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not sure if moderators would work, i guess it would depend who was doing it! everytime i go onto rocks it seems to be the same handful of people talking about rubbish or about their probs etc so i guess they would be classed as regulars as they are always there. Clearly they wouldn't be appropriate mods as they are the main off topic people!
Also, it may prove difficult for regulars to moderate people they are friendly with and favouritism issues may come up etc with people wingeing.

Mirabelle is a gem, and is the one person i would say could be a good mod.

Perhaps some suggestions on here of other chat sites dedicated to health probs etc would be helpful to the people who find it helpful to talk about these topics. They could get the support etc in an appropriate setting, and rocks chat could be more about jewellery and fun?

If rockstv keep the chat it should be a helpful tool to people, newbies etc. Not be an element that puts people off rockstv.

maybe chat should go and be replaced with a member of staff (could pay mira) giving info about the item being auctioned etc and a question button so you could get your questions answered?
One of the benefits of reaching my somewhat over-ripe years, is that you can wear what you like and say what you like. If I sometimes resemble a foul-mouthed old baglady then you can just say "ah, poor old thing, her mind's goin' dontcha know". :mysmilie_698: xxxxx
One of the benefits of reaching my somewhat over-ripe years, is that you can wear what you like and say what you like. If I sometimes resemble a foul-mouthed old baglady then you can just say "ah, poor old thing, her mind's goin' dontcha know". :mysmilie_698: xxxxx

Whatd'ya mean, sometimes... :mysmilie_12:
You're very helpful with the measurements Mirabelle - the people I was referring to are those that talk amongst themselves on things that other posters can't really join in with as it's nothing to do with them, hence the MSN comment earlier!

Or wittering on & on (& on!) about something that really only warrants a passing comment or two, if that - the other night one or two were going on about corsets or something for bl**dy ages, they kept it going long after the initial amusing comments were posted & after about half an hour of it, it was really starting to p*ss me off tbh!

There are a few posters on there (Mirabelle, Purpledreams etc.) who prevent it from turning too cliquey but as chat has got busier of late, it does seem to be teetering on the verge of falling into the grip of such!

Also, the constant 'Don't like this!' & 'Yuk!' comments are getting a bit out of hand - I occasionally say I might have preferred something in plain silver, not plated or whatever but some of them are just plain bl**dy rude!

Here endeth the rant! :mysmilie_61:

Yes, I was watching a few days ago and there were a fair few green stone items being sold (I love green so was more than happy myself) and there were these pathetic childish comments! It did distract from the sales to be honest as I couldn't stop looking over to see what idiotic comment was coming next :mysmilie_81:

I have no idea what the answer is, I fear adding mods will just mean someone else to point the slander at, as if a mod steps in at all they are going to cop flack. I don't post in the chat section at all, I will probably turn it off from now on as that function is available. I agree that it isn't there as a support group and the individuals that seem to 'need' it should maybe seek help elsewhere from a more appropriate source!
i must admit i have been prone at times to discussing health and i can see where you are coming from all of you so i promise i wont do it again :mysmilie_11:and you have my permission to tell me to shut it.
A tricky one. If you use moderators, I think you'll have a lot of upset people on chat and how do you deal with that? It might also be quite difficult to find enough people to cover all the hours, especially as a lot of folk who might be fair moderators don't like the way chat is going and now no longer chat regularly.
Having said that, I agree with the above: Mirabelle and Argey for Mods!
i must admit i have been prone at times to discussing health and i can see where you are coming from all of you so i promise i wont do it again :mysmilie_11:and you have my permission to tell me to shut it.

It's so easy to slip into your problems with people doing the natural thing of asking how one another are. The last few months I just say "good ta", as to say otherwise will lead into yet another medical drama for others to have to wade through. When you know someone is struggling with personal stuff, it's very hard not to ask if they are okay, etc. A moderator could help here, by gently reminding us that there is a "chit-chat" room (if Steve put's it back). Anyone on the receiving end will either happily oblige, understanding the situation, and if they don't understand then who's going to care if they naff orf except other like-minded peeps. Sazza certainly manages it perfectly well here, and is able to post herself.

Perhaps some kind of moderator rotation could be worked out so that no one person is the "baddie" or becomes a power mad control freak.<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a> xxx
A tricky one. If you use moderators, I think you'll have a lot of upset people on chat and how do you deal with that? It might also be quite difficult to find enough people to cover all the hours, especially as a lot of folk who might be fair moderators don't like the way chat is going and now no longer chat regularly.
Having said that, I agree with the above: Mirabelle and Argey for Mods!

D'ya want Rocks to be closed down altogether? :mysmilie_17:

Me moderating:-


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When it is focussed on jewellery having the chat is mutually beneficial for both Rocks and buyers alike. When I started buying from Rocks about 18 months ago it was invaluable in providing information about products/buying and personal recommendations which helped overcome any reservations in shopping from a relatively new channel.

I think for the most part this is still the case and so it would be a pity to lose chat altogether. Often though it gets dreary and irrelevant, there are many displays of bad manners and childish squabbles and I am inclined to agree that some of the 'regulars' in the forum - Mirabelle excepted - may not be best qualified to moderate.

What is needed is stricter moderation from the Rocks help team itself, greater visibility of the Rocks team in the chat forum to ensure that discussion is relevant, processes (e.g. for requests) are understood/observed, timely information is provided and appropriate comments are fed back to the presenters. If this happens, chat can continue to be fun as well as meaningful.
When it is focussed on jewellery having the chat is mutually beneficial for both Rocks and buyers alike. When I started buying from Rocks about 18 months ago it was invaluable in providing information about products/buying and personal recommendations which helped overcome any reservations in shopping from a relatively new channel.

