I would agree that the ear jewellery is a bit "out there"... ear gauges, flesh tunnels, flesh plugs do seem to have grown out of some "tribal" style looks. It is something which is not to everyone's taste and is rather part of the trend for permanent body modifications. You can't easily reverse this look, once the gauges get beyond a relatively small diameter (you'd have to cut and re-sew the lobes, discarding the spare flesh), and without the gauges in place the lobes would look rather forlorn and shapeless after a while.
I often think that while this sort of thing looks reasonably OK on young, firm flesh; once the skin naturally begins to lose its elasticity it really isn't a good look.
I think the bride and groom looked lovely (not withstanding the ear gauges), and I hope they are very happy together.
Anne looked happy and proud as any mum on her son's wedding day. She looked really elegant and well-groomed, and unbelievably was wearing one of Kim & Co's jumpsuits for the happy occasion. Whilst not infallible Anne seems to have a good eye for what, out of QVC's hit-and-miss "fashion", will suit her. And what makes her even more classy is that she hasn't gone on and on about it... and her blogs on the subject have been written with a good dose of humour.