This post is for all the people who post on these forums. I find lots of your comments about presenters to be completely hateful you should all be ashamed of yourselves. You know who you are. You clearly watch far too much of these channels and obviously have nothing better to do but slag off people who are merely doing a job. Could it be you are jealous of them or do you seriously have nothing better to do with your time! I would like to remind ALL the people that are writing such nasty comments about the presenters that when you signed up to this forum you agreed that your posts would not be offensive or hateful......and they most certainly ARE. This makes ALL of you posting such nasty comments just as bad as a presenter who may or may not say or do something wrong or look a certain way! I mean seriously people you constantly pick at people's looks yet I don't see ANY of you posting your photos on here! Take a good look at yourselves and ask yourself why you feel the need to do this!!! And like I know who you are.