I think for the most part this is still the case and so it would be a pity to lose chat altogether. Often though it gets dreary and irrelevant, there are many displays of bad manners and childish squabbles and I am inclined to agree that some of the 'regulars' in the forum - Mirabelle excepted - may not be best qualified to moderate.

What is needed is stricter moderation from the Rocks help team itself, greater visibility of the Rocks team in the chat forum to ensure that discussion is relevant, processes (e.g. for requests) are understood/observed, timely information is provided and appropriate comments are fed back to the presenters. If this happens, chat can continue to be fun as well as meaningful.

Then it becomes a paid, and therefore relatively expensive, service and no longer in Steve's interests to maintain. xxx
When it is focussed on jewellery having the chat is mutually beneficial for both Rocks and buyers alike. When I started buying from Rocks about 18 months ago it was invaluable in providing information about products/buying and personal recommendations which helped overcome any reservations in shopping from a relatively new channel.

I think for the most part this is still the case and so it would be a pity to lose chat altogether. Often though it gets dreary and irrelevant, there are many displays of bad manners and childish squabbles and I am inclined to agree that some of the 'regulars' in the forum - Mirabelle excepted - may not be best qualified to moderate.

What is needed is stricter moderation from the Rocks help team itself, greater visibility of the Rocks team in the chat forum to ensure that discussion is relevant, processes (e.g. for requests) are understood/observed, timely information is provided and appropriate comments are fed back to the presenters. If this happens, chat can continue to be fun as well as meaningful.

some good points elouise, i agree that if rockstv do want to keep the chat then maybe rockstv staff moderating more would be best
Moderators is a nice idea but i think overly simplistic and so would not work. Additionally I think moderators would simply be another target for some of the vitriol you seem to find all to easily on chat these days one of the reasons why I lurk so much more these days. Additionally how do you select the moderators and moderate the moderators?

I suspect the problem is that chat is no longer interaction with the presenter/auctioneer and studio. From recent personal experience when Chloe is in the studio she has been brilliant at keeping an eye on chat, trying to meet requests, giving information out and so on. It's another cost but maybe a member of staff working most of the time on chat would keep it centred and stop at least some of the moaning and whining that goes on (and I know I am as guilty as many on occasion). That said I've made a point on occasions of telling people "each to their own" when they've been moaning about the jewellery and setting out to put in complimentary comments which really irks the moaners. Maybe a few more reminders on air that CR is about coloured gems etc would also help

All that said I do like the idea of being able to flip chatsters into I guess what was the old chitchat room. If that was kept up people would soon learn.

Anyway I guess I will probably keep flipping in and out of chat, not least they're great at answering my questions about what I am looking at and helping me to decide whether to add another different gem to my every increasing jewellery box.

In the meantime I close with my thanks to everybody :mysmilie_687:
As a new customer the comments in the chat forum helped give me the confidence to buy (a lot ..!), but it can also be a deterrent. Either way it can impact on sales and for this reason closer intervantion by the Rocks team would be justified in my view.
As a new customer the comments in the chat forum helped give me the confidence to buy (a lot ..!), but it can also be a deterrent. Either way it can impact on sales and for this reason closer intervantion by the Rocks team would be justified in my view.

True. :mysmilie_696: xxx
I think moderators is actually a good idea! We have them here and they are certainly not figures that cop a ton of abuse because of it!! If people are chucking abuse at a mod (or at anyone else for that matter!) on Rocks Chat, then they are obviously not there to either buy jewellry or go ooo at sparkles and should imagine a mod would deal accordingly.

I think that mods is a good idea. I think there are probably a lot of people who sometimes look at the subjects being discussed and say 'sheesh' but don't say anything in chat about it for fear of alienating the community there. A Mod would be able to maintain the balance. Of course questions of peoples wellbeing are going to come up, and I don't think anyone is suggesting we say a blanket 'fine' to every enquiry and not confess to maladies full stop, but a mod would be pop a gentle reminder what we are there for if these conversations start to go on and balloon etc.

I appreciate this could all be done by the Help Team, but if I understand correctly, they are also dealing with Live Help as well as phone calls, so I think they are kind of dipping in when they can. As has been previously mentioned, to have a dedicated Chat Room person, Steve would need to hire a dedicated resource and that would make Chat an expense that it currently isn't. ...that said, if you want to go down the hiring a dedicated resource route, I am more than available, Steve!!!! Can you imagine, being PAID to spend all day on Rocks!!!!!!!!! :)

Mods are a great idea IMHO!!
Moderators may be a step forward. However, problems can arise when moderators get a little power mad and abuse their position to enforce only comments / opinions they personally agree with. It can happen quite a lot on forums where moderators do not remain impartial. Mirabelle would make a good moderator in my opinion as she is helpful with details about the stock and is a caring person, considerate of the feelings of others.

I agree, Ballerina, and of course Rocks would have to ensure that if a mod became a megolomaniac, their mod status was rebuked. Any one who was to become a mod would also of course have to recognise that they are not above being moderated themselves and act accordingly. I think, as long as this is followed and carried out, there won't be a problem.
If the chit chat room was brought back and chatters adhered to the rules then the problem should be solved. Chatters are able to discuss whatever they want (within reason) in the chit chat room so that would leave chat free of posts about health & personal problems which i think are very inappropriate for the chat room. Maybe Rocks could send everyone a polite email reminding them of the chat rules as maybe a lot of the new chatters haven't read them.
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That's the thing though, amf, in the past the chit chat room has simply not been utilised properly. I think the bringing back of the chit chat room coupled with mods to gently remind people to take their chats there would work wonderfully (it would also give Help an extra pair of eyes when trolls descend and get them dealt with more swiftly), but it would need to be sensibly done. As has previously been mentioned, the odd non jewellry comment would need to be allowed as otherwise we might all die of boredom!! Lol!!!
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