Back to you qvc fb page.


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It occurred to me today, I hadn't seen any posts from this page for a while. It is not among my other groups, and I cannot even find the page. Has admin, rather pettily, taken exception to my saying on this forum, that posts were often removed, and posts could be quite fawning, and removed me? I didn't break any rules, offend any presenters - I like Debbie Flint - or do/say anything defamatory. Who does she think she is? Debs ought to be aware, this doesn't reflect positively on her. I see a forum, as a democratic arena, for open discussion, so long as it is not illegal. I don't want to be a member of a group, tbh, which throws it's dummy out of the pram, and bans someone, merely for voicing an opinion. Unbiased? No way.
I think it's very petty when certain people on Facebook groups ban you from seeing their posts,someone will know who I'm talking about.
I think it's very petty when certain people on Facebook groups ban you from seeing their posts,someone will know who I'm talking about.

Truly, Lynn, I do not post, with the intention to offend anyone, for the simple reason I believe in the "treat others as you would like to be treated" mantra. In the scheme of things, it is an inconsequence.:mysmilie_48:
Isn't the whole point of being able to block someone there to give people freedom to make their own decisions? Personally I don't have Facebook because the idea of everyone knowing my every move is scary. But surely if someone blocks someone its for a reason, I know a friend has had to block people on Facebook because she was getting very rude and hurtful comments from someone so they blocked them - problem solved as far as i know.
I'm much happier using this forum than any other form of social media like Facebook or twitter...

I've also read many comments here about how certain people on the QVC's Facebook page can be very rude - especially if you are a new poster or don't have the same views as the majority, I'd block that nonsense too.
I couldn't give a toss what anyone says on any face book groups,I have my own opinion and would never block anyone,it's all water off a ducks back.
each person is different and deals with things differently, just like each person shops differently... thankfully, none of us are them same.
Having been blocked on FB by a member that then went onto spread vicious lies , i think the block function should be taken away and if you have a genuine problem with someone report them instead , which i did on here and fb :mysmilie_59:
I got a friend to try and access the page, using her account, and she was unable to. Perhaps I haven't been blocked, and it has been disbanded? Curiously, no one is replying, to my post on here, as to whether they can find the page. Contacted DF, but no reply.
I am not in the BTY group Louise but if I search for it I can access it and there are posts from a few hours ago.
Having been blocked on FB by a member that then went onto spread vicious lies , i think the block function should be taken away and if you have a genuine problem with someone report them instead , which i did on here and fb :mysmilie_59:

I agree there are people who block people then go on to lie about them, that's cruel and unfair. Remember too that people on FB aren't real friends, you don't know their favourite colour, meal, song etc, so remember that they too might be economical with the truth, I'm not on fb but my friend is and she found this out the hard way that people you "befriend" from the likes of Back To You and QVC aren't really friends, real friends you can ring up for a gab.
Having been blocked on FB by a member that then went onto spread vicious lies , i think the block function should be taken away and if you have a genuine problem with someone report them instead , which i did on here and fb :mysmilie_59:

Some people like all the glory and are just devious.
BTY is still going,DFs best friend is admin and still telling everyone how stunning certain beauty products are.
I`ve no idea where or how you join BTY because I avoid anything to do with Debbie Flint like the plague !
I got a friend to try and access the page, using her account, and she was unable to. Perhaps I haven't been blocked, and it has been disbanded? Curiously, no one is replying, to my post on here, as to whether they can find the page. Contacted DF, but no reply.

I would either tweet Qvc and Debbie or post on the QVC FB page for everyone to see, that way you cant be ignored.
There`s a big argument ( can`t call it a discussion ) rumbling away on Q`s facebook page. In a nutshell someone who just happens to be in the BTY group, posted on Q`s facebook page that she`s just had a knee op and out of the blue QVC had sent her flowers and chocolates.
Then all Hell broke loose.
Lots of questions being asked such as how did Q know she`d had an op, why was she getting special treatment, was this act of kindness linked to her being in one of DF`s groups etc etc etc. You can imagine !
I have only one question. Did the silly mare post about the chocs and flowers to deliberately antagonise or is she just plain stupid because surely to goodness she must have known that such a post would be like a red rag to lots of bulls !
I only hope in Q`s eyes that DF is worth all the aggro she causes, either directly or indirectly.
There`s a big argument ( can`t call it a discussion ) rumbling away on Q`s facebook page. In a nutshell someone who just happens to be in the BTY group, posted on Q`s facebook page that she`s just had a knee op and out of the blue QVC had sent her flowers and chocolates.
Then all Hell broke loose.
Lots of questions being asked such as how did Q know she`d had an op, why was she getting special treatment, was this act of kindness linked to her being in one of DF`s groups etc etc etc. You can imagine !
I have only one question. Did the silly mare post about the chocs and flowers to deliberately antagonise or is she just plain stupid because surely to goodness she must have known that such a post would be like a red rag to lots of bulls !
I only hope in Q`s eyes that DF is worth all the aggro she causes, either directly or indirectly.

We all know DF aka Bossy McPushy, uses the BTY group as a chance to increase her social media base (more people, more book sales and looks popular to the powers that be) and also that people on the Quens group get specialised treatment which is ofcourse, extremeley unfair. I think she came on strictly to antagonise because she obviously uses fb and knows the animosity DFs favouritism causes. No matter what QVCs warrior of all things good, defender against the negative comment Miss AF thinks, this is grossly unfair to many other loyal QVC customers that don't get preferential treatment, who are also suffering right now..............must add, I wouldn't follow, or befriend DF if she offered my a years free p&p from QVC and a Pilates machine, can't stand the woman.
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