Banned from Rocks TV


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That's the thing though Kitten, of course there are going to be issues, and of course there are going to be frustrations, and people are going to want to share, and I am absolutely cool with that....just don't go on and on and on and on and on and on and on about it, you know?? It just makes people switch off!!!

True princess, the chat room should be part of the 'fun' of buying, not something to have to endure! lol
I may rant a bit but I save my whingeing for my OH - as I am a bit nervous about buying anything further at the mo, he kind of suggested that if he heard me whine on much longer about how I 'want my bl**dy tiger's eye bracelet'., he may actaually pack his spotted handkerchief & leave home......or shove me head first into the wheelie bin & leave me there with my little legs poking out, or something.......! :mysmilie_61:
ooer!!! The 'upside down wheelie bin' look is ssoo last season, dahling!!!! lol!!!
ooer!!! The 'upside down wheelie bin' look is ssoo last season, dahling!!!! lol!!!

I know but I thought I could pop a tennis bracelet on one ankle, so at least I look attractive when I've been vertically inserted into said wheelie bin & left there with my legs sticking up in the air!

Feel bit cheerier now PR, ta, was quite upset about this latest fiasco earlier & OH was a bit miffed too but there we go, hope they don't ban me from shopping with them altogether or something.........! *sniffs sadly!* lol
NO they won't !..weve all had various issues etc to deal with But i think the biggest headache has to be their end to try and sort out.I had a big issue to sort this week and i must admit they went out of their way to sort it and Jainey was brill ,which more than makes up for everything else and the techie issue as well. I am waiting in the wings for everything to be sorted, tho i know we have been spoilt in the past with our requests etc,etc etc and nothing in life stays the same.. i still enjoy the items especially the loose gems i have got(sorry daz!) ,if when im on i see something i like at a good price ill get it ! ( get in us PR with our earrings yesterday!) if not and i need something desperately or as a gift then i will get it off CR as the prices to me are good anway so it evens out eventually.I have also sent in requests to Alan who got me sorted even though this is done as a favour by them, though looking at how popular it worked with Rae ,might be a good way to go. I tend to have chat off more than on these days as it gets quite heated etc thesedays and i don't need the stress when i want to relax and chill and have a laugh ,when there is peace and harmony and laughter im more inclined to buy!!!!! I'll pop in and say hi, will lurk, if im not likin ill pop off again!!
I know but I thought I could pop a tennis bracelet on one ankle, so at least I look attractive when I've been vertically inserted into said wheelie bin & left there with my legs sticking up in the air!
Feel bit cheerier now PR, ta, was quite upset about this latest fiasco earlier & OH was a bit miffed too but there we go, hope they don't ban me from shopping with them altogether or something.........! *sniffs sadly!* lol

ooooo bringing new life to an old classic (I mean the 'look' by that...not you!!)

Glad you are feeling better, and COURSE they will let you buy again!! They will want you to in fact so they can prove to you that they CAN get it right!
NO they won't !..weve all had various issues etc to deal with But i think the biggest headache has to be their end to try and sort out.I had a big issue to sort this week and i must admit they went out of their way to sort it and Jainey was brill ,which more than makes up for everything else and the techie issue as well. I am waiting in the wings for everything to be sorted, tho i know we have been spoilt in the past with our requests etc,etc etc and nothing in life stays the same.. i still enjoy the items especially the loose gems i have got(sorry daz!) ,if when im on i see something i like at a good price ill get it ! ( get in us PR with our earrings yesterday!) if not and i need something desperately or as a gift then i will get it off CR as the prices to me are good anway so it evens out eventually.I have also sent in requests to Alan who got me sorted even though this is done as a favour by them, though looking at how popular it worked with Rae ,might be a good way to go. I tend to have chat off more than on these days as it gets quite heated etc thesedays and i don't need the stress when i want to relax and chill and have a laugh ,when there is peace and harmony and laughter im more inclined to buy!!!!! I'll pop in and say hi, will lurk, if im not likin ill pop off again!!

WOOP WOOP WOOP and again WOOP!!!!!!

