AY dress sense


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Apr 27, 2009
I realise (only because she tells me) that AY has been in the beauty industry since Jonah was a boy, so WHY doesn't beauty and dress sense go hand in hand ?

Tonight with the CID (what DOES that stand for?) TSV launch she was wearing the most hideous 'get up' ever ! the sleeves on her dress/top so accentuated her top arm area, that it reminded me of what old ladies wore when my Mum used to haul me to Bingo back in the 60's !!!

And dont get me started on the black tights - light coloured shoe syndrome. I remember a time when you'd get laughed at in the street for wearing that combo - it may well be the height of fashion but its still a no no for me.

I suppose its only a matter of time before they all start wearing ankle socks with their high heels, because this is now the range in all the magazines, heavens above !
Didnt see the show but know what you mean. I think she tends to have nice clothes (well I think so) just put together as an ensemble all wrong, so the effect is a bit like a dogs breakfast.
I think she went to the same fashion school as these ladies.....

I don`t care what the fashion trends are black/dark tights or stockings look hideous with light coloured shoes...all it does is make your feet look big and shortens the look of your legs..not good if you are short to start off with
Don't know what its called now, but it was always known as the Minnie Mouse look !!! - a woman in her 40's should know better.

I still believe "us lot" who started off the mini in the 60's were a much better turned out bunch !!

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