Andi Peters Food Fest


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Susie Wusie

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Why do we need Dale and Andi plus
the food item guest, 2 presenters are not required as well as guest. No wonder p&p is so high, necessary to pay all their wages.
Many comments have been made about this before - particularly if its a 'themed' show - gardening being the biggest offender. Any show with Andi 'bighead' Peters on, is an immediate turn-off in my house, whether he's a presenter, a judge, or just scoffing food in his big mouth.
Many comments have been made about this before - particularly if its a 'themed' show - gardening being the biggest offender. Any show with Andi 'bighead' Peters on, is an immediate turn-off in my house, whether he's a presenter, a judge, or just scoffing food in his big mouth.

For all I dislike Kelly Hoppen's cold snootiness and Richard Jackson's irritating raspiness, Andi Peters has to be, in my view THE worst guest on QVC. I simply cannot ABIDE his awful manner. He behaves like he has a chip on each shoulder - but then maybe he has.

We don't need someone like him to tell us to eat (haram) pork scratchings or shell out £20 for a bag of boutique marshmallows.
For all I dislike Kelly Hoppen's cold snootiness and Richard Jackson's irritating raspiness, Andi Peters has to be, in my view THE worst guest on QVC. I simply cannot ABIDE his awful manner. He behaves like he has a chip on each shoulder - but then maybe he has.

We don't need someone like him to tell us to eat (haram) pork scratchings or shell out £20 for a bag of boutique marshmallows.

I first came across him when, for some reason, he was a judge on Masterchef, and he behaved abominably. His attitude was supercilious, and I disliked him immediately. Where did he get any food credentials from in the first place ? isn't he just a kids tele presenter ?

I think you're right Julius, he does have a massive chip on his shoulder.
I used to like him at first on the food shows but then there's always that attitude to the viewer that he's successful and you're not so just suck it up and watch me cos I'm funny. I think when he first started it was amusing then when QVC kept asking him back it just gave him more self importance and he WAS the show, which has become a little overbearing and sometimes he's just downright RUDE to some of the guests. Maybe that's why they have Dale on as well to continue if they have to chuck AP off the set.

The thing that has always puzzled me about Andi Peters is, he clearly works out a LOT these days. He is pretty damn huge compared to how he used to be. And to keep fit like that, I just can't imagine him eating half the stuff he talks about on the shows.
Children’s TV couldn’t be further away from Andi’s recent venture as a QVC foodie presenter, but he does it so well! He might not be Nigella or Gordon Ramsey, but he certainly knows how to have a giggle on set.

Check out his channel which was filmed at Loft Studios and get inspired.
Yes, he might know how to have a giggle but he's actually just not funny, plus he talks over people more than Kathy Tayler and that is saying something.

Children’s TV couldn’t be further away from Andi’s recent venture as a QVC foodie presenter, but he does it so well! He might not be Nigella or Gordon Ramsey, but he certainly knows how to have a giggle on set.

Check out his channel which was filmed at Loft Studios and get inspired.

Are you his PR person.
Children’s TV couldn’t be further away from Andi’s recent venture as a QVC foodie presenter, but he does it so well! He might not be Nigella or Gordon Ramsey, but he certainly knows how to have a giggle on set.

Check out his channel which was filmed at Loft Studios and get inspired.

I think Andi might be confusing a shopping channel with an entertainment channel, I'd be quite taken aback if I went in to Sainsburys and the staff were acting like Andi, and Dale for that matter, saying that, never in a million years would I ever buy food from QVC, no matter how repetitive they're on air or how often Andi Peters fakes enthusiasm about how lovely the overly expensive food is, could you pass that on to Andi for me please, cheers! :mysmilie_3:
Sorry but Andi peters is just a knob. He loves himself to the moon and back and he loves belittling others which is a bad sign in any person.
Children’s TV couldn’t be further away from Andi’s recent venture as a QVC foodie presenter, but he does it so well! He might not be Nigella or Gordon Ramsey, but he certainly knows how to have a giggle on set.

Check out his channel which was filmed at Loft Studios and get inspired.

Check out his channel ? get inspired? :mysmilie_17:
Children’s TV couldn’t be further away from Andi’s recent venture as a QVC foodie presenter, but he does it so well! He might not be Nigella or Gordon Ramsey, but he certainly knows how to have a giggle on set.

Check out his channel which was filmed at Loft Studios and get inspired.

I'd rather not, thanks.

As for him 'working out' a lot, perhaps that's how he fills his day - at the gym, while he waits for his next QVC pay cheque. Oh, but doesn't he do something advertising expensive phone-in stupidly simple competitions on morning tele ?
Ask the residents of Twickenham and they will tell you how he spends his time.

I really wish he would leave QVC or at the very least tone down the act. I am all for a little caustic humour on occasion however if I were to behave like that at work there would be a problem.
As an supposedly mature man, he's too childish and immature to be taken seriously, in my opinion. The food shows have also become boring with the same products in most of the shows .... popcorn, brownies, meringues, pies, salmon etc etc, plus Mr. "I think I'm hilarious and like shouting" Peters, and consequently they've become unwatchable as far as I'm concerned.
Clearly Peters is trying to reinvent himself, turn a new chapter in his career and remain in the public eye. In a few weeks I will be attending an event where Mr Peters will be guesting. I doubt I'll get the opportunity to ask any off-topic questions though - not that it'll stop me from trying! He may be very different away from the glare of TV cameras. My colleagues tell me he is a very private person. I have often found the most private people to be the wackiest / loudest. It's simply a distraction technique. If you watch and listen closely enough you will occasionally see what he is hiding just momentarily pop to the surface!

Watch the following video up to 03:25

Dale asks what hot water pastry is. Immediately A. Peters dissolves into laughter and makes a point of being extremely sarcastic and mocking of the question. Ostensibly it's all in good humour however the undertone is that Peters is trying to come off as superior and call the shots. I think what Dale was trying to understand is how hot water pastry differs from cold water pastry - which is perfectly reasonable.

Fast forward to 03:18 when Peters says the pie is being served with chantilly cream - and Peters' ego shrinks like a popped balloon when he's corrected. Ask yourself why he doesn't make such a song and dance of mocking his own errors? Why does he speak with "that" intonation - et voila! - you have your answer.
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Clearly Peters is trying to reinvent himself, turn a new chapter in his career and remain in the public eye. In a few weeks I will be attending an event where Mr Peters will be guesting. I doubt I'll get the opportunity to ask any off-topic questions though - not that it'll stop me from trying! He may be very different away from the glare of TV cameras. My colleagues tell me he is a very private person. I have often found the most private people to be the wackiest / loudest. It's simply a distraction technique. If you watch and listen closely enough you will occasionally see what he is hiding just momentarily pop to the surface!

Watch the following video up to 03:25

Dale asks what hot water pastry is. Immediately A. Peters dissolves into laughter and makes a point of being extremely sarcastic and mocking of the question. Ostensibly it's all in good humour however the undertone is that Peters is trying to come off as superior and call the shots. I think what Dale was trying to understand is how hot water pastry differs from cold water pastry - which is perfectly reasonable.

Fast forward to 03:18 when Peters says the pie is being served with chantilly cream - and Peters' ego shrinks like a popped balloon when he's corrected. Ask yourself why he doesn't make such a song and dance of mocking his own errors? Why does he speak with "that" intonation - et voila! - you have your answer.

I just watched the vid & I didn't think he was that bad......There are far worse on telly....
Andi Peters is trying to sell a loud persona, thing is, do you really need one on a shopping channel that’s showing the same repetitive produce week in, week out?

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