Alison Young Shut Your Stupid Gob


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AY does my head in! Especially when she's talking to a T-caller with this mock expression of interest/concern, and spouting out crap such as "I'd prescribe " then comes out with the name of the most expensive product that they sell...."prescribe" my foot, what does she think she is....a bliddy doctor?

Also hate the way she says the word "years" it comes out as YURRS....ok, she probably can't help it, but she says it in such a way, that she sounds like a wise old gent/matriarch who's never been wrong about anything!

Oh, and the shouting crap such as...."If you've got a mature skin....DON'T BUY IT" If you have an oily skin DONT BUY IT,
if you can't afford it DON'T BUY IT..well not the last bit..but agghhhh!!!!!
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To me, AY and a few other (JR, JF etc) should just allow themselves and their bodies, to age naturally. I dread to think what damage they are doing to their skin by applyiing so many different things. There is nowt wrong with natural water in my opinion.
I may be risking my life now saying this but here goes!

I find AY quite funny and don't mind her - I make my own mind up about a product and don't just buy it because she or anybody else says so.

If you don't like AY why do you watch? Turn the telly off and let others who want to watch do so in peace.

There's no need to be rude.

There said it.

Hope you don't all hate ME too now.

Don't be daft, course we don't hate you, if there wasn't someone in one of the negative threads who didn't come in and tell us we're being mean/uncharitable and should switch off, there'd be something wrong!

Stick up for her if you wish, that's your perogative,as is it for those making negative comments..and who's stopping you watching her in peace? Enjoy x
Don't be daft, course we don't hate you, if there wasn't someone in one of the negative threads who didn't come in and tell us we're being mean/uncharitable and should switch off, there'd be something wrong!

Stick up for her if you wish, that's your perogative,as is it for those making negative comments..and who's stopping you watching her in peace? Enjoy x

Well said MerryOne :up2: It would be a sad forum if we were too scared to say our bit. I have been through the I love Alison stage and come out the other end at the I hate Alison stage, now I am indifferent which is a nice place to be as I can watch make up demonstrations without wanting to put my fist through the telly.
I may be risking my life now saying this but here goes!

I find AY quite funny and don't mind her - I make my own mind up about a product and don't just buy it because she or anybody else says so.

If you don't like AY why do you watch? Turn the telly off and let others who want to watch do so in peace.

There's no need to be rude.

There said it.

Hope you don't all hate ME too now.

I can't stand the woman but will stoutly defend your right to like her and enjoy her programmes.:nod:
Those of us who don't like her but still watch, often do so because we are interested in a new product or wish to know how to apply something. I watch with the sound off until the relevant segment appears..........
HaHaHaHaha! My hubby bought me a gun that shoots foam rings for the same reason, but it's used for AY generally and Ms Bibby when she's having a moan.....and the weirdo fairy lady....and others, too numerous to mention....:giggle::giggle::giggle:

You and Loveakin have made me laugh so hard this morning, thank you to you both, had a crubby night sleep and feel so miserable this morning, you guys really cheered me up!:rock:
You and Loveakin have made me laugh so hard this morning, thank you to you both, had a crubby night sleep and feel so miserable this morning, you guys really cheered me up!:rock:

* Dons MaccyD apron ( or similar) *

Happy to help! Would you like that laugh supersized Madam?
I may be risking my life now saying this but here goes!

I find AY quite funny and don't mind her - I make my own mind up about a product and don't just buy it because she or anybody else says so.

If you don't like AY why do you watch? Turn the telly off and let others who want to watch do so in peace.

There's no need to be rude.

There said it.

Hope you don't all hate ME too now.

but then i'd have nothin' to moan about ;)
HI! I'm new to posting but have read you lot for years! On the subject of AY et al, I have to agree with another poster regarding the skins of some of the presenters-if all these ranges are so brilliant, why do some of them have so many wrinkles?
HI! I'm new to posting but have read you lot for years! On the subject of AY et al, I have to agree with another poster regarding the skins of some of the presenters-if all these ranges are so brilliant, why do some of them have so many wrinkles?

welcome to the forum yorkshire pud! (love the name!). You're quite right about the presenters not being brilliant adverts for all the so-called wonder products QVC promote. :tongue2:
I'm afraid the game is up.

In other words, get lost you silly cow. Only the dimmest and most gullable of viewers can possibly believe that applying pink coloured "collagen gel" which has been extracted from some unspecified plant is going to improve their skin. The rest of your claims, regardless of brand, are equally lame.

Mind you, at least AY isn't asking us to eat collagen which seems to be the latest "on-trend" thing to do judging by some daft beauty article I was recently reading - marshmellows filled with the stuff :puke:

Still, it would keep her quiet during the presentation though...:devil:
If you don't like AY why do you watch? Turn the telly off and let others who want to watch do so in peace.

Hope you don't all hate ME too now.
If you like beauty shows though it's very often AY presentin With something like jewellery, technology etc you can switch off if you don't like the presenter and be safe in the knowledge there will be another show soon presented by someone else.

But no I don't hate you we are all entitled to our opinion.
Mind you, at least AY isn't asking us to eat collagen which seems to be the latest "on-trend" thing to do judging by some daft beauty article I was recently reading - marshmellows filled with the stuff :puke:

Still, it would keep her quiet during the presentation though...:devil:

That sounds like absolute nonsense as collagen is a protein so I would have though it would just be broken down by the enzymes in your digestive system. It can only be a matter of time before QVC start selling it!
That sounds like absolute nonsense as collagen is a protein so I would have though it would just be broken down by the enzymes in your digestive system. It can only be a matter of time before QVC start selling it!

you are totally right, eating it would be totally pointless. There is no evidence to show that we can absorb it through skin either. So topical application is pointless
Lol! I think both the Alison's are a complete pain. AY bellows in that shrieking, nasally way, while the one just bellows.
Also AY has made her name on being quite rude and forthright with her colleagues so if she reads this and doesn't like it - tough!
Hi all,

I'm completely new to putting an opinion on this forum but have loved the threads and comments, both good and well, not so good!

Some years ago, I suffered with horrible skin that actually was very, very sore with excema and side effects from medication. I always remember watching AY and me thinking i'd got nothing to loose so decided to buy the Liz Earle set that was on at the time. Nearly 10 years on, I'm still using Liz Earle and my skin no longer hurts me like it used to, it really has improved and has never looked better. I've tried many other AY recommendations since, liked some, hated others but have always taken her advice with a sensible dose of caution and humour!

I do agree with some of the comments that she can be overpowering to say the least and there has been occasions where I've found myself muting her!! But, when all's said and done, there must be others like me who did reap the benefit of trusting her advice, so I for one owe her a big thank you. (but would like her occasionally to 'shut it'!!!)
Alison Young shut your stupid gob

I agree with all of you, but I do have to say, that in the early days, I did learn a lot from her and probably have her to thank for having such a good skin in my 70s. The most important thing I learnt, in the early days, was never to use soap on my face, I did not know, and now never do.

I used to use stuff like Nivea on my face, but now mostly use Liz Earle altho have tried most of the other brands, and do have a well moisturised skin.

Among all the other irritations, I go mad when she now gives such excellent advice telling us to keep the lids on jars!

Yes Allison, was doing that before you were born.

think boots have just got bigger than gob!

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