I went to Aldi mid-afternoon. Traipsed up and down the four aisles of Specialbuys, checked the everyday toiletries section, even went all along the food Specialbuys aisles in case they had hidden the beauty there and was about to walk out when I spotted a member of staff (a rarity). So I asked if they had sold out of all the beauty or would be getting it another day and she said it was over by tills 1-3. Now, I know others have said they have found items “by the tills” but I’d only looked for stands at the end of the aisles next to tills or whatever. I found it actually on raised shelves alongside the conveyor belts, where other supermarkets sometimes have things like bottles of water and chewing gum for queuing customers to pick up last minute items. It seems a weird place to me but I’m just happy I found it at all. Fortunately, none of the tills was in use or it would have been impossible to study the offerings and root through the little boxes. They had nearly everything in the leaflet so I went a bit mad, especially as the last three times I’ve been in over the last year, I’ve not found anything except one item once.
So, TLL, another time, remember to tell your “personal shopper”
to look by the checkout conveyor belts. And let’s all keep this to ourselves on here so the eBay raiders can’t go in and buy it all up to sell at 4x the price before we have chance to get any!