay thing can be misleading. It's because they are meant to say "you can get this HOME for £30+p&p." Which is true. You pay 1 payment, to get it, then try it, before doing the other flexis. It's purely meant to make it seem cheaper and no obligation. But again, it's a detail that gets lost in presentation.
And finally, yes, as mentioned in an earlier post, the liability lies with the company and the producer of the show. Therefore, any issue with facts being wrong, are very quickly picked up and corrected by the producer. Whether these are then corrected on air by the presenter is out of the producers control, apart from to keep repeating it in their ear. The thing with live television is, it's over and done with as soon as it has happened, and there is still the rest of the show to get through. So sometimes it just has to be left, and then addressed later. This is the same in all tv shows.
Hope this helps?