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I would never call anyone stupid and if that was what you thought I eluded to in the post that I am deeply sorry, I would never ever call anyone that, I think I just used the wrong combination of words with regards to the point I was trying to get across. What I was trying to get across was the fact that no-one would surely believe what QVC was telling them with regards to Social Responsibilty.

Sorry again, I can hand on heart 100% say that in no way did I mean to elude to that fact that you or anyone else is stupid. Please accept this truly heartfelt apology.

Guess I will have to re-read and carefully construct my words in future. Or just stop posting!

No problems. Don`t stop posting and thank you for your apology. Easily forgotten and all in the past, move onwards and upwards.
The written word can sometimes be misinterpreted ...This forum is lovely ...I'm sure I've misunderstood myself sometimes ..
Ooh group hug ! :mysmilie_59:
Stop posting.

For someone who uses a name which(excuse my rusty French)means 'The Wise',I can't imagine why your second post in three years would be to tell someone who may have written something, agreeable to everyone or not ,to stop posting.It wasn't any of your business in the first place .Secondly, on this forum we sort out things amicably.Therefore,if you don't want to be a part of that au revoir.
That's not nice, we can agree to disagree but it's unacceptable to tell a fellow poster what to do.

There are plenty of keyboard warriors on here. You should see some of the vitriol that's been directed at me over the years! "Stop posting" seems quite mild in comparison. Besides, nobody has to stop posting just because someone posts such an instruction. If you don't want to read what a particular person writes - block them! I have done with once.

One thing I have noticed, particularly on this forum, is that people feel very strongly about animal welfare issues and feelings tend to run high on threads relating to this. As I've mentioned before, I don't think Basso bludgeons the creatures personally with a rolling pin, his Tipp-Ex white gnashers flashing as he leers and roars with delight at the passing of each stoat as its life peters our like a dying ember. It's more the case that he doesn't care about the life of the animals at all, and farms them out to be culled.

Here's a question for you all. If Basso made only faux fur coats and had never dealt with real fur, would you buy his products?
There are plenty of keyboard warriors on here. You should see some of the vitriol that's been directed at me over the years! "Stop posting" seems quite mild in comparison. Besides, nobody has to stop posting just because someone posts such an instruction. If you don't want to read what a particular person writes - block them! I have done with once.

One thing I have noticed, particularly on this forum, is that people feel very strongly about animal welfare issues and feelings tend to run high on threads relating to this. As I've mentioned before, I don't think Basso bludgeons the creatures personally with a rolling pin, his Tipp-Ex white gnashers flashing as he leers and roars with delight at the passing of each stoat as its life peters our like a dying ember. It's more the case that he doesn't care about the life of the animals at all, and farms them out to be culled.

Here's a question for you all. If Basso made only faux fur coats and had never dealt with real fur, would you buy his products?

Julius, I've read enough of your comments over the years to know you either lack compassion, or say some of the things you do purely for shock factor, from single mothers/benefit claimants being the scourge of our society, to animal welfare were you don't discriminate, everyone gets the same disdain and lack of respect from you. Just as you don't understand why people get passionate about animal welfare, we equally can't understand why anyone would condone unnecessary pain, fear and suffering on another living thing, no sorry I just don't understand that. I've only read three selective lines of your post and if you think Basso doesn't personally bludgeon them to death (I don't know wether he does or not as I'm immensely proud to say, I don't know him personally) he as good as, if I order someone to murder am I not as equally to blame for the death? I'm not surprised people have said what they've said to you over the years because a lot of what you've said seems deliberately to offend and believe me Julius it shows. As for the last line I selected to read, no I wouldn't buy anything from him for one, he's on QVC and two, his clothes/coats are not my sort of style but if he wasn't on QVC and I liked what I seen elsewhere from him and he didn't trade as he does, then who did ask.
Julius, I've read enough of your comments over the years to know you either lack compassion, or say some of the things you do purely for shock factor, from single mothers/benefit claimants being the scourge of our society, to animal welfare were you don't discriminate, everyone gets the same disdain and lack of respect from you. Just as you don't understand why people get passionate about animal welfare, we equally can't understand why anyone would condone unnecessary pain, fear and suffering on another living thing, no sorry I just don't understand that. I've only read three selective lines of your post and if you think Basso doesn't personally bludgeon them to death (I don't know wether he does or not as I'm immensely proud to say, I don't know him personally) he as good as, if I order someone to murder am I not as equally to blame for the death? I'm not surprised people have said what they've said to you over the years because a lot of what you've said seems deliberately to offend and believe me Julius it shows. As for the last line I selected to read, no I wouldn't buy anything from him for one, he's on QVC and two, his clothes/coats are not my sort of style but if he wasn't on QVC and I liked what I seen elsewhere from him and he didn't trade as he does, then who did ask.

Heya Shopper,

You seem very upset. All I was saying is that I don't think he takes any pleasure in the suffering - in fact I don't think he thinks about it at all. I don't by any means think he's a nice person. He does profit from the suffering of animals and I am sure they have a horrible experience at the hands of the people that rear / cull them. Yes I do have rather trenchant opinions and I do state them robustly - as do many on here. I don't recall having said anything about single mothers. If I have, it wouldn't have been a generalisation. My own mother was a single parent. I'm not a fan of benefit claimants too lazy to work, that's true.

