Beauties on the Box


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Dazzler! As you couldn't thank me, I have thanked you instead. Howzat?
And Mrs James, I wouldn't say you were the vilest...there are worse...probably.
Oh dear, we`ve gone off the topic of the thread altogether :):):)

They`re are plenty of other attractive people beside Julia in this world LOL she just doesn`t realise it :):)
To bring it back on track:

I think it's so easy to be critical about other people and their looks but if they themselves are happy with it then so be it. Goodness, I passed a "big" birthday years ago so I suppose I ought to be wearing tweed pleated skirts, twin-sets, thick tights/stockings to hide the thread veins, etc. No, I don't wear mini-skirts, low-cut tops or have hair down to my waist but that's my choice!! What I'm trying to say is that rules aren't set in concrete that once you're passed a certain age you must never wear specific things again or opt for a funky hairstyle or whatever. Go for what makes YOU feel comfortable - and I don't necessarily mean elasticated waists, etc. here!!

Whilst we might think "she/he shouldn't be wearing that" or "the hairstyle is terrible" just take a step back and give some thought to the fact that maybe that particular style has made that person feel really happy about themselves. After all, there's enough hardship, sadness, stress, etc. in the world today.
BUsyLizzie and also MUQ Could not agree with you more!!!!!
exactly, what ever looks good then go for it!!!

Age is irelevant!! If it suits you then wear it!

The thanks button is not there for me.
Julia thinks she is the Bee's Knees and gets on my nerves but I tolerate her because she is good at her job.

I do think she should get that mop of a hairstyle cut however and it is so dated. Someone ought to tell her that women of a certain age should not wear their hair long. It is not as if it is silky and shiny just coarse and wiry.

Julia does think a lot of herself, but she is in pretty good shape for her age. And what is wrong with a woman "of a certain age" having long hair?
I see that none of my so-called friends have jumped up to say 'don't be silly, you're not the vilest viewer' Hmphhh :mad:

Mrs J - all the mirrors in my house have cracked - you just can't buy quality any more!
I wear clothes that I want to, have my hair how I want, wear nail polish the colour that I want.

Notice a pattern? :)
i personally think julias hair is lovely and she looks great for 50, and i also agree, you should wear what you want and have your hair how you want, its upto the individual to decide if it still suits them, im 40 and have long blonde curly hair and im going to keep it like that, till i think it doesnt suit me anymore
Back on track!

I think Denis of Ojon is cute but I cant stand listening to his awful nasal
voice so looks aren't everything. A nice voice is so important as well as presentation. Its surely the whole package to be really attractive.
Some on here think Dale is a bit smarmy but I think he is a really nice bloke,
who is funny in an old fashioned way. Nice looking with old fashioned charm.
Nowt wrong with that!
I like Julias hair and I think it suits her, I cant actually imagine what she would look like with shorter hair.

I think you can wear your hair how you like whatever age as long as it suits you.

I would love long hair, and have sone on several occasions over the years, but sadly it does not behave, and I look younger and better with it shorter.

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