Ally Keenan


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Sep 29, 2013
I don't know what it is about Alison Keenan but every time she is on I have to switch off. I feel quite guilty because I really do want to like her but I find her very irritating. A bit like fingers being scraped down a blackboard. Good job I am not interested in the Diamonique that she is presenting.
I like her but lately she talks and talks and talks. One redeeming thing is it isn't a load of porkie pies, just too much rabbiting and if only she would slow down
I wonder what Whitesnake doesn't like about her? She is very middle class but she has quite an OK voice and good diction. I agree she could edit her speech a little, but I attribute her style to the management. All the presenters are like a kid with ADHD that's swallowed a bag of M&Ms!
The way I view Alison is that shes pleased to be there and sometimes over compensates by talking too much , I guess after the last few years shes been through, you cant blame her for being thankful for still being alive , there are much worse presenters on Q than Alison Keenan
The way I view Alison is that shes pleased to be there and sometimes over compensates by talking too much , I guess after the last few years shes been through, you cant blame her for being thankful for still being alive , there are much worse presenters on Q than Alison Keenan

here ****** hear
Nice lady but she talks too loud, too fast and over the guests. She was doing that before she became ill and she is still doing it so that's her style. I don't watch her too much but I wish her only good things with her health.

I wonder what Whitesnake doesn't like about her? She is very middle class but she has quite an OK voice and good diction. I agree she could edit her speech a little, but I attribute her style to the management. All the presenters are like a kid with ADHD that's swallowed a bag of M&Ms!

I am not sure what it is Julius. I agree with everything you say about her. She is nowhere near as bad as say Claire Sutton with her childish simperings but she gets on my nerves nevertheless. I think it is because she talks constantly and never lets you properly absorb the product she is trying to sell, but then she is nowhere near as bad as Sara G. I did not want to bring her illness into it because that has nothing to do with the way I feel about her.
I think her stamina is inspiring and positive. I admire her get-up-and -go, after the illness she has had that is something good. I haven't been ill and I don't have half the energy and stamina she has. She is obviously a strong lady. She has a great figure too. Can't really fault her to be honest. I can forgive her for talking a bit too fast, nobody is perfect.
I get annoyed because if she slowed down she would be one of the best presenters and I honestly don't remember her being as bad as this when I first watched Q.
I only get to watch the Q at certain times and days. So I rarely get to see her (or Kathy). There may be other presenters that I don't even know exist.

She seems a refreshing change to the usual suspects I get to see... Although I'm sure that ANYONE who spends too much time in my living room will irritate me in the end.
Alison Keenan has always spoken too fast and, as whitesnake pointed out doesn't give the viewer a chance to absorb information about the product. I tend to turn off if she's on, whereas if the presenter is good, such as Julia, I will often watch or have it on in the background even if the products aren't of interest because Julia - for instance - doesn't come across as pushy. As a side remark, I requested Alison K as a friend on Facebook, as I am 'friends' with Pipa and love reading her news, but Alison K ignored my friend request. :(

I have now got used to Chloe after weeks of not being sure about her and I want her dimples! lol

Oh and please Sara G, leave again!

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