I pop my head around the QVC channel rarely, not as often as some, so, the last time I saw Anne on air was an hour when she was selling a few discs on that fitness dance that begins with a 'J' - apologies the name escapes me, I actually remember how she looked then, I said to myself 'Oh gosh, thats never Anne Dawson! She looks amazing!'
Its only when a person isn't seen for a while, one truly notices the difference. I notice changes in both Anne Dawson and Julia Roberts. Its such a shame both ladies haven't kept in check regarding their shape, I also noticed poor Anne is also having hair thinning issues.. the studio lights are reflecting from her scalp, I'm surprised Anne doesn't use that product that matts her scalp and lifts her roots (isn't it a shaker powder or similar?)
I was really shocked to see the size of Julia Roberts' tum! Carrying such a thick visceral layer cannot be good for her, no matter what the cause of it is.
Anyway, whatever the reasons I wish them both the best of health