Anyone bought anything yet


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Mar 21, 2015
I've gone for the ABC Skinwash... 2 litres (one a refill) rather than wait and hope for it in that configuration in a TSV.

Anyone else been tempted to get anything?

Nice to see some newer and less well-known brands this time around rather than just the usual suspects.

Sorry, should have added beauty day to the title of the thread. Oops!
I have resisted so far and am trying to see how far I can get through 2017 without caving in and buying something from Q, but I have just cracked open another bottle of the ABC skin wash so may get some more of that as I would hate to run out, I don't use it all the time but I do like to have it knocking around.
Think I will have a nose at tomorrow's tsv but I really don't need anymore make up and I hope we get a doll 10 tsv soon,
I'm saving myself for tomorrow, going to go for the TSV, the CC blusher and may be the OTO brow pencil + brow highlighter pencil, or may be the eye shadows, really like them on the guest.
A lot of new models today some sporting the botox and filler look:mysmilie_12:
PS who booked Miceal to present on beauty day?
Launch of the IT Cosmetics TSV, and unfortunately Ali Young is looking dreadful. Foundation way too pale vs her neck.... The corkscrew curls - I assume from a hair gadget - don't suit her sadly.

I'm tempted by a couple of other things but talking myself out of them... I'm happy with just the ABC as I've about quarter of a bottle left and use it daily, or more often.
No . never watch beauty Weekends. Currently using Clarins son got me for Christmas.Its OK.Havent used it for years .id forgotten about it.
I'm always tempted by lots of things, but - after Thursday's trip to Space NK - I'm sitting firmly on my hands.
I wasn't going to buy anything but have fallen for the new Tarte palette, the Tarte quench lippie trio and the It TSV!
Watched bits and bobs but nothing has caught my eye. I think the IT cosmetics TSV is very boring and doesn't entice me at all.
Watched bits and bobs but nothing has caught my eye. I think the IT cosmetics TSV is very boring and doesn't entice me at all.

Given that this was a first TSV for the brand I thought both the TSV and the other products were disappointing and poorly presented. The foundation didn't seem a good match on any of the guests, or models. I don't think they put the white powder stuff on the darker skin toned models, and when they did put it on it had a deadening effect: too pale and too matte. I hope it doesn't look as ghastly under normal lighting.
Nope nothing. I can`t see the point in stockpiling lotions, potions or creams and most makeup is much of a muchness just repackaged differently. This week something is the greatest thing since sliced bread, next week something else will be and so on, bullsh^t sells !
I haven't watched anything either. I did spot an MB show on the EPG yesterday but then I recalled the stash of their gels bought in the sales and decided to avoid temptation as they often show very keenly priced duos.

BTW I used that small hand wash from the TSV over Xmas (the red frankincense one) and was very disappointed in it! Unusually for me and MB, I was not keen on the fragrance at all. I think the lotion is marginally better.
Nope nothing. I can`t see the point in stockpiling lotions, potions or creams and most makeup is much of a muchness just repackaged differently. This week something is the greatest thing since sliced bread, next week something else will be and so on, bullsh^t sells !

Agree .I got through the impulse buying stage and just stick to what I know .My skin is in reasonably good condition and I know nothing is going to make me look 20 again. Same with foundation .I don't try loads of things anymore ,I always return to the same thing .
For mascara it has to be anti allergic and no fibres .Cant get that from shopping telly.
Yeah I was weak and bought the Tarte OTO and the (last drop) RX Amazonian Clay kit as I want a lighter colour foundation for the winter months - really cross with myself but then I know I will use these items so that makes me a feel a bit better. I'm steering well clear now though!
I have ultra sensitive skin so I rarely go away from brands I know I can cope with. Saves me a fortune as I rarely experiment although I suppose Q would let me try before I send it back but TBH I can't be bothered with the hassle and would end up getting the letter for returns!

Now if only I could be so good with other things!
I've got my eye on a 6 piece Elemis kit just under £50. It's got oil facial cleanser, monoi melt shower cream etc. I'm going on a cruise in April and think I should have decent stuff in the bathroom !

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