Ammolite clearout


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Susie Wusie

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
I'm sitting here watching an ammolite show where they're clearing jewellery out , there's two guys sitting in Las Vegas who apparently aren't allowed to bid for the jewellery but for every item that comes up they're saying they could sell it for thousands and thousands and of course the prices in England are £100-£300 for each item, now really anybody who owns a company selling jewellery and can genuinely get thousands of $s for it in Las Vegas, then why on earth would they be selling it for a few £100 in the UK , do they really think we are that dim or are they just very very very bad businessman
This must be the JCK event that they've been banging on about with Dave and Jake in Las Vegas. They do say the most ridiculous things. Last week they were selling stuff that 'they could take to JCK and get more for'................well why wouldn't you.........if you could?
I've virtually given up watching Gems. They take an absolute age to show any of the jewellery and when they do it is a quick view then back to the light box. I want to see the item on the presenter's finger and not in a light box. Then there is the constant talking, talking, talking before they eventually get round to selling. Then we have the likes of Dave Troth, hope I have spelt that right, who is on virtually every show when I switch on, going on and on and on, but no sign of the jewellery. Screeching presenters whose voices go higher and higher till it hurts my ears. For goodness sake, it is just a ring/bracelet/pendant, get a grip. The antics just drive me away. I don't mind knowing a little about the stones, but to be honest, all I want is to see what is for sale and not spend half my life waiting to be shown the item.
I lost the will to live this afternoon in just 5 minutes of watching Jake "live from.." (somewhere??). I only switch on occasionally these days, through sheet noseyness or to have a good laugh at what I see! How utterly ridiculous - not to say stupid salesmanship - to claim that something is worth thousands of pounds and then try to sell it for hundreds. Where is the proof of their claims? How can anyone at Gemporia think for one minute that this is Sunday afternoon viewing - listening to a bloke droning on by link, while the female presenter sits there saying intelligent things like "Wow!" "This is incredible" and so on. They should market it as an insomnia cure.

I've virtually given up watching Gems. They take an absolute age to show any of the jewellery and when they do it is a quick view then back to the light box. I want to see the item on the presenter's finger and not in a light box. Then there is the constant talking, talking, talking before they eventually get round to selling. Then we have the likes of Dave Troth, hope I have spelt that right, who is on virtually every show when I switch on, going on and on and on, but no sign of the jewellery. Screeching presenters whose voices go higher and higher till it hurts my ears. For goodness sake, it is just a ring/bracelet/pendant, get a grip. The antics just drive me away. I don't mind knowing a little about the stones, but to be honest, all I want is to see what is for sale and not spend half my life waiting to be shown the item.
I lost the will to live this afternoon in just 5 minutes of watching Jake "live from.." (somewhere??). I only switch on occasionally these days, through sheet noseyness or to have a good laugh at what I see! How utterly ridiculous - not to say stupid salesmanship - to claim that something is worth thousands of pounds and then try to sell it for hundreds. Where is the proof of their claims? How can anyone at Gemporia think for one minute that this is Sunday afternoon viewing - listening to a bloke droning on by link, while the female presenter sits there saying intelligent things like "Wow!" "This is incredible" and so on. They should market it as an insomnia cure.

Yes the female presenters seem to cling on to every word the men spout. I am not sure if my eyes or memory is playing tricks, but I thought I saw some shampoo or body lotion being sold the other day. I just wish someone, i.e. Steve, would reconsider how the shows are being presented and just get back to selling items, showing the items properly, throw that light box out of the nearest window, and stop with the ridiculous claims and high pitched over excited presentations. What I see now is just a complete turn off.
I think Steve lost the plot a while back - and they plug the fact that the Company is owned by the staff - so why is he still around? What are the implications with this arrangement (no doubt an accountant or lawyer would know, but I haven't a clue and don't fancy looking it up)? I broke my 5 minute rule and watched 10-15 minutes of Angeline presenting this morning and it was absolutely dire - she was repeating herself over and over, just throwing out words that didn't relate to what she was doing, having to correct herself and then.....the most embarrassing thing of all was she started up some long rigmarole about Guardian Angels watching over us and having that special someone looking out for us. No offence at all meant to anyone who believes, but the way it was done was simply sickly and came over as rather insincere, especially as she was selling a certain gemstone said to have certain properties (although she didn't guarantee this and made a point of saying she didn't). The bottom line, Angeline, is that you are there to flog jewellery.
Yes the female presenters seem to cling on to every word the men spout. I am not sure if my eyes or memory is playing tricks, but I thought I saw some shampoo or body lotion being sold the other day. I just wish someone, i.e. Steve, would reconsider how the shows are being presented and just get back to selling items, showing the items properly, throw that light box out of the nearest window, and stop with the ridiculous claims and high pitched over excited presentations. What I see now is just a complete turn off.
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Has anything changed at that place in the last few months or is it more of the same?
I gave up watching Gemporia a while back. I still dip into it every now and then but the CONSTANT adverts drive me crazy. I've sometimes watched the show for 10 minutes or so waiting for an actual product to come on but I've often been disappointed. It's ENDLESS adverts on a loop. Their sales technique is just awful. The reason I want to watch this channel is to see the gems and the jewellery, NOT to watch endless ads on a loop. I now find it difficult to watch, especially when Adina is on. She drives me nuts.
When I switch on these days, it is just endless shouting/talking, candles, scarves, handbags, lipstick, nail polish, hair clips, and goodness knows what else. Everything but gemstones.

I cannot work out what is going on at all. I like gemstones, I want to see gemstones for sale, not endless crap.

Some of those presenters are so hard to watch and listen to with their high pitched voices and continual shouting. The place needs a good shake up and they need to get back to selling what got me interested in the first place, and it ain't all of the items listed above.
The ****** lipsticks! They have to try on every shade and usually two or three of them standing around giggling and oohing and ahhing over them at £6.99 each you must buy them all.
I gave up watching Gemporia a while back. I still dip into it every now and then but the CONSTANT adverts drive me crazy. I've sometimes watched the show for 10 minutes or so waiting for an actual product to come on but I've often been disappointed. It's ENDLESS adverts on a loop. Their sales technique is just awful. The reason I want to watch this channel is to see the gems and the jewellery, NOT to watch endless ads on a loop. I now find it difficult to watch, especially when Adina is on. She drives me nuts.
Ah,Adina who constantly scratches at her scalp underneath the atrocious extensions.Before presenting each item,she has a habit of scratching her head and it's disgusting to see on live TV.This is when her chest is sometimes spilling out over her one black dress.Every single time the final price appears she starts giggling like crazy and it's always"Huge Congratulations",every time.She never gives any gemstone information and I can't even watch her anymore,just too irritating.

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