Amy Dawn's Niece Bursting With Her News


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Ugh. :doh: If I want people on my telly screeching about how 'gooooorgeous' something is I watch Little Britain.

Or JF wittering on about the latest Michele Hopeless monstrosity?

Sorry: I mean "ensemble".


Strange but true no mention of "Me Auntie Dawn" :blush:


Not politic if Aunty D's skipped off to C&C under a cloud and the ink's barely dry on Amy's brand new QVC contract...

Besides, if Dawn and Amy are that close, they're probably both rather happy with how things have turned out.
Not politic if Aunty D's skipped off to C&C under a cloud and the ink's barely dry on Amy's brand new QVC contract...

Besides, if Dawn and Amy are that close, they're probably both rather happy with how things have turned out.

I think Dawn and Amy have fallen out or certainly gone their seperate ways. Amy used to teach at Dawns studio but there are no classes with her anymore, also a listing of Amy's crafting friends does not contain Dawn.
I think QVC are making a big mistake using Amy as a presenter, she is condesending and does not seem have any real crafting talent. Pick and stick and use a CD that is about all I have ever seen from her. I do not watch her when she is on.

I cannot understand why she is so popular with the demonstrations she is doing around the country. I teach card making and I don't think I would not have many pupils if I spoke to people like she does.

I know a lot of people of aren't too keen on Dawn but at least she has talent and is creative, (her dvds prove this) she just does not get given the time on QVC to do proper demonstrations.
is amy the one who says 'likkle' instead of little all the time?

No, that was Leonie who moved to the dark side (Create & Craft) a couple of years ago.

Amy doesn't have Leonie's creativeness, gentle touch and ability to teach through her one-minute demos.

I do agree with the comment that Dawnie seems to be rushed from one item to the next without being able to show what can be done - that's where her imagination and creativity come into their own and were what drew me into watching her progs. She must have been very frustrated with it as she clearly is a true crafter.

I do hope that QVC will couple these changes with a shake-up of the products they offer. I'm sick of the cutesy rabbits, cartoon figures, Kanban ladies etc. BUT I don't want to see loads of CDs from which you have to print your own papers - my printer wouldn't give me quality results and would cost a fortune in ink.
I dont often watch the craft on QVC now having given up cutting and sticking a couple of yars ago but just occasionally I have seen some. Dawn did seem to be getting a tad fed up with always being rushed onto the next item and would make comments on how she had wanted to show something.

I dont remember craft shows being quite so frenatic a few years ago she did seem to be able to show things properly. I get the impression that the philosophy at QVC is to cram as many things into one show as possible and give as little information as they can get away with. I also wonder if they dont have as much stock of some things as they would have done previously because stuff seems to sell out very quickly in some shows which would explain why she never got time to show things properly.

As for Amy well I was always told if you cant say something nice dont say anything so I will keep quiet on that front!!!!
I'm not a Dawn super fan but she is streets ahead of Amy. Its not a good start to a programme when half the time you turn the volume down when Amy speaks!

However, talk about her blog being smug. If it wasn't for her Auntie, she wouldn't have had a look in at QVC. She hasn't even wished her well once in the speel (as she couldn't obviously mention the possible C&C move). Its just me, me me!

Not that I bought much from QVC craft (due to the P&P prices) in the first place, but I think more Amy will put lots of people off.
I'm not a Dawn super fan but she is streets ahead of Amy. Its not a good start to a programme when half the time you turn the volume down when Amy speaks!

However, talk about her blog being smug. If it wasn't for her Auntie, she wouldn't have had a look in at QVC. She hasn't even wished her well once in the speel (as she couldn't obviously mention the possible C&C move). Its just me, me me!

Not that I bought much from QVC craft (due to the P&P prices) in the first place, but I think more Amy will put lots of people off.

Good point, I'm sure she could have managed to say something without compromising her own position with QVC.

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