Am I jinxed?


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Jun 24, 2008
Worse things happen than this, well I know but so many little things have happened over the past couple of months, I'm compelled to put finger to keyboard!

New settee...Phone call on morning of delivery...."Sorry Mrs V but we were just loading the lorry and we noticed that your setee is badly damaged, so we'll have to reorder it! We'd waited 12 weeks already - Upshot, the company reordered as a priority and loaned us a settee to tide us over. 3 weeks later we got the new one now and very happy with it!

Replacement kitchen window - men came to fit it this week. Took out old window, put in new one....D'oh! They made it upside down! Don't worry Mrs V we should be able to sort it out for you this afternoon, however it'll mean we'll have to come back tomorrow to finish it off - that's ok. Back they came, they put it in, asked me to come and have a look....mmmm " that's not actually what I asked for..."Look, I can't even reach the handle without standing on a step, and to clean it I'll have to climb up onto the work surface, this is why I had the window changed in the first place!
Well here's the plans the guy said...this is what you ordered! Anyway I've got a copy of the plans myself I'll check. Went to the filing cabinet to get it...could I find it? The guy said I'll have to go now, I'll be back tommorrow to finish off! Hey hang on, errr. Cut a long story short, as soon as the guy had gone, I went back to the filing cabinet, found the plan and sure enough it was different to the one that he had. Got up next morning to find a dirty great crack across one of the panes of glass. Had to go to work first thing so hubby had to deal with it. Thankfully got profuse apology about the crack and the fact that the window was totally wrong...hopefully they'll be able to do it before xmas! In the meantime I'm left with a cracked window (aparantely not dangerous, but best not open it eh?)

Bought my hamster a new cage as the one he's in is a bit boring. Put it all together to noticed that a couple of the bars weren't actually welded to the cage properly! And the bit the wheel attaches to had snapped off - back that went " Do you want a replacement? No thanks I'll save up for a decent cage! (it wasn't even cheap btw it was £40!)

Bought what looked like a really good quality stainless steel copper bottomed pan set from Robert Dyas this week, as my old pans are looking a bit tired..Used the smallest pan to heat up some soup, washed as per instructions in warm soapy water and found that the inside of the pan was covered in water marks that wouldn't come off and the copper bottom had tarnished beyond recognition,and I had used it on a low heat on a gas hob,which according to the packaging was ok to do! It looked like they'd just put a thin layer of copper coloured paint on the bottom. That I've got to lug back to the shop today!

What is going on?!!!

Footnote - Just remembered that I've got someone coming round to see if they can fix the tv to the wall in the living room.....what's the worst that can happen lol!
Be assured Merryone that you are not the only one who experiences these things. I have simply come to the conclusion that nowadays nothing is straightforward.
Hey folks, an update. Tv on wall? Guy came round to fix it to the wall on hubby's day off, I eagerly walked home on the night looking forward to watching my newly hung telly. What sight awaited me when I got home. Bracket on the wall - check, fixing on the back of the telly - check...Telly sitting in exactly the same spot as it ever was! " You're not going to believe this" hubby piped up! - "Go on, try me!"
He couldn't hang it 'cause we couldn't get the telly off it's base stand! REALLY!!!!! I had checked this out beforehand and could see that it was fixed on by a couple of screws, I'd even left him with the right sized screwdriver with which to remove them in order to save time as the guy had kindly set he'd pop in after work and put it up for us. By all accounts they removed them but it still wouldn't budge! I thought I'd have a look at it my self, and very quickly I saw that there was another screw going right through the base of the stand so I removed that also, it gave a reassuring wobble, but it still didn't want to come right off. After a lot of swearing and tugging I admitted defeat. took the wall bracket off the back of the telly, removed the bracket from the wall, packed it back up in the box, and decided that we are jinxed, and would fight the Argos crowds today and try and get a refund!

This morning, new light, day off, slightly better mood - I rummaged through the filing cabinet for the third time this month - no luck of course, mood still not dampened, I hit the trusty old internet. "Ok Google" "How do I remove the base from my Samsung tv?" I was soon too learn that I was not the only chump in this world that his has happened to! Anyway, thanks to a wonderful site called and a fella named Jimbo - I had it off within 5 minutes!!! - Better phone my handyman to tell him the good news!!!!
I will keep my fingers crossed for you Merryone. However, you are not alone. Today I get up and guess what the central heating boiler is playing up, I have managed to get the heating going for now but no hot water and I really don't think the heating will last either.Appointment made with the heating engineer for 29th!
And I've found that these things do come in 3's

Well yes, this is the third..however, I uncharacteristically decided to go down the optimistic route and thought "hey, third time lucky! How silly was that. Glad I did manage to get the blinking telly off the base, otherwise I would have probably waited until we got a new telly a few years down the line and perhaps got it done then. Anyway, spoken to handy 'arry and he says she should be able to come back sometime next week but will obvs have to give him a bit more dosh that he originally asked for for his trouble - hey ho! worse things happen at sea, but it would have been lovely specially as we've got friends over tonight, and we very rarely I said oh flippin' well!

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