Can not believe that Anne Dawson is on revelation tv Sky Channel 581, a channel that spouts homophobic on a regular basis.
Totally Shocked!
What is revelation TV? Is it like God Channel? I've got Virgin not sky. I'm shocked as she comes over as being an open minded normal person not some scary god squadder!
She probably doesn't believe the drivel she's spouting for a minute, like she doesn't adore Quacker Factory clothes either, she's a tv presenter just in it for the money.
Several years ago Anne said she was studying Theology and she is a Christian.
I believe Graham was saying that he's shocked that she appears on a channel that regularly spouts homophobic views. You would expect that QVC wouldn't want someone appearing on another channel that supports homophobic views as this could alienate viewers and therefore reduce sales. Plus, to most of us homophobia is wrong.Is the OP saying that Christians, with fairly orthodox beliefs, should be banned from selling tat on shopping channels?
I believe Graham was saying that he's shocked that she appears on a channel that regularly spouts homophobic views. You would expect that QVC wouldn't want someone appearing on another channel that supports homophobic views as this could alienate viewers and therefore reduce sales. Plus, to most of us homophobia is wrong.
I don't see what working on a God channel has got to do with working for QVC and vice versa. Surely we are all entitled to our opinions as long as we are not shouting them from the roof tops. I do know Anne once said she was studying Theology and is obviously a practising Christian and this is a free country. Live and let live I say. I am not a practising member of any religion.
As someone who has a strong faith and believer in Jesus it shocks me and angers me the homophobia that comes from certain people who claim to be for Jesus too. God loves each and every one of us. We all fall short of the glory of God. I believe that God has given me a set of guidelines to follow but I have 0% right to impose those beliefs on other people or judge them for that they do or do not do. God is the only judge. I may mange to follow some of those guidelines but believe me I fall short on many others.