Beauties on the Box


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I like Julias hair and I think it suits her, I cant actually imagine what she would look like with shorter hair.

I think you can wear your hair how you like whatever age as long as it suits you.

I would love long hair, and have sone on several occasions over the years, but sadly it does not behave, and I look younger and better with it shorter.

Well said! I used to have super long hair and was told (by my slightly dotty great aunt) that I was too old to have it long (I was 26 at the time)! Now I have it super short (I only do extremes) and she thinks I'm too old for that too (I'm now 32)!! You can't please everyone all of the time so you may as well please yourself :D
I would love Julia to wear her hair up or have it straightened. I think it would look so pretty. Her curls can look a little coarse at times though. That could be down to using various products though. All the presenters are attractive in their own way even if sometimes their fashion is questionable. That could be because they are wearing the less flattering fashion ranges on QVC. Orlando Khota in my humble opinion is the best looking bloke. Debbie Greenwood has a cute mumsy look about her.
I think that most of the people who appear on QVC regardless of whether or how drop dead gorgeous they are naturally are all very well groomed and presented. This is not intended as faint praise but to recognise that they do their best with what they have got.
Which is an inspiration to all of us I think.
When I get older I WILL wear purple and I HOPE it doesn't suit me! If you have the knees, and I NEVER did, wear short skirts and shorts, no matter what your age, just make sure they are beautifully cut and tailored.
When I get older I WILL wear purple and I HOPE it doesn't suit me! If you have the knees, and I NEVER did, wear short skirts and shorts, no matter what your age, just make sure they are beautifully cut and tailored.

I luurve purple! I was checking my wardrobes today and realised that most of my clothes are now purple or shades thereof! My jewellery cabinet is mainly amethyst and my nail varnish collection is predominently purple! I did wear short skirts until I was about 45 but arthritis took over my knees and then I got myself an ankle full of metal after a fall so my skirts are now long and that's another taboo accordingly to the "older women shouldn't" thought police. I will wear what I want, when I want and have my hair how I want it. My two sisters who are both younger than me seem to think that now they have hit their 50's they should fade into the background and be boring and unadventurous. Both have cropped their hair which doesn't suit them at all and when I see them (which isn't often) they have a little dig but I don't care. After all I'm the one with the hunky huband who is 9 years younger than me and they're turning into miserable old ladies!:eek:
That's the spirit, you're my kinda girl Sue! :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

How gracious of you to tolerate a woman of a certain age who just happens to like wearing her hair long. Everyone, not just Julia, has days when their hair is not perfect, it may happen to you one day! Perhaps you would have us all in widows weeds with permed and blue rinsed hair:mad:

Here, here! I don't think I've reached that 'certain age' (I'm 39) but am so tired of people consigning others to the dustbin on life based upon their age. We all have good days, we all have bad days NO MATTER WHAT OUR AGE! It just means we are HUMAN. It seems sometimes that people are too busy focussing on other people all the time. I would (I hope) never judge a person based solely on their looks, but it seems such a pity that what was clearly intended as a positive, complimentary thread, has been turned into another opportunity for people to criticize others' appearance.
I assume everyone who makes these comments is a potential super model then?
The thanks button was hit by mistake! Senior years, what planet do you live on? Julia is in her early 50's as many of us are on this forum, some like me are even older. How dare you be so patronising!:mad:

When people are regularly living into their nineties, how can 52 possibly be considered 'senior years'? If you must apply a label then 'middle years' is surely more accurate (and much more polite!)
An open forum I might add and unless I post something libellous I am entitled to my opinions just as anyone else.

Some may agree with you but some are agreeing with me so enough said.

You are most certainly entitled to voice your opinion. As are those that disagree with you.
When people are regularly living into their nineties, how can 52 possibly be considered 'senior years'? If you must apply a label then 'middle years' is surely more accurate (and much more polite!)

Come to think of it I've changed my mind. Labels are pointless anyway!

On the original subject of the thread: I agree there are many good looking people on QVC. The fact that we all disagree with each other on who is so blessed, just shows that tastes and types of beauty vary and that everyone is beautiful in someone's eyes. Sometimes it's a great world!

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