Alison Young Shut Your Stupid Gob


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Jun 24, 2008
I'm afraid the game is up.

Your credentials are questionable.
Your personality jars.
You have zero credibility.
You are unpleasant to watch.

In other words, get lost you silly cow. Only the dimmest and most gullable of viewers can possibly believe that applying pink coloured "collagen gel" which has been extracted from some unspecified plant is going to improve their skin. The rest of your claims, regardless of brand, are equally lame.

I appeal to you all, stop putting money into this ridiculous woman's pocket.
It amazes me how she and QVC have got away with these ridiculous claims for so long Burlz. But then you have to equally blame the stupidity of the people who believe all that crap she spouts. :rolleyes: :pPC:
hear, hear, AY is the artistic name, but she really is Eliza Doolittle.
Harsh, harsh, but oh so true! Thanks BurlZ. I reckon you've saved me some dosh tonight. I feel I've been slapped round the face with the cold hard truth! I did want that tsv though.........
Harsh, harsh, but oh so true! Thanks BurlZ. I reckon you've saved me some dosh tonight. I feel I've been slapped round the face with the cold hard truth! I did want that tsv though.........

petpixie, well done for resisting. if you feel the need to treat yourself, go buy yourself a box of chocs, or a book, a DVD, a bottle of wine or something new to wear.

You will feel and look better for it.
I think if you've been watching QVC for long enough Alison Young becomes surplus to requirements.
You know what you like and you know what you don't,there's nothing that she can sell me.

I happen to like the SBC products so am happy with the TSV and if they didn't work for me I wouldn't buy them.

The amount of things she must slap on her face beggars belief,she would have us believe she's using Bionova,Gatineau,Clientele,Elemis,Decleor,SBC,Lulu's Time Bomb and everything in between....and every one of those things is the best thing since bread came sliced...I don't care if she is one month on one month off,she'd be overloading her skin.

So I basically never listen her,just hit the mute until the guest starts to speak if i'm at all interested in the product.
Only the dimmest and most gullable of viewers can possibly believe that applying pink coloured "collagen gel" which has been extracted from some unspecified plant is going to improve their skin.

Funniest thing I've read all week.......& so true! :grin::nod::grin:
Am off to bed now, don't think I can stand to hear AY say 'Lux-uuuur-ious' one more time.......! lol
Nite all! xx
I'm an Alison Young Fan. *ducks* and I appreciate that her job is to highlight the selling points of each range and promote them so that some of us buy them. (Hopefully the people those products would be most suited to. )

But I can't watch an SBC show because of Collagen Gel.

As far as I know

(from a SBC show I watched about 14 years ago)

SBC Collagen Gel is sold as containing collagen...

...and this is promoted as being good for collagen production within the skin,

...which is good for anti ageing.

So far so good - right?

The trouble is, putting collagen on the skin is useless in this respect because collagen is a long chain protein and is far too big to penetrate into the skin to a place where more collagen would be handy.

So the pink goo sits uselessly on top.

If AY and SBC knew anything about skin they would know this.

So either they know sweet fanny adams or they're lying through their teeth.

This why I've never bought anything from SBC.
I've never understood the collagen thing tbh but we use Arnica, propolis and others, all the time, and they really work.
If I get collagen gel in a kit I've bought for the other items in it, I use it on my hands, because I can't bear to waste anything and, as others have pointed out, it sinks in quickly and doesn't leave any stickiness. As I craft for a living, this is important.I wouldn't buy it as a stand-alone product.
My dad swears by arnica gel and bath soak for his dicky hips but I was just turned off the whole range early on and it still actually makes me cross when SBC are on. :eek: (Hubby bought me a foam brick to lob at the telly!)
My dad swears by arnica gel and bath soak for his dicky hips but I was just turned off the whole range early on and it still actually makes me cross when SBC are on. :eek: (Hubby bought me a foam brick to lob at the telly!)

HaHaHaHaha! My hubby bought me a gun that shoots foam rings for the same reason, but it's used for AY generally and Ms Bibby when she's having a moan.....and the weirdo fairy lady....and others, too numerous to mention....:giggle::giggle::giggle:
HaHaHaHaha! My hubby bought me a gun that shoots foam rings for the same reason, but it's used for AY generally and Ms Bibby when she's having a moan.....and the weirdo fairy lady....and others, too numerous to mention....:giggle::giggle::giggle:

So glad I'm not the only one! (I was kind of regretting typing about that, but now I feel better. :sun:)
When I first started watching QVC as soon as they came to air I was quite impressed with Gobby's knowledge literally and actually looked forward to her shows. I don't recollect her going on and on and on and on so much literally then but I suppose I was younger and her grating voice didn't irritate me to much................:wink2:

Now? I very rarely watch the channel least of all if I know she's on literally. I immediately either switch off or hit the mute button literally. Surely, the people in the gallery could tell her to SHUT UP and let the guest presenter speak because she asks them a question and them immediately interrupts the answer.

Gobby literally gets on my nerves big time.............:tongue2:
Thanks BurlyBear, you've hit the nail on the head. I've never bought any beauty products ever, not because I'm too beautiful to need them...but I don't believe any of the codswallop. A good diet and exercise keep me feeling well. :4: Or the occasional blow -out...
Can't BEAR AY anymore, she talks sh*te, her credentials are long out of date (the state of the BE she put on the model last night?!) and she's most certainly no expert now if ever she was. Plus the blatant lies QVC comes out with on a daily basis really grate on me now as well.

Also, they never mention that the SBC collagen contains marine collagen so for any vegetarians like me this is a no-no. I actually really liked this product as a nice light moisturiser but I binned it as soon as a lovely member here found out from the company that it's not plant collagen. They really should point this out as it's important to a lot of people where the ingrediants come from!

The trouble is, putting collagen on the skin is useless in this respect because collagen is a long chain protein and is far too big to penetrate into the skin to a place where more collagen would be handy.

So the pink goo sits uselessly on top.

If AY and SBC knew anything about skin they would know this.

So either they know sweet fanny adams or they're lying through their teeth.

This why I've never bought anything from SBC.

I was going to write something similar myself but then realised I was too bl**dy lazy to exercise my fingers to that degree about a product I don't really give a stuff about, so hurray that somebody else did it for me! lol :up2:
I may be risking my life now saying this but here goes!

I find AY quite funny and don't mind her - I make my own mind up about a product and don't just buy it because she or anybody else says so.

If you don't like AY why do you watch? Turn the telly off and let others who want to watch do so in peace.

There's no need to be rude.

There said it.

Hope you don't all hate ME too now.
I saw AY for the first time in ages last last. Whatever she's using on her face just aint working, I think she looks older than her years. Sorry.:54:

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