I actually believe this 'policy' is unlawful rubbish -
Even though they are a TV Channel, they are still just a mail order catalogue and you can't tell what the goods are like until you get them home. I have read on other forums that some people complain about those complaining about QVC and say things like - "oh, what do you expect? 30 days means that people will use up and abuse the products and use the company as a loans site' ... well, if that is how THEY behave that's up to them, but I certainly do not and endeavour to never wear my clothing and return it asap, and I thing the most common reasons why most people return stuff is that the different brand sizes are chaotic and not universal, like Kim&Co and Lenny whatsit, which are all over the place even within their own product range, stuff like the colours are totally different onscreen than in daylight and the quality of some of the things they sell is really, really Not that good! Plus so many times they have send me the wrong things - over and over, and quite often my orders are never placed or even lost and I have to chase them up about them and reorder - so they really should be geared for people returning stuff - BIG TIME !
They say *30 days money back guarantee with NO questions asked* - right? We all know this, yet I have received letters stating I am sending back too much stuff and they have threatened me with closing my account!
The first time this happened I just shrugged my shoulders, the second time I wasn't taking it laying down because they really pizzed me off with their arrogant attitude and I wrote back to them asking them to explain themselves? (they never did of course). - and now the third time and this, I might add is over a period of 14 years... they have suddenly mentioned an over 50% returns policy, which I'm afraid I don't know anything about because they have never advertised this when they are happily impressing you with their 'no questions asked' bit on TV - ...
This third time, I am not only going to write back to them giving them a proper 'barracking', but I am also going to write and complain to the Trading Standards Ombudsman because what they are doing is definitely unlawful!
Whether you buy in a shop or not you should be able to take all your purchases back for a refund whether there is anything wrong with them or not, and the seller by law, has an obligation to give you a refund. All this 'no questions asked' bit is a load of Pap - sorry, but it is and there is absolutely no other mail order service, that does this to their customers, some tiny mail order companies even have FREE returns !
Not only that - they charge you double and triple postage so they already make tons of money out of you whether you return 100 percent of your purchases or not - and on top of that, they have the cheek to set up a pre-postage returns scheme, so not only are you paying double/triple postage on your item, but you can also pre-pay extra return postage if you decide to return it..! ( and LOL - you won't get it back if you don't! )
If all everyone does is complain on Forums then they will keep doing what they are doing and you will be the loser. People must start complaing to them and also to outside bodies who will investigate this behaviour and nip it in the bud.. Otherwise stop shopping with them and paying out all your money to them. If you really can't get the shopping bug out of your system, then go to Ideal World, they have a 14 day money back guarantee but you save big time on the postage.