Abbie 'I AM Ultrasun' Cleeves


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"I do deliver the most magnificent tan"....I, I, I :cool:

Is this getting on anyone else's wick?!! :whew:

Anyway, just wanted to say, Ms Cleeves just claimed that one lip treatment was £6, well £3.98 with free delivery on Also, the 500ml Sports spf20, £34 with free postage (only pence more expensive but save £4.95 on delivery!)

Just off to buy some aftersun (£12.49 for 150ml :wink:)
Totally! She actually said "this is the one I am most famous for"!!

When they get so full if themselves that they think they are bigger than the brand itself it's time for Ultrasun to replace her. She is an "Ultrasun bore." Catherine Huntley's eyes are glazing over when she keeps whittering on. I would cross the street if this woman was approaching, just to avoid this boring, dreadful woman.
Uproar on Facebook over her repeated once a day claims. QVC posted the other day that it varies depending on individual circumstances but AC keeps on repeating once a day ad nauseam.
It's her ad that annoys me - "For Him, For Them, For You" what a smug little speech aimed at women to encourage them to look after "their man" and sproglets, treating sun protection as a cosy family affair. I don't have either and feel alienated by her claptrap.

(well not really but her smug voice does).
It's her ad that annoys me - "For Him, For Them, For You" what a smug little speech aimed at women to encourage them to look after "their man" and sproglets, treating sun protection as a cosy family affair. I don't have either and feel alienated by her claptrap.

(well not really but her smug voice does).

I thought it was just me that gets wound up by that!!
i was surprised to hear CH mentioned that they are the same age.I though CH had not quite hit the 40 yet...whilst I put the ultrasun woman at mid/late 40's?
She wears her dresses far too short and loves the sound of her voice rather too much for my liking so I have added her to my list of switch off's along with Claire Sutton,RevitaNatalia,and Kim n Co!
I'm sure CH said the other day she will be 39 this birthday, as I remember thinking she was the same age as me. I am deeply shocked that Abbie 'I loved it so much I bought the company' Cleeves is even under 50!!!! Shocking stuff.
It's her ad that annoys me - "For Him, For Them, For You" what a smug little speech aimed at women to encourage them to look after "their man" and sproglets, treating sun protection as a cosy family affair. I don't have either and feel alienated by her claptrap.

(well not really but her smug voice does).

Alexiis (L'Occitane) has just said that we're all busy whether we are a mum with young children, a mum doing the school run, a working mum or retired. Obviously as a singleton I'm not busy at all! She another guest who has that aura of smugness.
She's on Sky 658 now. The programme before this featured Emma Hardie & her products.
What a contrast!
Two women passionate about their products - one appeals to me because of her mad, warm zany way, tother is a total turn-off with her 'you will listen to me' attitude.
Sorry Boris Bear - must change my username!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL! It's the fact that Alexis seemed to think only of mums when coming up with examples of busy people that irritated me. It's a bit like politicians who repeatedly talk about hard working families as if anyone who is on their own doesn't work hard.
LOL! It's the fact that Alexis seemed to think only of mums when coming up with examples of busy people that irritated me. It's a bit like politicians who repeatedly talk about hard working families as if anyone who is on their own doesn't work hard.

I'm with you all the way Boris Bear! Nothing whatsoever against mums, but as someone with no children I detest the 'working mum/stay at home mum/yummy mummy/school run' world. It's not that I am jealous, I just hate the smugness!!!! Grrr. You can have a life, and a purpose, without children you know :angry: lol

Alexis is the worst for this - she is just smugness personified :angel:

Sorry, rant over :bandit:
i was surprised to hear CH mentioned that they are the same age.I though CH had not quite hit the 40 yet...whilst I put the ultrasun woman at mid/late 40's?
I thought that Abbie was in her mid fifties, all that sun protection from AGEING didn't do her much good then...
Have said before that I can't bear that Abby woman. She just churns out the never ending spiel and with a know it all attitude. I too thought she was 50 ish.

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