Are we all really forever on holiday?


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I will have to have one of them there capsule thingies.
We are going to visit 27 in India at the end of the month & Himself insists we can manage with carry-on luggage as
(a) we will be plane hopping for 2 weeks
(b) he hates waiting at the carousel for the cases.

I think I will be stepping into the shower fully clothed, jumping around a bit & going outside to breeze dry!

Wow such a brilliant holiday! I have always wanted to go to India, hope you have a fab time!
To sidestep, we have only brought hand luggage on holiday for a few years now and its great, just bought suncreams and the likes out there. Makes life easier at both sides.
Anyway, again, have a fantastic holiday :)
Kim&Co-3 Attitudes-1 Kipling-4 AmandaLamb-2 ...

Have a safe and FunHoliday. Keep a RunningTotal of how many Q-bits you see on your journey. lol Here's a (((hug))) for when MissMeg finds out about YourDeception, I mean YourTrip. The hug's for you. She'll be fine... After she ignores you on your return and a few SulkyDays punctuated with HowVeryDareYou stares. And HeavySighs... Aw, Bless 'Er. <=^.^=> x Snarly
now i have curtailed my spending i can afford to go on holiday. selling off my excsssive stash has made me see sense and different climes
I will have to have one of them there capsule thingies.
We are going to visit 27 in India at the end of the month & Himself insists we can manage with carry-on luggage as
(a) we will be plane hopping for 2 weeks
(b) he hates waiting at the carousel for the cases.

I think I will be stepping into the shower fully clothed, jumping around a bit & going outside to breeze dry!

You`ll need hand luggage just to carry toilet rolls. Delhi belly plus if you`re out and about and errr taken short, you`ll be lucky to find a loo let alone one with toilet roll in it. My sis and hubby queued up to go into a loo and inside there were people washing their clothes and actually sitting in the sink bathing themselves and the loo was a hole in the ground which you stood over. On one coach trip the tourists asked the driver to stop at the nearest loo and he stopped by a field and said pick your spot and what was worse, they were all from the same hotel and all had a jippy tummy. Having said all that, they had a fantastic holiday and said India was wonderful. Enjoy !
paper knickers??

Oh god that reminds me of the time I went pony trekking in the late 1960's - it was a weekend youth club event and I took paper knickers for convenience!!!! Ha, after 1 day trekking all I had left was 3 elastic bits and a heap of paper tissue.
Lol I've experienced all this before. We're made of stern stuff thank Gawd.
Himself has been swallowing some yoghurt concoction in the belief it will protect him.
I'll follow the advice I had from a doctor years ago - bottled water every time even for cleaning teeth, only eat fruit that can be peeled, no ice in cold drinks, hand sanitiser, if in doubt - don't eat it!
In the hospital were told to wash wash wash your hands, it protects you even more than the sanitiser.
Maybe wipes, if no water about
Yes, unless you go to the better hotels, etc, there will be no loo paper, the floors will be wet, so roll up your trouser legs as you go in ....I always carried a face cloth with me to dry my hands, as usually there were no paper towels to dry your hands. Carry hand sanitisers with you. Some airlines do not let you carry them with you, so just check. The Chinese security took mine off at the airport:headbang: when I visited China, I asked why, she pointed and shook her head!
Maybe the Indian security will let it through, not sure, I packed mine in luggage till I reached destination, and it stayed in my handbag everyday out there. You may as well buy it out there, cheap enough:happy:
Carry imodium as arecaution.
I would follow your doctor's advice about water..........we carried boiled water with us, drank hot tea from outside, resisted icecreams :sad: unless from reputable sellers and they are delicious.
Where in India are you travelling, Minim?
A warning....if you are going to see the Taj Mahal, you have to leave your shoulder bags outside....Other half caused a fuss, not wanting to leave passports and other important bits, in the end I stuffed as much as I could in my bag and left the shoulder bag behind.
I fell down at the Quitab Minar Tower:giggle: as I was looking up at the tower, and not realising the ground was not smooth, so embarrassing:blush:

I am still envious:envy:
Lol I've experienced all this before. We're made of stern stuff thank Gawd.
Himself has been swallowing some yoghurt concoction in the belief it will protect him.
I'll follow the advice I had from a doctor years ago - bottled water every time even for cleaning teeth, only eat fruit that can be peeled, no ice in cold drinks, hand sanitiser, if in doubt - don't eat it!

when my inlaws went, they ate cooked food all the time - even though they didn't much enjoy curry for breakfast - and they were fine. that is, until mil couldn't resist the cold buffet. because it was an upmarket hotel, she thought it would be ok. it wasn't and she was ill. moral of the story is, make sure it's cooked.
caretodiffer - Where in India are you travelling, Minim?

Delhi > Jaipur > Jodhpur > Udaipur > Delhi > Agra > Delhi

Plenty of opportunity for Delhi belly lol.
Delhi > Jaipur > Jodhpur > Udaipur > Delhi > Agra > Delhi

Plenty of opportunity for Delhi belly lol.

I'm sure your daughter will be able to give you loads of help and hints, seeing as she's been
living there , and is well experienced in it all. She'll keep you both right :thinking:
Actually Barbs, she arriving the same day we are. She's been in Africa since August
I was going to suggest forget the paper knickers and go "commando", but perhaps not after reading some of the posts!!

I hope someone will be keeping an eye on Meg while you're missing, I've feeling as soon as you pull off for the airport she'll be straight on Kitty!
I was going to suggest forget the paper knickers and go "commando", but perhaps not after reading some of the posts!!

I hope someone will be keeping an eye on Meg while you're missing, I've feeling as soon as you pull off for the airport she'll be straight on Kitty!
I actually thought Meg was the Kitty on that show. Maybe minim has got her another job
We've been to India and weren't sick once. Just stick to good hygiene rules - don't eat peeled fruit, check the seals on water bottles, eat in places where you can see food being cooked, wash fruit and veg, and make sure you wash your own hands thoroughly before a meal. I tend to always carry my own supply of pocket tissues (for the surprising number of loos without any) some antibacterial hand gel with me - the stuff that doesn't require water. I also kept away from meat and ate like the Hindus - veggie only. That reduces the risk of food poisoning considerably. Enjoy - its a fascinating country but you need to steel yourself for things you don't see in this country - lots of sick animals like dogs and cats, children rummaging through mounds of rubbish and lots of beggars with the most horrendous injuries and amputations. I remember going to a market and seeing a man balancing a pole on his face - at the top of the pole was a young child balancing perilously! Social Services are clearly non-existent in India! As long as you are mentally prepared for seeing these sorts of distressing sights, you will cope with India. Its an incredible country.
Ok i've played dumb for long enough, who is 27????? i'm assuming its minim's daughter.
Frazzled, I have it on good authority that Meg has already been on Facebook announcing a party when the mice are in India. At the last count she has 50 attending. Don't tell anyone!! She might play bingo after she has cleaned the house up.

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