As for Basso, I wonder why people tend to vilify him SO much. Are the consumers not to blame, for their demand fuels his capability to supply? Surely if his products weren't in demand he wouldn't make them. Would you vilify a prostitute or a punter more?

Think about it.
Heya Shopper,

You seem very upset. All I was saying is that I don't think he takes any pleasure in the suffering - in fact I don't think he thinks about it at all. I don't by any means think he's a nice person. He does profit from the suffering of animals and I am sure they have a horrible experience at the hands of the people that rear / cull them. Yes I do have rather trenchant opinions and I do state them robustly - as do many on here. I don't recall having said anything about single mothers. If I have, it wouldn't have been a generalisation. My own mother was a single parent. I'm not a fan of benefit claimants too lazy to work, that's true.

As for Basso, I wonder why people tend to vilify him SO much. Are the consumers not to blame, for their demand fuels his capability to supply? Surely if his products weren't in demand he wouldn't make them. Would you vilify a prostitute or a punter more?

Think about it.

:mysmilie_15: Oh Julius. :mysmilie_15: no I'm not upset. :mysmilie_3: You've just proved my point though, so I thank you for that. Me and the husband are lucky enough to be comfortable financially after down sizing our home, paying off the mortgage on it and owning our new home outright, with a couple of quid left over. I've never been a benefit claimant in my life (not that there's anything wrong with it) but even I know that not everyone on benefits are "too lazy to work" there's just one thing wrong with your comment and that's a lot of people on benefits actually do work, yes honestly even disabled people, that's the truth, I think you've beeen watching too much channel 5. :mysmilie_15:

Anyway Julius, thanks for the laugh :mysmilie_15: :mysmilie_3:
:mysmilie_15: Oh Julius. :mysmilie_15: no I'm not upset. :mysmilie_3: You've just proved my point though, so I thank you for that. Me and the husband are lucky enough to be comfortable financially after down sizing our home, paying off the mortgage on it and owning our new home outright, with a couple of quid left over. I've never been a benefit claimant in my life (not that there's anything wrong with it) but even I know that not everyone on benefits are "too lazy to work" there's just one thing wrong with your comment and that's a lot of people on benefits actually do work, yes honestly even disabled people, that's the truth, I think you've beeen watching too much channel 5. :mysmilie_15:

Anyway Julius, thanks for the laugh :mysmilie_15: :mysmilie_3:

Sorry, when did I say they are "all" too lazy to work? I said I had a problem with benefit claimants that are too lazy to work. That does not mean I am stating that all benefit claimants are too lazy to work. I just have a problem with the ones that are - and they are significant in number.

Your tone does betray more than a passing hint of upset! Your financial status / whether you have paid your mortgage is of no concern to me.

My main point is that when it comes to something like prostitution, people vilify the punters rather than the people providing the service. When it comes to Mr Basso, they vilify the supplier. But what of the people buying the products? In some ways the fur industry is a bit like prostitution. There must be a demand for Mr Basso's coats, otherwise he would surely not produce them!

I don't like Mr Basso, his products or the way he presents them, however he is certainly providing products that people desire.

Mr Basso has been kind enough to manufacture the faux furs so that Maureen from Huddersfield can don a coat and Diamonique and imagine she were Tova! But then, QVC always was very aspirational.
Sorry, when did I say they are "all" too lazy to work? I said I had a problem with benefit claimants that are too lazy to work. That does not mean I am stating that all benefit claimants are too lazy to work. I just have a problem with the ones that are - and they are significant in number.

Your tone does betray more than a passing hint of upset! Your financial status / whether you have paid your mortgage is of no concern to me.

My main point is that when it comes to something like prostitution, people vilify the punters rather than the people providing the service. When it comes to Mr Basso, they vilify the supplier. But what of the people buying the products? In some ways the fur industry is a bit like prostitution. There must be a demand for Mr Basso's coats, otherwise he would surely not produce them!

I don't like Mr Basso, his products or the way he presents them, however he is certainly providing products that people desire.

Mr Basso has been kind enough to manufacture the faux furs so that Maureen from Huddersfield can don a coat and Diamonique and imagine she were Tova! But then, QVC always was very aspirational.

Nope, still not upset. :mysmilie_15: you have said you like Basso in the past, and I'm aware that my financial situation is of no concern/interest to you, as your "flying club", "vintage cars" etc aren't to me. :mysmilie_496: So we'll draw a line under it now eh, have a lovely evening. :mysmilie_3:
Nope, still not upset. :mysmilie_15: you have said you like Basso in the past, and I'm aware that my financial situation is of no concern/interest to you, as your "flying club", "vintage cars" etc aren't to me. :mysmilie_496: So we'll draw a line under it now eh, have a lovely evening. :mysmilie_3:

Fair enough. One thing we do have in common is that neither of us buy Mr Basso's garments, and so have not financed the suffering of countless stoats, mink and other cute creatures.

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