Another New Presenter


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She was on the Craft show this morning and worked really hard. It wasn't easy for her as she is obviously not a crafter but she had all her facts to hand. The lady from the QVC Craft studio ( didn't know they had one till this morning) was good too.
I saw her on the Clarks show for the first time and really liked her, she won't need to 'grow' on me. Chloe, however, annoys me every time she opens her mouth, I don't like her voice, I don't like her. I don't know what it is about her but I know that I wouldn't get on with her in real life either. First impressions and all that. I think Jackie will do well. I don't know why but she reminds me a bit of the presenter who used to be on, Kara something?
She was on the Craft show this morning and worked really hard. It wasn't easy for her as she is obviously not a crafter but she had all her facts to hand. The lady from the QVC Craft studio ( didn't know they had one till this morning) was good too.

Yes, I too enjoyed the show. Photos of QVC's craft studio were on Catherine Huntley's twitter a while back and it looked really plush.
I just saw a few minutes of her on the Clarke's show and thought she was terrific - not like she was selling stuff at all. My first thought was that she was capable of anchoring a mainstream tv show. What did she do on GMTV? Shopping telly can't be a step in the right direction can it? Hopefully she'll be running their training dept. before too long!

She was one of the 'outside presenters' on GMTV if you know what I mean. Going to towns that were flooded etc. to report. I saw her for the first time today on the Decleor hour and was impressed. Hope she doesn't change.

Debbie Flint started the next hour commenting on how Jackie was a new presenter as opposed to her being one of the 'oldest' - she likes getting that dig in.
I saw her again today, she was on with Decleor and she has a very calm voice, really nice, guess that comes from reading the news for so many years!
Yes her voice didn't grate on me at all,I think she has settled in straight away and comes across as being very professional.
Working at Q will probably be a doddle for her with her experience. Maybe she wanted a job that doesnt involve travelling all over etc, something less stressful. She is very good so far, nice voice , no ego and well groomed. Maybe the bosses are getting the message....
I saw a few moments of her this morning and judging by that short time I thought she was really good - not hard selling or shouting or repeating silly catchphrases. She seemed calm and pleasant so I hope they let her stay professional and don't try and persuade her to do crazy stuff. Excellent start!
Yes, let's hope she doesn't change. I wonder if anyone's leaving or whether they are just getting fewer hours and less chance to grow stale perhaps. Just heard Julia say that she'll be back next Thursday with Simon Wilson and apologising to her subjects because she has to take some annual leave before March. Rather assuming that she'll be missed is she not? Modesty flew out the window with that remark.

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