*Puts on flak jacket and helmet*
Alexandrite is a valuable gem in it's own right. Having a true provenance attached that a gem is Russian is a bonus. However, I don't believe that Gems could ever give true provenance on these so I'd take it with a pinch of salt. I don't mean to rain on anybody's parade (and believe me I have some of the "Russians" myself) but I'm not sure that these Alex should be considered Russian. The Russian mine ran out years before 2005 so unless GemsTV had a secret squirrel stash somewhere ........ Anyway, you get my point!
Needless to say, an Alex is an Alex and (for me) the best gem in the world! I think that we've all been exceptionally lucky to buy the Alex at prices/carat weights that we have in the past and I KNOW that these gems are ones that will make very very nice heirloom pieces for our grandchildren. Put it this way, try finding any Alex from any part of the world in sizes that we bought for the price we paid and you'll see what I mean!!!
*Takes off flak jacket and runs for cover*