Banned from Rocks TV


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great post meeshoo, i agree with all you have said.
also great to see you back :mysmilie_696: and could i be cheeky and ask you a question please, what does fissure filled ruby mean? see it on tjc and am abit lost!:mysmilie_687:

Gemdreamer if you want to post this question in the TJC forum I'll happily answer - it's probably more appropriate there!
Yes, very nice to see you Meeshoo, I've missed all your highly knowledgeable & interesting posts! :mysmilie_348:
Apparently there are 2 only me's on there just for the record I am the one without a space "onlyme"

Surely the username onlyme either with or without a space would have shown as already in use. :mysmilie_81:

Mrs M I remember when someone copied Kitkat's name a bit like that and she had it changed to "Original Kitkat"! Perhaps you could do something like that?
well i doubt i'll be posting on rocks chat as much now if at all for paranoia and fear of getting bashed on here if i go "off topic" so you may get the odd hello but that will prob be all :(
was susieq when 1st went on chat then they had suzieq so change name this ones more apt for me any wayshh not that i drinksh a slot LOL NICE TO SEE YOU BACK MEESHOO
around in circles

well i doubt i'll be posting on rocks chat as much now if at all for paranoia and fear of getting bashed on here if i go "off topic" so you may get the odd hello but that will prob be all :(

:mysmilie_348: mummybear..yes I think chatters scarpered yesterday too for fear of off topic was just me giving measurements for a good part of 1st hour yesterday..I feel this thread has gone on long enough now, we are just going round in circles and .. :mysmilie_73: we will all be bored stiff if the chat is removed, which i fear may happen if we continue this uprising..the tv peeps don't see it either, so it's just us webbies that would be losing out...I know I wouldn't stay on site more than half an hour wihout it..people chat while wating to see if the piece they want comes on...I don't think people would stay that long if the chat is's their best selling feature..let's not ruin it for the majority and lose lovely chatters like mummybear...:mysmilie_687: all for listening to each others comments..

Mirabelle xxx
prob not much more to say on the matter mirabelle, not until Steve posts what hes going to do if anything etc.
Im sure he's take everyones opinions into account and do whats before for rockstv :)
I don't think this is an uprising as such, I think it is a culmination of frustration that can't be held in anymore. It's a topic that has come up a number of times over the past 18 months with people considering a lot of the info shared on the chat inappropriate, but with the influx of new chatters, trolls and general yelly rudeness, it has become more pertinent.

I copped it last night just because I answered a question for goodness sake! That is not acceptable. That the person then waited till they thought I had gone to start trying to garner opinion from another chatter and stir the whole thing further is equally unacceptable. The resulting exchange when I made it known that I was there and could see what was being written was probably unpleasant for everyone else in the chatroom, and for my part in that I apologise, however I felt that if I sat back, let it happen and said nothing it would further encourage this behaviour in future, so I dealt with it as succinctly and appropriately as my red mist would allow. Again, I apologise to anyone who got caught in any unpleasantness.

We then went through various topics over the evening including Alzheimers and Tourettes. As long as these things continue to happen to people who are genuinely just trying to answer questions that arise, and as long as these conversations are taking place and putting people off both the chat and spending time on the site, then this thread will continue to rumble on, because something needs to change.

Like Gem said though, I think we have all made our suggestions...Steve, Sarah, John et al now need to decide how they are going to move forward. I hope it happens quickly though, because I don't know how many more nights like last night I can handle!!!
i've not been in rocks chat since they very first started but logged in (after getting my password reset via online help, great service! :)) last night as i'd seen a couple of things i fancied.

as a 'newbie', i found it really uncomfortable to see chatting about alzheimers & someone's son with tourettes. these were quite involved conversations with a fair bit of personal detail then we had an email addy put up by a user for you to send her your info for a 'reading'.

it really wasn't what i was expecting & nearly made me just close the browser, i know the option is available to turn off chat, but that was my 1st reaction. someone did pass comment "thought this was jewelery chat?", which did get responded to politely along the lines of 'but also includes off topic stuff too'.

in the end, i probably stayed online about 30 mins & made 1 or 2 comments about jewellery & Barry being a lovely presenter.

i have no answers or suggestions, just thought i'd add my 2p from a newbie perspective. as it stands, i can't see how it can carry on without moderation. & agree, we've surely given rocks enough info to decide what they are going to do.
i've not been in rocks chat since they very first started but logged in (after getting my password reset via online help, great service! :)) last night as i'd seen a couple of things i fancied.

as a 'newbie', i found it really uncomfortable to see chatting about alzheimers & someone's son with tourettes. these were quite involved conversations with a fair bit of personal detail then we had an email addy put up by a user for you to send her your info for a 'reading'.

it really wasn't what i was expecting & nearly made me just close the browser, i know the option is available to turn off chat, but that was my 1st reaction. someone did pass comment "thought this was jewelery chat?", which did get responded to politely along the lines of 'but also includes off topic stuff too'.

in the end, i probably stayed online about 30 mins & made 1 or 2 comments about jewellery & Barry being a lovely presenter.

i have no answers or suggestions, just thought i'd add my 2p from a newbie perspective. as it stands, i can't see how it can carry on without moderation. & agree, we've surely given rocks enough info to decide what they are going to do.