Can't wait to see them!!!
:mysmilie_348:We know they are having teething probs but thats what happens when you deal with puters they never do what you hope but i personally think they have handled the situation excellently we all are gonna have a winge if things are wrong me included.But the thing to do is winge at the right people the ones that can do somethings about it.Iagree we were all spoilt with the old system YELL AT PRESENTER LONG ENOUGH and chances are you would get what you wanted it doesnt work now but people are still doing it WHY? they know now that requests have to be sent through to presenter for request hour it has been said over and over again DOH i still pop in and join in now and again but i now mainly lurk its nice to talk to you folk this poorlonely little old lady AHHH LOL :mysmilie_17: :mysmilie_687:
i think people voicing their probs is ok, as having your card charged twice etc is pretty darn bad! but your right princess racer, some of the people on there do seem to moan for ages! seems to be the same names popping up whenever i have a look on rockstv (no-one from here that i recognise), and they don't seem like they are going to give up using chat as their personal msn! :mysmilie_73:
I totally agree with you PR - and, I have to say that whilst I am lurking and looking - yes, at the whingeing - I often see you pop up and defend Rockstv - I have to say I've been VERY tempted to dive in as well, but too busy to get involved at the moment.

I mean to say, who in their right mind really believed that the 'change over' would really happen in one day??? We all know that computers will always throw something back at you in order to muck things up.

I also think that too many 'new' customers have jumped on the bandwagon of 'long-standing' customers who have made comments about the difference between now and then, and are adding their £2 worth - or so it seems to me.

I also think that there are a few 'long standing' customers who are not giving Rockstv a chance and are expecting things to revert to the way they were. I really don't think they will ever be the same as before. Change invariably means just that.

I hope I haven't trodden on anyone's keyboard fingers, but I really think that Rockstv hadn't actually imagined things to take off as well as they did and have been slightly caught out.

If people don't like it, then they should just go and maybe come back at a later date to see if things are more in line with the way they would like them.

I agree with the last few posts that it is getting both tedious and uncomfortable to be in chat sometimes, often in the evenings. Some people seem oblivious that chat is public, often expressing surprise at the idea that what they are talking about is unsuitable and even against chat rules/etiquette. Over the weekend was a particularly bad spell. On Saturday, in amongst the 'yuk, don't like this' type of rude comments, was an ebayer asking people to look at her wares (jewellery from a rival co.), an enquiry about psychic readings, a beautician trying to get sales of nail polish by offering discounts and posting her website address. After she was asked to refrain from this by a member of the help team, she then made lots of sarcastic comments about 'big brother' and how rude, and what had she done? etc. It was clear she had not read any rules or if so, was not letting them apply to her. Again, at the weekend, someone posted their email address in an arrangement with another person to borrow a dvd, this person had to be informed by a polite chatter that it was not a safe thing to do.
I really don't know what the answer is, if people arrive in chat in a great big influx of new customers, there are bound to be many who have problems settling in and understanding the etiquette, even with all the kind help and advice which is offered.
It seems to me that they need a company/customer agreement before becoming a member of chat, just like the home/school agreement, where each party agrees a few rules. i.e not promoting your own or others businesses whilst in chat etc addressing complaints with cs or live help rather than shouting and grumbling to other users in the chat room. At least with this approach you can have a level playing field with everyones interests protected and sanctions in the unlikely event that someone couldn't co-operate.
do you think steve and co will read these posts, and take on board peoples opinons?
I agree with the last few posts that it is getting both tedious and uncomfortable to be in chat sometimes, often in the evenings. Some people seem oblivious that chat is public, often expressing surprise at the idea that what they are talking about is unsuitable and even against chat rules/etiquette. Over the weekend was a particularly bad spell. On Saturday, in amongst the 'yuk, don't like this' type of rude comments, was an ebayer asking people to look at her wares (jewellery from a rival co.), an enquiry about psychic readings, a beautician trying to get sales of nail polish by offering discounts and posting her website address. After she was asked to refrain from this by a member of the help team, she then made lots of sarcastic comments about 'big brother' and how rude, and what had she done? etc. It was clear she had not read any rules or if so, was not letting them apply to her. Again, at the weekend, someone posted their email address in an arrangement with another person to borrow a dvd, this person had to be informed by a polite chatter that it was not a safe thing to do.
I really don't know what the answer is, if people arrive in chat in a great big influx of new customers, there are bound to be many who have problems settling in and understanding the etiquette, even with all the kind help and advice which is offered.
It seems to me that they need a company/customer agreement before becoming a member of chat, just like the home/school agreement, where each party agrees a few rules. i.e not promoting your own or others businesses whilst in chat etc addressing complaints with cs or live help rather than shouting and grumbling to other users in the chat room. At least with this approach you can have a level playing field with everyones interests protected and sanctions in the unlikely event that someone couldn't co-operate.

I remember seeing that, Briolette, and was absolutely aghast that they considered it appropriate!! I mean brass neck is one thing, but that!! I think it is stretching the limits of Rocks patience when Ebayers make mention in the chat that they have Rocks goods on Ebay and this is how to find them, but RIVAL jewellry??? Sheesh!!! Must admit, I got my deleting stick out, but the chat moves so fast it was difficult to keep up!!

