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Donna255, the group's rules say

"Since this group is connected and publicised on QVC UK, we ask members to be conscious of that and know that any posts or comments which conflict with the interests of Debbie Flint, or other QVC presenters, guest presenters and QVC will be kindly removed (eg encouraging people not to buy from QVC or slating any personal aspect of the on air personell or criticising style or manner of presentation in a disrespectful way or anything else which would be deemed disrespectful by regular members of the group, will be removed. We do not as a rule ban members but flagrant flouting of the house rules will result in a ban if the admin find the comments nasty and unecessary."

You clearly don't think you said anything wrong but your comment that 'Basso is only interest in those who bought his real fur' is critical of him and his character so it seems clear to me that you flouted the rules. Those of you who are determined to think the worst and have become disenchanted with QVC and its associated social media groups, must vote with your feet, and veto the channel, tell them that is what you are doing, and don't buy anything else.

anyone like to guess what "the interests of Debbie Flint" are? Lining own pockets?
Actually there are others whose actual presenting style annoys me more because of the preening or incompetence (CH and Marv) but Del Boy is the one I just can't trust and at the end of the day that is worst possible trait in anyone trying to sell you something.
I actually feel sorry for people on the BTY group even though they choose to be there. I can understand the admin not wanting abusive posts but I think they have got their editing totally wrong and sooner or later I think many members will begin to get bored. There`s a big difference between someone giving a truthful and honest opinion or review of a product or show and someone who just wants to be nasty.
I`m not a member of the group but I can read their page and today 2 women posted about the recent Ronni Nicole tsv. One was very happy with it and sang its praises, the other said she`d had many RN dresses before and had been perfectly happy with them but the recent tsv had arrived with a fault on the arm hole and one of the pleats down the front of the dress didn`t hang correctly plus she felt the fabric quality wasn`t up to scratch. There was nothing nasty in her post, it was simply the truth and she was obviously disappointed in the dress.
Her post was removed within the hour but the previous all singing, all dancing post was left in place. When tsv`s are being left on the shelf and sales are poor then Q must wonder why and surely logical, sensible, inoffensive feedback posted on DF`s groups should be fed back by DF, afterall she is a presenter and afterall it is her job to sell things. People obviously put faith in her, misguided in my opinion but if she isn`t prepared to tolerate her fans opinions then surely they must realise she simply isn`t prepared to tolerate THEM and who in their right mind would want to stay in such a group long term ? It beggars belief but sooner or later I`m sure their lightbulbs will switch on, I hope so anyway.
How do you know what she looks like? We never see her on the shows as she gets Ingrid Tarrant to front them?

Are you serious or having a laugh ?????
Kim Jong-Un is the leader of North Korea, a bloke !
I just had this image of Kim Jong-Un sitting inbetween plotting the downfall the US and the West, drawing designs for his latest QVC collection.:mysmilie_13:

If his side kicks don't like then its the firing squad.
Are you serious or having a laugh ?????
Kim Jong-Un is the leader of North Korea, a bloke !

Are you serious or having a laugh ?????
Kim Jong-Un is the leader of North Korea, a bloke !

I don't know whether to be more embarrassed that my attempt at humour bombed so spectacularly or that you think I genuinely didn't know the difference between Yong Kim and Kim Jong-un. Or are YOU kidding??!
I just had this image of Kim Jong-Un sitting inbetween plotting the downfall the US and the West, drawing designs for his latest QVC collection.:mysmilie_13:

If his side kicks don't like then its the firing squad.

Well we`re always seeing photos of him in ladies shoe factories or similar places. Maybe he`s a closet transvestite who moonlights working for Q ?

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