An instrument of torture


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Jan 31, 2010
I have just seen the TSV and if there ever was a "item" from the house of horrors this has to be it.
Why would you want to have this in your house unless you needed somewhere to keep the ironing while you where doing it.
AB Circle Pro !!

Swinging and swaying in the UK.
Wish I had that body but looks a little rude :blush::giggle:
Claire says there's no jerking. :sweat:
This has to be way up there in the list of most outrageous items and guest presenters ever!

And poor Tiffany isn't even using it properly by the look of it - she's swinging her whole body around and not twisting at the waist!!

Guest quote of the week 'look how portable it is' as she drags the whole thing across the floor (no wheels and its massive)!!!

I really am laughing so much it's like exercise!!!
Good Gawd, I wish that woman would realise that she is in Europe and that if people wanted to hear her any louder that they can turn up the volume!
Have read reviews of this machine and they say that you have to do other stuff as well as that doesn't work by itself!
Notice Claire didn't use it, maybe she has a bad back or knees, at least she was honest about that!
Thank God, we have a bit of quiet until 1am!!
The woman in the background just couldn't do it. So funny!:talking:
Notice she is a lot quieter this hour...funny as far as I am concerned 80lbs is not 9 stone is is 6 stone something...still a remarkable weight loss but don't blow it all out of proportion!
ab pro tsv

Not too keen on this one.Have seen it on info mercial,but reviews are not good.It apparently is quite noisy but worse than that it must put a lot of strain on the arms and shoulders as you hold on quite tightly to haul yourself from side to side!Would love to have a flat tummy but it won't happen using this.Have heard that the knee pads are not that comfy either.Think I will save my money.
No thanks - looks like too much hard work! I'm sure I burn enough calories doing housework - no need to push it :tongue:
I've got a similar thing, "the red exerciser". It's like a stool you sit on with handles at the side and you do ab twists on it, you can tighten or loosen the resistance. It's really easy exercise, and really works. It folds down flat and fits right under the bed and can be put up in about 2 mins. What's more, it cost just £24 and that included the postage and packaging. This does look much more cumbersome, hard work to do, and ridiculously expensive!
If I wanted to be screeched at by something that orange, I'd go and kick a tangerine.:wait:

Spot on! I managed to watch all of 5mins, that guest should have come with a health warning.
Looks like something scary in a delivery suite...great for opening up the pelvic area...gas & air no included!

Jude xx
I watched the 7am airing. Crickey - how loud is JNL?!! Gives AY a run for her money

Anywya, maybe I am getting confused but to me JNL was implying that she lost 70 or 80lbs using this contraption (my aplogies if she did tell the truth about how she lost the weight in the first hour). She's a pro-fitness competitor/model (or at least she used to be - seen her a few times in a fitness mag I subscribe too). Her abs are down to a serious weight training programme and diet (as eating the right/clean foods).

3 mins a day on a whizzy board that costs the best part of £100 will not give you her abs.
Save your money and stick to bicycle crunches, planks, sit-ups etc - all of which can be done at home for FREE!!!
Blimey, she lost 6 stones and didn't end up with a load of loose crepy skin? I bet she's got an enormous scar inside those shorts.

She was so loud we could have heard her from California, there was no need to fly over in person. Poor old Claire was quite bemused and completely forgot to use her barbie doll voice.
I just had a quick look at the video. Wow! What a body. If that machine could make me look like her, I'd buy it in a heartbeat - but we all know it can't.

I felt really sorry for poor Tiffany. As far as I could see, she was made to stay on that machine for the whole of the presentation and, as someone said, wasn't even doing it properly. I think she represented the person who would buy it, try it and return it!!
Craig's just been swinging gosh he reminds me more of Graham Norton everytime I see him.
Anyway not going for the swinging machine JNL certainly has the body.:envy:
Having shed six inches off the hips and still more to go, I won't put the family seeing the remaining fat swinging side to side on this.
What was that strange scissor-like contraption they showed after the TSV? You have to sit on it and the squat up and down, presumably doing something to your legs? To me it just looked like the sort of thing that would have landed you in A&E! Especially if a man tried using it! Ouch! Mum looked at it, winced and said "haemorrhoids ahoy!". They're not funny, as she knows, but it did make us laugh at the time.
Good grief..I switched over just after 12 and thought I had stumbled on to a soft porn channel.All the close ups of that womans bum and the hip thrusting,beads of sweat rolling down her taut abs!!

And poor Beryl ,er sorry, Tiffany flailing around totally out of control..I kept expecting Age Concern to storm the set with a stretcher and an oxygen cylinder and cart her off screaming about abuse of the elderly!!!
It was wrong on so many levels!

My 19 year old son thought it was hysterical :clapping:

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