Barred from a shop at my age lol!!!!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
In thread below I described my experience in my local vape shop. Was sold a faulty product and had quite a struggle to get him to replace it, the guy was surly and unhelpful, especially when I asked whether he could exchange for a different model which was the same price. I swore to myself I'd never return. The replacement I was eventually given has already given up the ghost but I didn't bother going back I just ordered another online and it's fine. A couple of weeks ago I was with a friend who said they wanted to pop into that shop to pick up a disposable vape, I told him about my experience and he said the guy in there's lovely, as we approached the door we could see a guy at the counter, not the same guy so I went in with him and sure enough this bloke was lovely. I didn't mention my problems to him. Just yesterday I got a text from DIL "could you pick up a couple of disposable vapes for me and I give you the money when you get to ours" I set off a little early just in case Mr Nasty was in there and I'd have to try and find another shop - he wasn't "result!" I was just browsing the display to find the flavours I'd been asked for, when who should emerge from out the back - yep, you've guessed it. He came right up behind me and said don't serve this lady, I turned around and said "excuse me?" and he said I think you should leave. I asked why and he said "I remember you, you came in here kicking off and expecting me to give you a new vape, so I said, yes because the one I returned was faulty, and I most certainly was not "kicking off"! He insisted that there was nothing wrong with it and that he'd kindly replaced it but I still wasn't satisfied, so I said yes, because the replacement was also broken. He insisted that I was talking rubbish so I told him calmly that he was very rude and should look to the other guy who works here for inspiration. He said "Yes, I'm his boss" I said "well I hope you treat your staff better than you treat your customers". He said "get out and don't come back" - I said" it'll be a pleasure kind sir" and off I strutted! $hit! bus due in five minutes still no vapes for DIL I legged it round to the newsagent, who lo and behold stocked what I wanted and they were £2 cheaper!!
What an absolute ar$ehole eh?! 59 years old and banned from a shop lol!
In thread below I described my experience in my local vape shop. Was sold a faulty product and had quite a struggle to get him to replace it, the guy was surly and unhelpful, especially when I asked whether he could exchange for a different model which was the same price. I swore to myself I'd never return. The replacement I was eventually given has already given up the ghost but I didn't bother going back I just ordered another online and it's fine. A couple of weeks ago I was with a friend who said they wanted to pop into that shop to pick up a disposable vape, I told him about my experience and he said the guy in there's lovely, as we approached the door we could see a guy at the counter, not the same guy so I went in with him and sure enough this bloke was lovely. I didn't mention my problems to him. Just yesterday I got a text from DIL "could you pick up a couple of disposable vapes for me and I give you the money when you get to ours" I set off a little early just in case Mr Nasty was in there and I'd have to try and find another shop - he wasn't "result!" I was just browsing the display to find the flavours I'd been asked for, when who should emerge from out the back - yep, you've guessed it. He came right up behind me and said don't serve this lady, I turned around and said "excuse me?" and he said I think you should leave. I asked why and he said "I remember you, you came in here kicking off and expecting me to give you a new vape, so I said, yes because the one I returned was faulty, and I most certainly was not "kicking off"! He insisted that there was nothing wrong with it and that he'd kindly replaced it but I still wasn't satisfied, so I said yes, because the replacement was also broken. He insisted that I was talking rubbish so I told him calmly that he was very rude and should look to the other guy who works here for inspiration. He said "Yes, I'm his boss" I said "well I hope you treat your staff better than you treat your customers". He said "get out and don't come back" - I said" it'll be a pleasure kind sir" and off I strutted! $hit! bus due in five minutes still no vapes for DIL I legged it round to the newsagent, who lo and behold stocked what I wanted and they were £2 cheaper!!
What an absolute ar$ehole eh?! 59 years old and banned from a shop lol!
Good on you,picket the shop.
He doesn't deserve to be in business. Might be worth talking to Trading Standards, perhaps he sells to minors!
As wrong as this sounds, I would feel a pang of pleasure if he went out of business due to the unacceptable way he treated me on two occasions, but if he does, it won't be anything to do with me! I'm sure he's perfectly capable of running his own business into the ground if that's his attitude. I wouldn't go to trading standards unless I had concrete evidence or strongly suspected that he's supplying minors - Unfortunately, arrogance and downright rudeness isn't a criminal offence! I had a peek at the google reviews and there were a lot of glowing ones (possibly from people who weren't served by him personally). Many said that it was the best shop of its kind in the area, with a good range of products, staff are knowledgeable and helpful, however near the bottom of the page there was a handful of disgruntled customers mainly saying that the shop's great, until there's a problem and then they don't want to know and are rude and unhelpful to boot! I've drafted my own similar response but have yet to post as my google profile is my real name, he'd know exactly who I was due to what I'd written and I don't want him to know who I am, it worries me in this day and age. Hopefully he'll be the architect of his own downfall!
Wow! That man has anger issues, doesn't he?
A comeuppance is surely in his not-too-distant future with an attitude and behaviour like that. I pity his staff.
I'd have been tempted to tell him he's done you a HUGE favour by banning you.
Wow! That man has anger issues, doesn't he?
A comeuppance is surely in his not-too-distant future with an attitude and behaviour like that. I pity his staff.
I'd have been tempted to tell him he's done you a HUGE favour by banning you.
I know! and if the truth be known, he really has because I've found that the newsagent around the corner sells what I need at a better price. I usually manage to think of good retorts in hindsight. In the moment you say the first thing that pops into your head and it usually isn't clever, or witty. I am proud that I managed to come out with "I hope you treat your staff better than you treat your customers" To be honest, I'd have really liked to have called him a petty minded and arrogant tw*t !! Ok, not clever or witty but so true!
As wrong as this sounds, I would feel a pang of pleasure if he went out of business due to the unacceptable way he treated me on two occasions, but if he does, it won't be anything to do with me! I'm sure he's perfectly capable of running his own business into the ground if that's his attitude. I wouldn't go to trading standards unless I had concrete evidence or strongly suspected that he's supplying minors - Unfortunately, arrogance and downright rudeness isn't a criminal offence! I had a peek at the google reviews and there were a lot of glowing ones (possibly from people who weren't served by him personally). Many said that it was the best shop of its kind in the area, with a good range of products, staff are knowledgeable and helpful, however near the bottom of the page there was a handful of disgruntled customers mainly saying that the shop's great, until there's a problem and then they don't want to know and are rude and unhelpful to boot! I've drafted my own similar response but have yet to post as my google profile is my real name, he'd know exactly who I was due to what I'd written and I don't want him to know who I am, it worries me in this day and age. Hopefully he'll be the architect of his own downfall!
One can only hope!

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