it took me long enuff!!!!!Lovely necklace Sweetpea. Well done on getting piccie up too :54:
It is lovely and i really wish that it suited me but for some reason my skin tone seems to drain it of will be nice to go to a deserving homeSweetpea that's gorgeous
Yes Alupha, the prize they showed for me was five gems and one of them looked to be a decent size. Darls and Sazza are my witnesses - although they are normally drunk by teatime to be fair.
Anyway, imagine my face when I opened the parcel?
Never mind- the anticipation of it arriving was fun and I have to admit, I laughed like a drain once the disappointment had worn off.
I am going to employ a food taster cos I can see the sheer greed in my 3 sons' eyes as they drool over their inheritance ...pmsl!
Tabs and SP love your comp. wins!! Shame its not you!!
Yes Alupha, the prize they showed for me was five gems and one of them looked to be a decent size. Darls and Sazza are my witnesses - although they are normally drunk by teatime to be fair.
Anyway, imagine my face when I opened the parcel?
Never mind- the anticipation of it arriving was fun and I have to admit, I laughed like a drain once the disappointment had worn off.
I am going to employ a food taster cos I can see the sheer greed in my 3 sons' eyes as they drool over their inheritance ...pmsl!
Ooops shes sober early tonight.
Hiya Sazxxxxx
PMSL *hic
i'm unwell, i'm allowed to be drunk all day, to ease the pain you understand? :10:
Well thanks to John, I have been sent a new prize of some bigger gems. I really appreciate this gesture. Here is the pic of the new prize
thanks to all concerned x