...actually my aim on one post was a bit off and I ended up deleting one of Sazza's posts!!! Somewhere in Rocks Towers there is a deleted Sazza post with the 'reason for deletion' making absolutely no sense whatsoever!!! Didn't realise I had missed the post I intended to delete till I got back to the chat and it was still there!!! Ooops!!! Sorry Sazza!!! x
I remember seeing that, Briolette, and was absolutely aghast that they considered it appropriate!! I mean brass neck is one thing, but that!! I think it is stretching the limits of Rocks patience when Ebayers make mention in the chat that they have Rocks goods on Ebay and this is how to find them, but RIVAL jewellry??? Sheesh!!! Must admit, I got my deleting stick out, but the chat moves so fast it was difficult to keep up!!

...actually my aim on one post was a bit off and I ended up deleting one of Sazza's posts!!! Somewhere in Rocks Towers there is a deleted Sazza post with the 'reason for deletion' making absolutely no sense whatsoever!!! Didn't realise I had missed the post I intended to delete till I got back to the chat and it was still there!!! Ooops!!! Sorry Sazza!!! x

I forgive you PR!!! Poor Rocks staff are probably still looking at the post wondering what on earth was wrong with it!!!!!!!!!!! :mysmilie_61:
Lol Princess and Sazza! Chat moves at the speed of light sometimes so it could become a brand new sport to catch a post and delete before it disappears at the top of the page..congratulations, your score is..0 !!
I agree with the last few posts that it is getting both tedious and uncomfortable to be in chat sometimes, often in the evenings. Some people seem oblivious that chat is public, often expressing surprise at the idea that what they are talking about is unsuitable and even against chat rules/etiquette. Over the weekend was a particularly bad spell. On Saturday, in amongst the 'yuk, don't like this' type of rude comments, was an ebayer asking people to look at her wares (jewellery from a rival co.), an enquiry about psychic readings, a beautician trying to get sales of nail polish by offering discounts and posting her website address. After she was asked to refrain from this by a member of the help team, she then made lots of sarcastic comments about 'big brother' and how rude, and what had she done? etc. It was clear she had not read any rules or if so, was not letting them apply to her. Again, at the weekend, someone posted their email address in an arrangement with another person to borrow a dvd, this person had to be informed by a polite chatter that it was not a safe thing to do.
I really don't know what the answer is, if people arrive in chat in a great big influx of new customers, there are bound to be many who have problems settling in and understanding the etiquette, even with all the kind help and advice which is offered.
It seems to me that they need a company/customer agreement before becoming a member of chat, just like the home/school agreement, where each party agrees a few rules. i.e not promoting your own or others businesses whilst in chat etc addressing complaints with cs or live help rather than shouting and grumbling to other users in the chat room. At least with this approach you can have a level playing field with everyones interests protected and sanctions in the unlikely event that someone couldn't co-operate.

Are people REALLY that stupid? :mysmilie_11:

Bling Manor
Gleam Road
High Carat
United Blingdom
I saw that too PR it was a little uncomfortable for me reading that it did seem inappropriate and i noticed a few posts disappear. Not sure why people would think that its ok to sell on another businesses's a wee bit odd to me.
:mysmilie_61: Meeshoo!!

Lustre Lodge,
Sapphire Street,
United Blingdom.

P.S key under plant pot by front door :mysmilie_17:
:mysmilie_73:I just typed a huge post with a quote, clicked on See More Smilies...and the whole page started dancing before my very eyes, and I ended up with Yahoo's home page instead of this...:mysmilie_81:

So - as the poster said - I think it was Miss Magpie - whenever you get a group of people together, conflicts will happen.

So I think we should accept that, and that sooner or later someone will be upset - and leave it as it is. It's rocks' USP and without it, rocks will be just another price-drop tv jewellery channel (albeit cheaper and better.)

I haven't been in chat for ages though I do lurk sometimes...but as I'm not buying atm I don't see the point - I can chat to people on forums etc. if I want to talk about health etc...I love chat when I'm actively looking at the jewellery, and other subjects do crop up - all we need do is ignore the trolls who will get fed up and go elsewhere if they get no reaction, and politely remind anyone going into deep issues that this isn't the right place. I remember once Carol was showing pics of people's pets...what's wrong with that - as long as she didn't show pics of someone's operation lol...

Personally I don't like the idea of mods - I hope we can be intelligent and mature enough not to need them, and to see off anyone who doesn't play the game.

There once was a complicated chat thingy a bit like Facebook - some time ago now - that nobody used, so it was point...

So my vote is keep Chat as it is and just try and cope with issues as and when they arise...
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