Ruth's Cotton Cardigan


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I can't see how angry could come into this equation, unless you're angry with yourself for buying it. All of Ruth's offerings are overpriced, some more than others, and this rather ordinary cardigan is one of them. Don't buy, just have fun taking the pi$$ out of the idiots who think they're buying designer or think it's worth paying an extra £25 just because a famous person might say your name on the telly.
Oh yes! I've read some bitter responses about this cardigan, and her clothes in general. Mainly concerning the prices she wants. Case in point, her t-shirts that she prefers to call "tops" because of the modal (very pricey according to her) mixed with poly. Of course they won't stretch/lose their shape, unlike 100% cotton that M&S sell at half the price. However, I'd rather have the cotton ones, even though they might last for only two years rather than wear poly in the hot and humid weather and have the "top" last until kingdom come.
I know, not sure if only N.I.? They stopped prescribing it for many conditions. A friend takes it, she had to sign for her prescription each month. I did ask how she continued to Pregabalin? She said it was the hospital, not her GP, who prescribed it for her anxiety. I did not know you got it for that, thought it was pain?
It is an Epilepsy drug but is also used for anxiety and pain.
Perhaps Ruth was a bit pissed off with Catherine's smugness now that she loves to tell us she's "lost four stone". Yes well bully for you and you look nice but we all have an idea how you lost it and that gets my goat actually as some diabetics are now on insulin because their injectable prescription just wasn't available anywhere. Ah well as long as you look good in a pair of jeans eh?

CC (sorry, in a mood tonight)

See below for the definitive statement on the weight loss drug position - from Chunts Instagram page from today

11 h
I’m only just catching up with some very disappointing and accusatory comments regarding my weight loss. For clarification, I can categorically state that I have NOT taken ozempic or any other weight loss drug or injections or had any kind of gastric surgery/bands. I make no judgements on those who have but I wanted to set the record straight as some comments implied I’ve been lying about how I’ve lost weight. It’s offensive to me to suggest I have tried to mislead anyone about my weight loss as it’s simply untrue.
being diabetic has nothing to do with craving sugar. I think some of you should do in depth research before suggesting to us that you know what you're talking about. Just pray you don't have a member of your family now or in future who is, or becomes diabetic, or yourself of the various kinds
Did she talk about her weight loss when she was doing a presentation? Why is she so offended. Methinks the lady dost protest too much!!
Catherine's always banging on about being too fat, then she bangs on about losing weight and 4 stone in particular, now she's banging on about having loose skin as she's lost so much weight. It's a yawn fest.

If she's found a way of losing a lot of weight very quickly then why doesn't she bottle it or write a book about it and sell it on QVC. She'd make millions.

Catherine's always banging on about being too fat, then she bangs on about losing weight and 4 stone in particular, now she's banging on about having loose skin as she's lost so much weight. It's a yawn fest.

If she's found a way of losing a lot of weight very quickly then why doesn't she bottle it or write a book about it and sell it on QVC. She'd make millions.

Has she not said how she lost it then? The last time she dropped a lot of weight she said she did that diet in the book written by the Kipling woman's sister and she never shut up about it!
I'm not a huge Catherine Huntley fan but can we not just say well done and she's looking great, which she is.
There are some angry responses to the cardigan Ruth showed last night. Mainly about the high price and how old fashioned it was. It looked better on Huntley than on Ruth or on the models. However, too short imo, and I'm inclined to think that with it's weight and its being 100% cotton, it will start to droop and lose its shape. But, according to QVC at the time of the show, it was 'flying out the door.' PS, Ruth was very 'snippy' to Huntley several times!
I cannot stand The Huntley, I think her sense of humour is smutty, she constantly laughs at her own remarks so called funny which they are not and the constant giggling at her own remarks and her constant reminding us of how stupid she is doesn’t wash because she doesn’t think she’s stupid at all, in fact she thinks we the viewers for watching her on QVC. And when you think about it, do you really want to spend precious minutes of your life watching The Huntley???? NO!

Oh yes! I've read some bitter responses about this cardigan, and her clothes in general. Mainly concerning the prices she wants. Case in point, her t-shirts that she prefers to call "tops" because of the modal (very pricey according to her) mixed with poly. Of course they won't stretch/lose their shape, unlike 100% cotton that M&S sell at half the price. However, I'd rather have the cotton ones, even though they might last for only two years rather than wear poly in the hot and humid weather and have the "top" last until kingdom come.
Couldn’t agree more 💕💕💕💕
Has she not said how she lost it then? The last time she dropped a lot of weight she said she did that diet in the book written by the Kipling woman's sister and she never shut up about it!
No she hasn't, just left people that are interested wondering how she managed to do it. If people don't know and CH doesn't tell them, then of course they are going to speculate. She didn't look that dreadful before she lost the weight did she? It's the constant bringing attention to the matter that bugs people when they are just sitting down wanting to buy some lock n lock (to keep their doughnuts in) 🍩🍩


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