They would, deservedly, be my first two, also. Can you just imagine the change in viewership if Troth were gone? Read the reviews, the main reason people don't watch is TROTH, droning on incessantly about..... nothing, really. No-one has ANY interest in what he has to say!I completely agree. The misleading claims have increased significantly since Jake took over, and presenters who used to be more genuine have now become untrustworthy too.
Rosie always avoided misleading claims, but now she does it. Poppy was the same, and now she's started as well. Steph used to be genuine, but she has progressively gotten worse over the past few months. At one time, Ellis "show everyone how to buy, Christiano" Ward was one of the best presenters - now she's one of the worst for misleading claims.
Even Jeff changes his style when covering daytime shifts. He still avoids misleading claims, but his sales pitches become noticeably more pushy - something he never does on his weekend night shifts.
Gemporia was never perfect. Even under Steve Bennett, they would occasionally make dubious claims, and there are historic rulings on the ASA website. However, those instances were rare. These days, it seems to be happening DAILY.
Jake has always been full of s**t - and I think it's telling that since he took over, that attitude appears to have spread to the presenters too.
I cannot believe that Steve Bennett though that Jake would be the solution when Colin Wagstaffe was shown the door. In my opinion, Jake was, and remains, one of the biggest problems with Gemporia.
If I owned the business, Jake and Troth would be the first to be given their P45's.

And then there's Jake! He was given the MD position because he married the boss's daughter. He has no background in the jewellery business. As I said before, family loyalty is one thing but at the expense of destroying the business? No, I don't think so!
Get rid, and save the show!!