That was me who protested Lexxy (I'm Fader4 on Rocks). This was the second time that this particular chatter has offered to do readings and send healing to others and I think it is wholly inappropriate for a chat room. Now, each to his own, as the other chatters said, and that's fair enough, but I'm worried that some vulnerable person may 'throw away the crutches', so to speak, and goodness knows what the consequences may be. Apart from that, it is blatant advertising and I feel very uncomfortable with the personal information that is being bandied about. I left the site shortly after.

I saw your efforts at trying to change the subject last night Lexxy- it's an uphill struggle, isn't it? :mysmilie_81:
From a personal standpoint now that RocksTV is selling on a Sky television channel I no longer need to use the pooter -unless to make a web purchase. Consequently the chatroom has become irrelevant although I'm happy to hear phone-in calls from 'chatters', many of whom are familiar names and have been around for some time.

It concerned me a long time back that folks were revealing so much personal information, perhaps forgetting that they were not on a 'closed' network but on a very public one. It still goes on apparently and from reading Calvin's post it seems as though other folks have come across this facility and may be using it for their own agenda! This surely needs to stop....moderation is needed if the chatroom is to continue in an acceptable fashion and I agree with Meesh it needs to be done professionally and by the RocksTV staff.
Calvin, you only said what i was thinking! :) as a complete noob, i hadn't got the gallstones to say it!

never mind anything else, i don't really understand how or why folks want to chat to that extent on that type of format, it's really difficult to follow & the message space is pretty small too. there are a gazillion forums & chat groups out there for that sort of thing...

the odd comment or 3 off topic i understand but anything more involved just leaves me ???

the lady offering the 'reading' didn't seem to be offering her wares for a charge or anything, but it felt very intrusive to watch all this going on. at one point someone did say something along the lines of 'no offence meant, i hope my comments haven't upset anyone' (sorry i can't remember exactly what she was referring to!), but i know i wasn't going to jump in & say 'well, actually...' & how many others didn't either? it all feels a bit naive to me, like Sacha says, this is on a much bigger platform now it's on tv, gawd knows who's watching/lurking?!

i had to LOL though when Barry was trying those earrings 'on', i said 'ooooh, suits you sir!' & it instantly got popped onto the TV! i was mortified, but highly amused! :D
The whole thing has been really getting out of control. I think we mostly agree that 100% chat about jewellery would make the chat very dull and that too much in depth chat about health issues and personal problems can be off putting as well. I do think that some people are a touch too sensitive about the off topic chat but that is just my own personal opinion. There will always be an element of people who will try to find fault with anything said, just for the pure hell of it! Like I have said, I do tend to go off topic. If there is anything said that has anything remotely to do with ballet I'm off :)

PR, I am sorry you were attacked when they thought you had departed last night. I didn't see any of it but this is typical of the sort of sneaky stirring that some people resort to. Good for you for standing up for yourself!

I think moderation would help but there are a few people who I think being given power to would be a big mistake, I name no names. Mirabelle on the other hand I feel is a very fair lady with good people skills and she seems able to keep things in perspective. I feel she would make a very good moderator.
I agree something needs to be done about the chat. Moderators are an option but Rocks is a business and therefore I feel if the chat is to be moderated it should be done by Rocks staff, whether it is by someone brought in or by current CS staff or otherwise that is for Rocks to decided.
I agree something needs to be done about the chat. Moderators are an option but Rocks is a business and therefore I feel if the chat is to be moderated it should be done by Rocks staff, whether it is by someone brought in or by current CS staff or otherwise that is for Rocks to decided.

I totally agree, Sazza. I think it would be a huge mistake to have customers as moderators. They are untrained and could make ill advised comments which would ultimately reflect on Rocks as a company. Also being customers could be seen to create, in my opinion, a conflict of interests.
I also agree that customers as moderator's could pose more problems than it solves. However, if it will incur more costs in the form of wages to Rocks then that may not be appropriate either.
It's their business though, so if they want to have chat they have to pay to have it moderated. I think it's unfair and wrong to put the onus on a few loyal customers expecting them to do it on an unpaid basis.
i agree perdita and ballerina, moderators should be rockstv staff not customers in my opinion
I thank all those who think I'm a good people person..that's very kind of you!
a moderator on the other hand thanks but no thanks...I think I do enough lol..
but I'm very happy to help out where I can..

I think rockstv personell should moderate it rather than customers...we'll just have await Steve/Sarah's descision on this one when they are back from their ski-ing break..

Mirabelle xx
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